Sunday, October 31, 2021


 THE PLIGHT OF THE ERRONEOUS                                                                                     

The present write-up painfully summarizes the abject inadequacy among modern graduates and Post-graduates emerging from several parts of Tamil Nadu. My reference to this province gains significance, because this territory in South India has had a tradition of immaculate usage of LANGUAGES INCLUDING English in the first quarter century in the history of independent India. Where have we lost this pristine glory is a lamentation by all elders.

Well, as of now, every situation looms as a plight. Some people advocate the concept of ‘positivity’ in our outlook and approach. It reads healthy with a passive suggestion of ‘self correction’ along the course. But what baffles me is the suggested positivity on the face of inept equipping and callous indifference to the process of learning. Unfailingly it leads to a state of misconstrued opinionating to the extent of bruising cordial friendship among persons of comparable parity of age and levels of study. To me it tends to rake-up a sense of alienation between the mentally ‘haves’ and the have-nots’. Ironically, the latter assume greater wisdom upon themselves, they being more opinionated than they are truly apprised. The malady seems to get entrenched in the society faster largely by callous indifference to appropriate learning and the ever expanding population of incompetent handlers of the languages. The concern expressed here pertains to abuse of the languages with near gay abandon.

The steadfast adherence to such ‘wrong conception, is based on an excuse “someone said so”.   To me it looks a defence, if not defiance. Honestly it is appalling rather than appealing to be a way out. I can bring to the discussion a number of situations where persons make utterances that would not manage safe passage among native monolingual speakers.

The spirit of the suggestion is to fore-warn such deficient minds to get appropriately equipped before any native speaker chooses to dress their ego down to a point of shame, leaving them  ‘bare’ with fangs of wounded vanity. Even among non native speakers, the discerning do not pardon the defiance backed up by emboldened arrogance borne out of numerical frequency of their lot. Being in the bracket of ill- conceived, idiocy is a syndrome that amplifies such defects elevating their status to that of a butt of ridicule. The worst form of defending the defective handling of languages is to baffle the opponent saying that this is the modern way, while yours is the old form. Painfully the truth is – a thing has been wrongly learnt recently; so it is the “modern way”. I readily brush them aside saying    “any defective equipment however new is a liability”.  Look at the following:

Amongst our ‘butts of ridicule’  the terms ‘improve and ‘improvise’   figure liberally as ‘interchangeable’ while in reality they are unrelated. Another inadequacy among them is to wrongly insert ‘continue’  in place of ‘continuous’ in the course of  a conversation with an unfailing alacrity of conservation of jarring error. Quite some assumptions dominate their minds while framing statement; terms are wrongly employed on the belief of their assumed meaning though they spell like near cousins.  For example similar terms   oppose/ appose, Judicial / judicious, ludicrous / luscious, Diffuse / Defuse, Climatic / Climactic, Desert/Dessert, Principle/ Principal, to/ too   etc. look alike but their meanings refer to different items. It is probable that children in their formative days are not groomed well to grasp the essential basics and the difference between verb /adverb and adjectives. In later life, these boys and girls feel it insecure to interact among contemporary learners and they turn mute in the company of those who are adept in the nuances of language. By the time they are at higher levels of study, ego forbids their seeking clarification; instead, they choose to put on airs of confidence and try to silence critics with fragile and futile defence of taking refuge under “modern pattern of usage”. Seldom do they realize how badly they are judged for their inadequacy on all occasions of quality judgment.  It is not my endeavour to portray them in bad light; but often they do not heed well-meant directives and unfailingly irritate those who iterate their flaws. Well before they are ready to launch themselves into the ocean of competition, they would get drowned by the mass of their ego unless they disband it to unburden themselves and acquire the virtue of listening to sensible suggestion instead of being sensitive. Sensibility should always take precedence  over sensitivity                                                                          K . RAMAN    02-07-2020                  

Saturday, October 30, 2021




    Is ‘might’ a physical quantum?

     My present dilemma seeking to raise this question has been impelled by the outbreak of Corona virus disease -2019 [covid-19 for short]. Well, why should anyone rake up such opinion in the first place is something that I cannot myself answer straight.  Yet, mind being what it is, such opinions never suffer a ‘lock down’, though the world has been through an unprecedented global lock down. After all, such outbreaks push us through despair that humans are a hapless lot, no matter which civilization they represent.

    Look at these pieces of information. Outbreak of the virus has been in the news since December 2019. Obviously, well before administrations could seize themselves of the reality, the corona virus, true to its name [ corona= crown] got itself crowned as the global power. My reference to ‘might’ takes into reckoning the swift sweep of viral disease across the world, politely reminding the humans of their claims of supremacy in health care, Hygiene, Scientific achievements, economic supremacy, trans-regional medical support and rich record of Sustained GDP over decades.

    Reports relating to Covid 19 show that a particle of the virus carries a genome of approx. 30kbp [30,000 base pairs] as against 6.4 billion base pairs of human genome [BASIC GENE POOL SIZE].  The viral genome is RNA material, exercising a regulation over further amplification of viral population in the host.  Thereafter, it keeps hopping from person to person, unless the infected members are confined by quarantine. Even more intriguing is the ability of the virus to remain functionally viable on non-living surfaces, Beside the catastrophe that the virus has inflicted on to the world in the beginning of 2020, some super powers were trading tirades against each other, obviously disturbed by the prospect of the label of cruel or careless experimentation.  So, what a super power is? If it is just placing a vice-like hold, then the virus looks a mega superpower despite its diminutive size, far beyond the visual perceptions of humans.

    Like all viral infections, these also take over the physiology of the host and generate a series of viral elements using host machinery and spread on to other members of the society. Physical dimensions of the virus are ridiculously small while those of its physiology are unnerving; the virus has spread at a pace not known earlier. It has hit nations alike irrespective of their membership on UNSC -some of whom enjoy veto powers. All of them have been vetoed by the virus. So, diplomacy, military supremacy, industrialization, healthcare have all been brought under health scare by the virus. It is time powers conceded that even a small speck of Nature can grind anything to halt transcending all borders and barriers.  ‘Might’ is simply the ability to perform with precision.                       

                                                           Prof.  K. RAMAN           Done on       20-03-20

Friday, October 29, 2021

Strategies II Re-visited


Strategies – II Re-visited


TO AVOID                                                                                                      


*Comparison with others                           

*Score-Centric learning                            

*Looking for job even while studying    


                                    TO DO

                           *Stay in focus     

                           * Learn by comprehending

                           * Equip self in many languages


                           *Learning from informal sources                      


I am re posting the last segment to restore sense. Android systems carry out     

Editing –uncalled for.  Pardon the inconvenience

                                                 Prof. K. Raman






Learning need not be by a set pattern or formal. It can be informal as well. Informal occasions sail smooth as they do not impose restrictions. Such situations constitute ‘passive learning’ as against the ‘active learning’ which is the official form in classroom; it goes by time and carries out assessment for finding out the ‘grasp’ of the learner. Therefore, a sense of urgency is associated with class rooms of formal teaching.


Learner can assess self by methodic evaluation; reciting the pieces learnt, writing / re-writing passages from ‘what has been understood’ are useful. Such practices help the person to find out the ability for retention. Recapitulation [‘chewing the cud’] is a process of refining the ability for long term memory. Memory is helpful for ‘non-analytic’ purposes [spelling, historic year, formulae, author names etc.]  But, memory shall not be taxed for the sake of facing examinations. Allowing the mind to grasp an idea is a superior method to support memory and the converse [forcing the mind to remember without grasping] suppresses learning instead of supporting it.

COMPREHENSION Vs MEMORIZING                           

Memory is a capacity for recalling routine information; it has short and long term components. The latter are essential particularly in higher education, analyses, interpretation and correlating cause –effect phenomena. However, memory is also conditioned by familiarity. Several items can be held in memory by systematic training. Always trying to relate an item to its closest link is a simple exercise of memory-training.  Frequent recalling of items [such as names, ideas, spelling] is the simplest approach to memory training. It should be a daily habit to trigger memory by recalling.

Recalling should not be by rote or forcible memorizing. Forcibly memorizing a subject fatigues the mind and the spirit of learning. Learning is not repeating the message; it is total understanding of ideas related to a process/event/ complex connections in a theory.  Total understanding is Comprehension. It has the advantage of effortless remembering. ONLY SUCH ‘COMPREHENDED’ IDEAS CONSTITUTE KNOWLEDGE. Knowledge gets integrated to the learner, only if the information is fully understood. A long ensemble determines the ‘knowledge’ of the person. Knowledgeable persons do not entertain fear. Fear is a sign of poor comprehension. Alarmingly, fear is a natural barrier to comfortable learning.


A series of components lead us to knowledge. Assembling varied subunits [letters, words, statements] provides some information. Different pieces of information can constitute a subject. Varied facets of a subject can form the ‘knowledge’ for a defined territory. Thus, knowledge encompasses, understanding of all lower subunits. Knowledge accrues from long systematic comprehension of all components. Application of knowledge to effectively solve problems is wisdom. Knowledge is a step towards wisdom. Wisdom may emerge from careful application of knowledge by systematic judgment of every step.



For improvement, every previous step is important. Thoroughly understand the first step before entering the second step; at every stage be sure of all its features and go up. It should be implicitly followed for every lesson, subject and situation. Soon, the learner would be happily surprised of his or her ability to understand. Even more interesting it would be to recognize that memory is fresh and learning turns pleasant from its current cumbersome state. Remember to recall items without looking to the study material. Progressively, fear recedes, hope blossoms leading to hard work and pride of learning.

TO AVOID                                                    TO DO                                                  

*Fear                                                           *Stay in focus     

*Comparison with others                           * Learn by comprehending

*Score-Centric learning                             * Equip self in many languages

*Looking for job even while studying       *Learning from informal sources                      

 Prof. K. Raman



Thursday, October 28, 2021




I make it clear that the topic is not a repeat of the already posted item. Demands of the contents impose retention of the topic title “Learning” though the information concentrates on Strategies thereof.


Learning is a continual, progressive effort with diverse options. However, it is a kind of telescopic extension narrowing down on to an item of specific interest. Therefore, the success of progression depends on the strength of the knowledge on the basics. Thus, learning requires careful building up of skills and perfect understanding. Per se ‘understanding’ is a product that emerges from systematic augmentation of varied dimensions of any information. It requires processing of data and logical deduction. Until understanding is achieved, learning appears taxing, cumbersome and burdening to the learner. ‘Understanding’ holds the key to effective learning; it rests on clarity.


L /T are intertwined and mutually inclusive. The two [L / T] repeat in a cycle that ‘which leads what’ is a moot question. Broadly, there is no teaching without learning and vice-versa. The two events occur in tandem. In plain terms, the teacher is a learner and the learner is a teacher; they acquire the skills essential for their respective activity from mutual interaction.


True efforts to L/T need skillful interaction. Without interaction, class-room exercises become ritualistic. Making the effort effective requires participation; lest it should fade into an insipid monologue. So, a learner has to be participative. Participation leads to enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is a step to happiness. Things learnt with happy mind register themselves better than those forcibly memorized. LEARNING SHOULD NEVER TAX ONE’S MEMORY.   So, the game begins with a series of prerequisites. Understanding accrues from grasp, grasp comes from clarity, clarity is strengthened by clear perception of constituent details. Failure in any facet [suggested above] ruins the happiness of learning; it destroys the interest for learning. All these are important feelings from mind. To succeed in this mind game, the learner and the teacher should keenly mind the game.  Interactive approach eases pressure and foists a congenial setting for learning and teaching.


Every effort has to begin from learning the basics. Rudiments of subjects are like ‘alphabets’ to a language; the links between varied pieces of information get determined by ‘operative law –the grammar’ of any subject. Grammar is the strength of communication; it precludes the scope of ambiguity by its rigid stipulations. Learning the basics /grammar for a subject offers the best base on which the edifice of knowledge stands. Well-founded ideas of basics /grammar last life-long and can help adding any volume of knowledge through one’s life. Poor knowledge of basics is a strong disincentive to higher learning. It is never too late to ‘recast’ knowledge of the basics, if one prefers to shape the personality of self. Setting the basics right, rapidly enhances the spirit of ‘fearless learning’. Fear and learning are mutual antagonists. So, teaching must orient itself to eradication of fear, while learning must attempt to recognize the complete details of any information as a mechanism of alleviating fear. Fear has its roots in ‘doubt’. Doubt is the undoubted source of fear in learners’ minds. Kill fear before fear kills you. Some steps can help to organize our strategies of learning. Acquiring such skills shall be the immediate interest for anyone who wishes to progress smooth and high in life.              


Learning subjects/ languages requires authentic references; following some hearsay practices does not help authentic acquisition of knowledge. In fact, learning from hearsay has brought about defective usages which fail to convince the knowledgeable audience.

Usages- temperavary, assault, balruss, overoil, coacher, checker are instances of shabby training in handling language.

 Let us be clear that the malady is not peculiar to our handling of English. Even more alarming are some of our utterances in our mother tongue. These are largely traceable to our casual approach to communication. Rectifying these mistakes can be done by using authentic Dictionaries in THE RESPECTIVE LANGUAGE.  Also, usages must be learnt for appropriate application in spoken or written form. For subjects like History, Geography and Political sciences, Atlas, Maps etc. are essential. Special reference materials, CDs and internet help proper learning. Also, these can be repeatedly used for better familiarity of the subject matter.



Proper spelling of words is the first feature of appropriate learning. Spellings should not be inferred from   the phonetic feature of words [eg. island, rendezvous, Superintendent, debris, robot]. They should be learnt the right way and practised until they are fully learnt. Syntax is the arrangement of words in a sequence for sentence making. The culture of a language should be respected while writing in that language. With English, the difficulty is more pronounced, as there are versions- British / American. At times, usages may differ too. So, learning the way the natives use a language is better. It confers greater authenticity and acceptance on to our expressions among those native speakers. Unavoidably, the features of one’s mother tongue may creep in while speaking in an alien tongue. It can be overcome by adopting curt styles of speech typical to that language. Much can be learned from keen observation.



Education is not a mere ability for reproduction of statements. It is an act of knowledge-building by adopting methods of acquisition and improvement. Knowledge is a product. It has to be ‘developed’ by assembling innumerable pieces of information. While assembling them, a complete idea emerges from a coordination of fine details. Only if well understood, knowledge accrues and gets integrated to the mind. Such ideas are not forgotten; instead, the idea works in the mind of the learner and progresses towards conceptualization. The process of conceptualization begins from ‘application of Knowledge’. A lot can be learned by observation of happenings around. There is no limit to the sources of learning. Some are formal systems like classrooms while there are many other non-formal and informal occasions in all public places. While formal situations go by prescribed steps, the others provide occasions to learn. If we cultivate the habit of ‘observing around’, learning becomes simple, rapid and enjoyable.

To continue                                                                                   K. Raman


Wednesday, October 27, 2021




Honestly, I do not presume anyone to answer this question; I too am aware of the peril that the world is through -- a war – never declared nor notified and yet being fought against an enemy unseen; for, the enemy is within the very fighter; ironically the enemy is too small but too big to enforce a lock down of global magnitude.  To say the least, the ‘enemy’ is perfectly armed to disarm anyone and wreck huge damage -incalculable and at times pushing the victims to the ‘other world’.  Has any scientist ever imagined that radars can be safely passed by aerial invaders? With all our Satellites and Infrared monitors tracking every movement on Earth, an entrant without any visa has crippled all systems of transport on land, sea and air. This is a world war of a new dispensation where arms, ammunition, ballistic missiles and ego are irrelevant and inefficient.

What sort of a war has this been?

A war –not to restore land or territory but to keep surviving by pursuit of some avocation ; till such time that  we feel safe, all avocations are through vacation or at least partly so, barring the few ‘work from home’ trades.  Such staying in barracks is mandatory unless one chooses to date with destiny.  In wars of traditional description, combats ensue in open fields, wielding high power weaponry aided by logistic back up and swift aircraft that can defy counter attempts.  The war that we are through now, has a battle ground well equipped to keep the fighters at ease with round-the –clock vigil by medical teams, paramedics, pharmaceutics and software–aided alerts  and instant revision of strategies, best for the hour and so on. All these need assessing the   victim’s status by pathologic data, imagery of anatomic conditions and several biochemical parameters.  So to say, every single ‘victim’ received a series of health care support and medication.  Yet, some succumbed  to the infection , causing greater agony to others  , as in such instances  scientific disposal has been far more  crucial than observance of rituals of tradition; painfully many hadto keep off  on such moments to safeguard self from prospects  of infection.  Even more agonizing it is, to learn that in the West burial sites were ‘prepared’ to handle hundreds of coffins at a time.  Yes, mass burial was the way out. Have we not been overtaken by a misery? Who, ever thought we were on the edge?  In the present war none knows a safe strategy to target the virus, since viruses have no physiology of their own. Vaccination alone has so far been a preventive. Die-hard critics keep setting narratives to dispel the efficacy of vaccines.

In India:

The war that descended on humans faster than expected with no country excepted has made things bleak and gloomy from the news around.  I am not a pessimist. Still, no major light of hope was around at that  moment.  We in India have been living a contended simple life, keeping ourselves happy reading some sane writings advocating inner peace by prayer and offering help to others. That has also took a beating, with the ‘looming large threat’ of virus from unknown sources. Authorities in our country had sounded the right warning   well in time and had plunged into action –segregating persons to minimize the spread of virus. Still, some critics kept saying that our screening has not viewed all members to rest assured that we are in the safe corridor. Even so, the infected members cannot assume to escape the aftermath of infection by staying in hideouts; information on death, if an indicator suggests that India has been efficiently keeping the virus at bay, despite the magnitude of our population, lock down snatching away the wage earned and such other unmanageable fall outs from the crisis of pandemic.


Ultimately, the world would witness a new order, setting in with essential safeguards to ensure an honourable living.  Our journey into the third decade of the millennium is both frightening and fascinating.                                                                                                                              




Tuesday, October 26, 2021


A tiny speck

Quite a heap of things have unfolded in the early months of 2020- not to speak of the clusters of death occurring by the hour across the globe. For once, all prattlers of political hues stand overwhelmed by the sheer ‘Magnum Opus” kind of chain events following in quick and unabated sequence. Yes, a little known speck named virus is raging through –outraging the dignity of life –especially of humans. If the question is flung – What did humans do to deserve this? The answer is another quip “What humans have not done?  to the life per se on the planet? If ‘retaliation’ is a LOGICAL reply, then what we witness around is just a polite pointer -painful though, reminding us of action and reaction or cause and effect.

 Look at the swift pace with which continents , political corridors of global power , military might, Economic edifices have all  been gobbled up to a grinding halt, leaving no time or space to gather wits.   All that the man-kind could do was to level charges against Nations by choicest expressions, well articulated to absolve of self from the prospect of guilt in a sheer act of ‘calming’ their own millions lest, should suffer the domestic label of inaction.  Just as humans hastily interfere with Nature to take over geographic space, Corona virus abruptly stormed into continents, societies, homes and humans –all in one stroke. The much professed biotechnology has not been given time to respond –the very same way we disturb every other life to suit our needs.  All our assumed wisdom has been shown its place with no escape whatsoever from this tiny dot.  On the contrary, some of our brethren displayed idiocy – defying protocols of adhering to safety. A SOCIETY WOULD SUFFER MORE BY IDIOTS, THAN BENEFIT BY INTELLECTUALS.   Nature’s tool is tiny but grinds too well escaping all our radars to intercept.  It is a frontal challenge with no single answer or ‘quick fix’ remedy.   Any dispassionate assessment would inescapably fix guilt on humans who destroyed Nature for every progress of theirs  in the name of modernization and even chose to drive away Natives and aborigines to colonize large chunks of land which enjoyed ‘vantage status’ to suit the needs of surveillance.  Power drills to excavate fossil oil from sea bed ruining the neighbor- hood, mining for metals- using massive earth movers, leaving behind mountains of debris choking the ecosystems      [besides dislodging varied life forms that were natural constituents in their frameworks] , nuclear stations  [potent volcanoes – ticking to go off any time]  with  no machinery or mechanism to ‘contain’ the fallout have been avidly pursued with no remorse. 

A sense of greed and urgency pervaded human action in an attempt to establish facilities, irrespective of the size of the work undertaken. My observation is- we ignored every other aspect of nature , such as earth’s composition, the life resources for varied life forms ‘settled’ there; they were hastily unsettled by reorganizing the basic landform, its natural members and such other ‘established’ components, displaying arrogant supremacy on the sheer strength of tools, prioritizing human need. Never did humans bestow attention on to ‘how to rehabilitate the dislodged’; they were discarded to fend themselves – in a hush. Nature had already come in place well before Humans became components. Stated plainly, we humans are the last [junior most] entries on the planet. But we, on the assumed strength of our intellect keep trying to subjugate everything into submission. Despite countless trips across space, seeing the tiny ball earth from distant space, we failed to recognize the even more insignificant dimensions of ours. We keep ignoring the orderly routines of planets and galaxies obeying Nature. We are the lone species to disrupt settings by abrupt and massive onslaught, in every domain- land, sea and space. Abusing all resources, generating massive scales of pollution have been our way of functioning till recently. Nature has been tolerant of our arrogance and reminding us of her ‘taking note’ of our misdeeds. 

We refuse to learn polite lessons but fear only death. How often we have been served warnings in the last year or two? Look at the number of climatic catastrophes let loose on continents one after the other. Even recently, we heard of typhoons, quakes and incessant rains across Indian states, massive forest fires of Amazon, setting at naught life in the social sense of the term. Precious little has been done to restore balance to keep the globe in its near native form. In the larger ambit of things that would ultimately emerge after a natural ‘tapering off’ phase of the virus, the same agencies would throw their sale counters –open for trade in arms, cosmetics, preserved food, fuel, acquisition of labour- physical /intellectual in exchange for material or know-how in the name of mutual co-operation, shelving the virus and its thought in safe chest – artificially shaking hands in display of warmth. 

All trade options hinted or hidden here have driven selfish agenda to the point of disastrous retaliation from Nature, in a massive blow; it  has set at rest any claims of human  supremacy by wealth, technology, communication , military power, sophisticated weaponry,  styles of living and such extravaganza, which chose to distance themselves from  the operative principles of  natural coexistence.. When hit by retaliation from nature, we have no cover to hide behind. 

The virus is perhaps the final reminder for us to keep off  Nature’s arrangement. Have we ever bothered to understand the safe ways of life adopted by old tribes and aborigines? Instead, we look down upon them as ‘primitive’. We certainly are ‘developed’ but not ‘evolved’ to co-exist with nature.   Time we respected Nature’s orderliness, disbanding our ego signifying the dignity of human life.      Pardon if I sound unrealistic.    

     Prof .   K.RAMAN      [done on    1 April-2020] 



All your views under "comments" arr viewed with  respect and attention. NEAR 60% of readers express opinion under ANONYMITY. ANY VIEW IS  WELCOME. Kindly feel happy to identify yourself. views from "unknown" fail to to develop rapport between writers and readers. Hope, I do not hurt any one.       

For sometime to come, I intend making one posting a day  - as requested by a friend of mine. 

                                                                                                                   Prof. K. Raman  




Among the well known complexities that baffle the non-native English speakers/ writers, the following are quite interesting by- the way the following nouns and verbs are spelt. We are aware of the terms without perhaps devoting serious attention to the ‘culture’ in that language.                                                                                                                 

Watch the following:

While converting some nouns to verbs a ‘prefix’ is availed of. As for example--   act → ‘enact’, , courage→ ‘encourage’, gulf → ‘engulf’    slave→ ‘enslave’ ; sometimes  the adjective can be expressed to make a verb  by ‘en’  as for instance the adjective ‘able’ turns a verb ‘enable’ so also  dear→ ‘endear’.

‘Tangle’ and ‘entangle’   are not transitions between noun and verb. Interestingly ‘Tangle’ is a verb which can be a noun too on occasions, while ‘entangle’ is a verb for the noun ‘entanglement’.

For similar situations, words beginning with letters ‘B’ or ‘P’ have the prefix ‘em’ and not ‘en’

 balm→ embalm, bitter →embitter, battle→ embattle , bed → embed, brace →embrace, bay→ embay,

panel →empanel, plane →emplane,  power→ empower . There may be a number of other similar transitions and there could as well be some serious exception. Being ‘non-natives to the English language, we are constrained to learn such deviations, only when we confront the situation.

Another paradox

Birds which are stripped off their plumage are called “Dressed” [in reality they are ‘undressed’] also, blocks of stones trimmed to size are “dressed stones” and they get smaller after ‘dressing’. Another bizarre expression is ‘naked truth’ though truth is far more respectable in the real sense.

Certain functional domains like computing have brought about usages which were not the convention in traditional English. Youngsters   unaware of tradition tend use those terms in the course of interaction and cause discomfort to listeners on the callous attitude to language. Traditional usages are given in italics. Their applications in computer jargon are in the normal font.

BOOT = Long shoe or Storage space in Car. To open or start a program

Default= failure to observe the practice. Return or revert to preselected setting.

Roam = to wander aimlessly. Using the phone from a new territory

Hang = to suspend or send to gallows. A standstill state from where further commands are not discharged.

                                                                                                                                        Prof. K. Raman

Monday, October 25, 2021


       Opportunities for exploring

       7 Event Management  

Of late, outsourcing is used as a procedure to command perfection of execution. Therefore, a new order of temporary Employer-Employee [contractual though] relationship emerges. All that one needs is to locate the right agency to ‘organize’ the event to our prescription.  The work involves professional skills of arrangement cum time-management. The event managers have trained personnel to make all arrangements of seating, display of the arena of chief guests and invitees, largely by makeshift dais, podia, decorated shelter etc. Educated youth can handle such assignment in a professional manner and get sufficient rewards. These include organizing seminars, symposia, wedding receptions, music events etc where the event managers take care of only arranging the place. Getting the guests, speakers, invitees and participants is the look out of the host. For every additional component like photography/ videography and additional decorations corresponding fee may be collected from the hosts.    

8                   8 Free lance translation services in Indian as well as foreign languages

In the global scenario of ‘market economy’, activities revolve round marketing, financing, publicity and ‘aggressive prevailing over’ on prospective buyers/ customers. There is also a logical need to establish ‘brand name’ and systematically keep projecting it. The material placed through publicity has to instantly draw attention. Therefore, a need remains for satisfying a wider section of buyers and thus the compulsion to use ‘vernacular versions’ of message looms large. So, translations have a predominant value in market economy. Persons who can render a message from one language into another can undertake freelance translation. Much of it is home-based activity. Therefore, enhance your vision for vivid expressions and be a leader.

9                  9  On-line teaching

Generally, O L T involves some degree of interaction between a teacher and ‘unknown’ wards; the two interact  at an appointed hour of mutual convenience. Largely students seek to have clarifications through written or verbal questioning. Since, the process operates on ‘prior appointment’ teachers are expected to offer explanations. If the issue requires being studied deeper, the teacher can opt to explain at a later point of time. Teachers cannot personally initiate OLT in the sense that students get registered with an agency and the agency tries to connect the student to the apt teacher through a specific interactive domain like ‘Skype’ or net or e-mail. However, at either end gadgets and software must be available

      10     Subject Matter Experts for IT companies

Subject matter in IT sector can pertain to a range of assignments handled by IT companies. In order that a series of day to day functions of an organization are automated by computerizing the operations, appropriate software has to be formulated[S/W solution]. In doing so, every step of operation and every other possible link relevant to the operation must be correctly sequenced and connected. The whole idea forms the subject matter. Personnel thorough with all the ramifications of work interact with S/W developers and help the construction of S/W. The entire process of evolving the S/W is presented as a report. Experts who handle them are Subject matter experts employed for the purpose.  

11Technical writing

Of late, firms entrust the task of preparing ‘brochures’ to experts on the job. The job relates to offering technical data about the product, highlighting of any ‘state of the art’ components/ modules or production strategies and the advantages thereof. Technical data should appear in globally accepted format with illustrations; Dos /Don’ts, clauses of Warranty, validity of terms of contract etc., appear in the brochure. Also, pamphlets / coupons of gift and the like come under technical writing so as to protect legal issues on either side.  Agencies undertaking to offer the service provide the essential data as given /required by the manufacturer and engage the writers. With a little experience, Technical writing provides good returns.

      12     Research positions in pharmaceutical companies

Pharmaceutical firms of varied description- Allopathic, Homeopathic, Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani, keep updating the products by research in formulation/ application. Corresponding requirements such as Degree /PG in branches- Bio-chemistry, Chemistry, Physiology, Plant taxonomy, Pharmacology and related domains offer opportunities in Pharmaceutical research. 

     13     Business writers in KPOs (Knowledge Process Outsourcing companies)

Knowledge process domains are those in which data pertaining to a specific business is presented in an organized format. As for instance, a company of large clients as shareholders has certain legal obligations like policy formulation, declaration of audited balance sheet, Dividend to shareholders, expansion of business etc. Most of these are discussed in the AGM at a predetermined venue and time. All these formulations and statements thereof have legal implications. So, the services of Business writers are mustered. They prepare precise statements reflecting the status quo of the firm. If need be they can make analytical studies to attract investors by providing data pointing to higher returns for the investments and so on. Certainly, it is a specialized skill to oblige legal prescriptions without dislocating the commercial prospects.   

14   Content developers for on-line education agencies

With the advent of electronic devices into teaching, CDs, DVDs and other such pre-loaded gadgets pervade the market; these address issues in learning from Childhood onwards. However, the quality- prescriptions for each level differ between regions. So, these levels are clearly defined before making the content for presentation. Personnel who prepare the study material [knowledge source] are the content developers. The material so developed is brought into gadgets using advanced facility to generate multi-copy output. The person ‘developing’ the material sticks to the requirement and accordingly makes the content ideal for that level; thus the same person may cater to varied levels on the same theme.

A clear perception of the global trend and an ability to furnish illustrations or Animations help the content developers in facing competition.

With many options- barring the ones based on specific knowledge skills as Law or medicine, most other territories look easy to access. Therefore, it is for us to acquire as many additional skills as ‘computer handling’, material preparation, content editing, managing event, learning languages other than English and above all, muster and master the skills of communication. Such ‘additions’ would amplify the scope of venture into different domains of activity.

                                         GOOD LUCK                                                                     K. Raman



OTHER Possible opportunities


For persons with qualifications at levels of PG and above, the common option is teaching at higher levels. But, teaching is a skill-based act. Acquiring a certain degree or title does not ensure proficiency in teaching.  Aiming to be a teacher requires that the candidate has the attitude to listen and aptitude to express. These domains together ‘equip’ the person to take to teaching. Please consider why some teachers fail to impress the learner. Make an objective assessment of the good and bad components in teachers and amplify on the good and avoid the bad features in shaping your teaching career. Never for a moment imagine that teaching is an ‘easy to perform’ work; it is a task to live up to all requirements. Bad teachers suffer ridicule –all their life no matter how much experienced they are. Only persons full of drive and zeal can prove effective as teachers by systematic updating and articulate exposition.  


These are days of marketing; marketing involves promoting an idea or a concept or a product. If we possess the right grasp of an idea, the same can be tastefully developed into a propaganda material. Several firms are looking for personnel who can help conceptualizing a proposal and bring out catchy statements. Obviously, it is a domain of using lingual prowess and computer-designing. Therefore, computer familiarity and some skills of layout making would help you in marketing faster. It is advisable to get trained in computer operations and related fields to stand competitive. Tireless field work helps.


Entrepreneurs are self-employed to employ others to work. It is a kind leadership, making use of resources -financial /human. People study the prospects of launching a product- oriented effort by employing suitable men and women. It is essential to grasp the prospects of success in an effort. Since the proposition involves investment of finance, collective participation or seeking bank assistance may be required. But, if workable ideas are implemented, growth and prosperity would accrue.

It is opportune to recall the success stories of SHGs functioning in many areas, as a pointer to recognize group working. With education, it should be an advantage to thoroughly study a project for ‘pros and cons’ before investing time and money. These also suggest the value of ‘analysis’ over that of gamble.

Our situation is studded with advantages of education of varied types among our friends.   So, our efforts must address issues that utilize the natural fallout of education. Therefore, it is vital to remember that options are many and wide open. It is for us to choose the right blend of ideas and opportunities. With PG qualification and beyond, focus should be on application of strategies to market ideas to a wider clientele. In fact, the present scenario offers greater scope of bringing together the work groups by networking and provides a forum to ‘deliver’ from where we are. The services of the internet have come a long way in globalization; alert utilization of such avenues is the right approach instead of looking for placements offered by governmental agencies. A country like ours has the innate advantage of knowledge base to profitably cater to seekers of ‘out sourcing’. The need for orienting ourselves to computer-based transactions stands reiterated than ever before. Grab the chance and flourish.  

 Career options for post graduates across various streams of education

With increasing latitude for skill accommodation, chances of attaining positions ARE wide open for those who are willing to gather a variety of skills


1    Editing Manuscripts of research articles for researches from non-English speaking countries

Some of the Asian countries like Korea, Japan, China have products for marketing across the globe.  They have technical articles for publication in international circuits. But, the material in their sources is not marketable, as the articles are far from standards essential for publication. Such researchers get their manuscripts corrected for grammar, punctuation and presentation. If we can edit those pieces, as required by publishing houses, it would be profitable for us.  Obviously, presentation skills matter in publishing research articles.

2      2    Free lance editing

Agencies –particularly publishing houses look for personnel who can edit scripts on an ad-hoc assignment. i.e the editor is not on the pay rolls of the company; but [s]he gets paid for the piece of work done in terms of the length of the article. Being a Free lance assignment, an editor may work simultaneously for different firms. 

3  3   Market Research, Social Research, Economic Research, Financial Research etc in various research agencies like AC Nielsen

A number of organizations want field work done in specific localities for specific purposes like product-market survey/ research, Social themes, items of importance to Economy, viability of financing or its justification for a task and so on. Also, the employing firm may change target groups or topics from time to time, calling for specific input on a theme.

4        4  Content writing for Ad Agencies

Manufacturers of products enter the market fray after reading the customer demand, preference and price expectation through survey, research and analysis of the market. But, it is the ‘advertisement’ that draws attention of the customers well before they choose to buy the item. So, the market analysts float a theme and call for ‘content writing’ through agencies or freelance personnel.  Content writers offer the ‘best pack’ of least words with the most meaning. The ‘ad-phrase’ selected is put through all languages after ‘translation’. Content writing demands clarity in brevity in punchy phrases.      

5        5  Animation

Animation has varied applications like children education, entertainment and also movie-making of scriptures or fables and short stories. Though it is essentially a computer-based work, creativity counts more. These may also require ‘voice’ additions to match the characters on view. Thus, some script and dialogue would be needed too. 

6       6  Business analysts in various business houses including stock exchanges

Analysis of data pertinent to a specific activity constitutes business analysis. The process includes the review of trends and swings of fortune for a defined business under the influence of market forces. By exhaustive study of data and the influence by parameters over a long time, business prospects may be predicted broadly. Using, like strategies stock exchange fluctuations may be suggested and the business houses can re-orient strategies to sustain market value. However, this is a specialized job involving the ability to correlate disparate signals in economy.

TO CONTINUE                                                                    Prof. K. Raman


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