Saturday, October 30, 2021




    Is ‘might’ a physical quantum?

     My present dilemma seeking to raise this question has been impelled by the outbreak of Corona virus disease -2019 [covid-19 for short]. Well, why should anyone rake up such opinion in the first place is something that I cannot myself answer straight.  Yet, mind being what it is, such opinions never suffer a ‘lock down’, though the world has been through an unprecedented global lock down. After all, such outbreaks push us through despair that humans are a hapless lot, no matter which civilization they represent.

    Look at these pieces of information. Outbreak of the virus has been in the news since December 2019. Obviously, well before administrations could seize themselves of the reality, the corona virus, true to its name [ corona= crown] got itself crowned as the global power. My reference to ‘might’ takes into reckoning the swift sweep of viral disease across the world, politely reminding the humans of their claims of supremacy in health care, Hygiene, Scientific achievements, economic supremacy, trans-regional medical support and rich record of Sustained GDP over decades.

    Reports relating to Covid 19 show that a particle of the virus carries a genome of approx. 30kbp [30,000 base pairs] as against 6.4 billion base pairs of human genome [BASIC GENE POOL SIZE].  The viral genome is RNA material, exercising a regulation over further amplification of viral population in the host.  Thereafter, it keeps hopping from person to person, unless the infected members are confined by quarantine. Even more intriguing is the ability of the virus to remain functionally viable on non-living surfaces, Beside the catastrophe that the virus has inflicted on to the world in the beginning of 2020, some super powers were trading tirades against each other, obviously disturbed by the prospect of the label of cruel or careless experimentation.  So, what a super power is? If it is just placing a vice-like hold, then the virus looks a mega superpower despite its diminutive size, far beyond the visual perceptions of humans.

    Like all viral infections, these also take over the physiology of the host and generate a series of viral elements using host machinery and spread on to other members of the society. Physical dimensions of the virus are ridiculously small while those of its physiology are unnerving; the virus has spread at a pace not known earlier. It has hit nations alike irrespective of their membership on UNSC -some of whom enjoy veto powers. All of them have been vetoed by the virus. So, diplomacy, military supremacy, industrialization, healthcare have all been brought under health scare by the virus. It is time powers conceded that even a small speck of Nature can grind anything to halt transcending all borders and barriers.  ‘Might’ is simply the ability to perform with precision.                       

                                                           Prof.  K. RAMAN           Done on       20-03-20


  1. As always, a very well written article highlighting superiority of Nature over human beings.

  2. A thought-provoking article highlighting how the Coronavirus has proved to be a mighty Pandemic in the history of mankind and has brought the entire mankind to its heels irrespective of the great strides achieved in the fields of science, technology, healthcare and all that. This shows the vulnerability of man against the forces of nature.



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