Thursday, October 14, 2021

Communication – the essence of life-III


                                          Communication – the essence of life-III

           Correct modulation and pronunciation trigger the aptitude to learn and promote harmony in interaction. Poor attention to these fails to help interaction. Verbal communication is an educator of nuances of speech. All our efforts are meant to help greater success; so, utmost care of functional elements is essential.

              Pacing the delivery:

           All speakers have a particular style which is personalized. Still, there is enough opportunity to adjust the pace of speech. By this, the speaker identifies a common ground with listeners. It is the natural pace at which listener-speaker ensemble strikes the right wavelength. Any undue variation in pace can prove distracting. It is advisable for speakers to systematize the pace of delivery, making it comfortable for interaction. However, abrupt change of pace is a method of inviting greater attention. Using such a strategy must be sparing, as to be an effective tool whenever applied. Another technique is paraphrasing.


            Paraphrasing is a method of repeating an idea with a different set of words. It helps to look at a situation from slightly modified expressions. Indeed it is an alternative mechanism to drive a point home. It is based on the observation that listeners are of a spectrum, where individuals differ in taste and alertness. Making use of paraphrasing may help catering to a wider section of the audience.  Since statements do not repeat verbatim, listeners stay attentive. Thus, one can avoid sounding monotonous. It can also be realized that listeners get to have an idea of alternative expressions. It is a kind of healthy practice by throwing open different forms adaptable to a situation.  

               Orderly progression:

           The most important component in communication is orderly progression. It is a scientific approach of placing data in a sequence beginning from basics to higher end. This provides the opportunity for telescoping of ideas leading to the ultimate focal point. Such an approach ensures a balanced treatment of subject matter from broad base to a steep summit. Organizing the ideas in a sequence and relating the components thereof becomes essential. The advantage of this approach lies in its natural strength of helping logical understanding. When ideas are not in right sequence, chances of confusion and taxing the memory can arise to the listener. All speakers must recognize the listener problems in order that they themselves do not set wrong examples.   

            All components suggested so far relate to verbal expression. Verbal expressions are generally linked to facial or body movements of the communicator. The silent but effective expression is the body language. It is a natural corollary to verbal presentation. In a way, body language is a close associate of mind. Invariably, body language helps the listener to recognize meaning of words more readily than from merely listening to the voice. Successful speakers adopt the silent mechanism of body language. Interestingly, shrugging of shoulders, arching of lips or eyebrows, brightening of eyeball through expanded eyebrows, fluttering of eyebrows or eyelashes, winking of an eye or eyes, penetrative looks, nodding of head, scornful looks etc.,  serve as universal language in the company of words expressed. In fact, these gestures convey more meaning than the words themselves. So, integrating body language to spoken words is an appropriate strategy of effective communication.    

          Written communication:

           This is by far the most common mode in offices. Therefore, a high degree of routine goes with them. In fact, the practices have become so entrenched that redundant expressions are taken as office norms.

           For instance, in the subheads- Subject and Reference- nearly the same statements appear. Also, another common expression “enclosed herewith” is redundant as ‘herewith’ and ‘enclosed’ mean the same. Also, “the copies are returned back” can simply be “copies are retuned” or “sent back”. Long experience with improper usages are hard to rectify since the workers fear “incompleteness” from simple and correct usages.

          Some level of confusion prevails in using “faithfully” or “sincerely” at the end of letters sent to offices or departments. The convention is to use “faithfully” for letters addressed by designation [the person holding the position may be unknown], “sincerely” for letters addressed by the name of the person holding the office.

           P.S  [ Post script ] is an accepted practice of adding information as a tail piece –either as a later addition or as a step of inviting attention to a critical message relating to the text of the letter.

           Despite the rigid requirements of the written form, there are advantages too. Always ready references to standard protocols are available. All draft statements can be checked for correctness of information and construction. Any number of corrections may be carried out before communications are sent across. Unlike through speech, in the written form greater authenticity is expected of the information. It is ideal to acquire the necessary skills instead of repeated corrections for grammar and vocabulary. In the ultimate analysis, all forms of communication intend ‘reaching’ the recipient. ‘Reaching’ has to be recognized as percolating the mind; it is not an exercise of sending letters/words across. Unless, the idea traverses the recipients, the quantum of impact it may generate would be weak and fading. Therefore every care on all the elements of communication shall be bestowed. Such an effort can infuse similar trends among recipients at least over a period of time. Keeping abreast of contemporary usages and terms would enhance the image of the communicators. These principles hold good for all times and languages.                Prof. K. Raman                                                                                                 



1 comment:

  1. Nicely summary on the importane of communication. Very esssential part of life.



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