Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Communication – the essence of life-II


        Communication – the essence of life.


Formal or informal, the success of communication thrives on usages that are parliamentary and decent; slangs are better avoided as for ‘switching ends’ they would be hurdles. Any keen communicator can ill afford to lose an opportunity. Effective communicating is a legitimate tool in safeguarding the prospects of ascension in life. Building the vocabulary is the opening.


Often, knowing of words is believed to be the vocabulary. Truly, vocabulary is using the right word in right place to avoid loose interpretations by others. Meanings of words are not what one believes; rather their value to the native speakers must be recognized. Also, contextual meanings [connotations] are more important than the ‘gross meaning’ of a word. Connotation is a value addition. Knowing the connotation is an integral component of learning. Contextually valid expressions amplify the merits of the communicator even as it makes the recipient perceive the intended suggestion. 

Look at the example- “We talk a lot, but say a little”   The words –‘talk’ and ‘say’ are not synonyms; ‘talk’ refers to the function of ‘speaking’; ‘say’ refers to the effect of communication. So, there is no use talking, without saying something. Such subtleties in word-meanings help articulation of ideas.


Articulation is the process of connecting the elements or ideas in a lucid way, making it appear as the most natural flow. It includes the functional ability to precisely pronounce words without conspicuously exerting effort. ‘Effortless’ disposition is an effective methodology of captivating the recipients. So, articulation has its base in pronunciation and dexterity in delivery.


Pronunciation involves phonetic clarity. Phonetic clarity resides in the ‘quickness’ by which successive letters in words and successive words in a sequence are presented in appropriate style. Appropriate style implies that words are clear with right emphasis on syllables, pauses and modulation of voice. Cultivating these skills imparts a value of sophistication to the communicator. A degree of training in phonetics adds ‘elegance’ as a tool of captivating the listeners. All variants of subtle sounds [c, k. s, z. p, b.] need rich attention to keep the recipients hooked on to the speaker. Indifference to this requirement spells doom to the speaker’s calibre.


Modulation is a strategy by which emotions surface as natural reflex; it makes the listeners receptive by rendering emotion as a source of meaning, even for words less known. It provides the scope for attentive listening without which the speaker has to toil for communicating. Modulation silently dramatizes the mood with no conscious effort to pump any emotion. Care is necessary for modulation, as improper ones fail to convince the listeners; it can force a degree of alienation between the members interacting.                                        Prof. K. Raman


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