Saturday, October 16, 2021



High offices held and ruined by persons of doubtful integrity cannot be blamed on education. It is a sign of moral decadence or profound selfishness with no concern for others

Conditioning the mind for analysis:

A well educated person has a typical approach. [I do not mean those possessing high-sounding degrees] The ideally educated person will not jump into the bandwagon merely because many say so. [S]He will dispassionately analyze the situation taking into account all facts available. Analysis is the virtue from proper education. This is an essential attribute for neutral and selfless approach in life. Why analyse, when so many are saying the same? Often people rapidly spread an idea before any verifying. Besides, irrelevant additions to create sensations also happen, to enhance the focus or divert attention. People with vested interests find it easy to handle a flock of sheep than genuinely convincing a single individual. A good analysis saves from being misled. There are umpteen ways analysis and analytical approaches are taught to us in all stages and courses of study. Any analysis begins from the gross observation. It deciphers every step that relates to the gross observation. In analyzing human characters every utterance and mutilating of facts by a person should receive attention. Any person who prefers to meet individuals in isolation is not of an open character. This can be conveniently taken for granted if the person chooses to talk to individuals only when the rest of the group is away. Obviously the person is uncomfortable at some truth. So, always we should condition the mind not to accept any result or pronouncement without getting personally convinced of the veracity. If this habit is cultivated, all the vistas of unbiased assessment open up. A major requisite for this approach is to stay silent and watchful.

If we get into some form of participation, we would lose the opportunity for simultaneous analysis as the event goes by. Analysis depends on accuracy of verification. Verification must involve cross-checking without panicking. If gripped by panic, thought turns imbalanced. It should not happen. Also, the general tendencies of a person or a group of persons deserve being kept in mind. Analysis occurs in every mind right from child hood.

It gets tilted or biased when objectivity is lost. The really educated would sustain objectivity for the singular purpose of tracing the truth. To be analytical, the mind and disposition have to be neutral. Trying to cash on popular notions is the gimmick of the evil-minded. Persons sustaining such attitudes, even if “qualified” are really un-educated.  

To decipher them it is necessary to be analytical. Every subject we learn gives us the tools of analysis; be it language, literature, Sciences of varied description and all branches of Humanities. All these have been established on the bedrock of analysis. Students who read these subjects without learning them fail to read this common under current. So, even to appropriately learn a subject, analysis by correct parameters is essential. We are keen of repeating a statement without reaping its purpose. To achieve the intended effect, analyzing comes to our help if we muster this elementary tool.    

To continue                                                                                           Prof. K. Raman            


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