Monday, October 11, 2021

Facing Examinations [detils- i]

 Facing Examinations    [details- I]                                                                                       



Examinations are viewed with contempt and prejudice, as measures of dislocating one’s desire for ascension in life. Honestly, the individual should realize that the contempt referred to above springs from a sense of insecurity associated with inadequate ‘readiness’ to tackle examinations. Often we ignore the prospect of viewing a message from varied planes, including those of our subjects of study. How else can one explain the dismal performance of boys /girls in their I semester course in Professional or academic streams, especially after a prolific score in the +2 stage of their study? Obviously, they focused on score-centric preparation, ignoring the correct approaches to learn and comprehend any item. Pre-digested lessons dished out as “Questions/ Answers” in the form of notes have eternally wiped out the human skill for grasp, comprehension and interpretation as the products of education. Therefore, questions other than those already ‘let known’ through notes cause shiver through spine even for top scorers. The learning methodology of memorizing answers for specific questions cannot help in keenly-fought competitive examinations. Defective effort cannot offer effective remedies. So, one has to unlearn the hitherto adopted approach and gather reliable strategies for success and self reliance.  Comprehension is the only way out to face examinations, stay cool in stiff competitions.


Inadequacy in approach

Students have been led into the notion that preparing for exams is by itself a scholastic exercise. It is grossly erroneous, as it fails to update the mind through progressive learning. Progressive learning should strengthen the knowledge frontiers of persons. Per se, knowledge should come to the advantage of the individual in handling life situations; the candidate should function independently, sending out representations, appeals to redress grievance, seek intervention of authorities for protecting civil rights and so on. Well qualified candidates too find it hard to carry out official transactions in Banks, Railway systems and such other domains, as their idea of transaction is weak and incomplete, more so in making draft statements. Anyone who has undergone 10-year schooling should be fit to meet such exigencies listed above. 

The malady is traceable to the culture of question- answer methodology of preparation in place of learning through comprehension of textual passages. Getting to face examinations should just be incidental as a part of learning. Our scenario is far removed from this ideal, as answering questions premeditated is stupidly being pursued. It is a case of ‘remedy being worse than the disease’, as learning is confined to answering only known questions and to not even the ones paraphrased to look new ! Simply it is a case of the blind leading the blind with no clues what so ever to the larger competitive world which would throw up genuine challenges. Are we prepared enough to the reality?

Without mincing words, it can be said that wrong approaches and unhealthy priorities of score over ‘knowledge’ have eroded the value of true learning. True learning equips combative competence at each level. Without providing for a strengthened mind, education cannot inculcate competitive abilities.   The time is not lost for those willing to equip self. All they need is to cultivate better practices of learning and systematic application of the ideas so learnt. One should unlearn the bad procedure and change tracks.

More to come                                                                                                      Prof. K. Raman

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