Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Facing Examinations [details –II]


 Facing Examinations [details –II]

Learn to Learn

Efforts to learn the right way is the urgent need of the hour. There are no short term programmes to equip the mind.  Equipping the mind is a long term, systematic effort of assembling facts, arguments and evaluation of concepts, even as one gathers the nuances of presenting ideas in a cohesive way. Learning should happen as a matter of daily routine; as and when a student sits through a classroom session [s]he must comfortably gather the information by a relaxed attitude of pleasant listening [teachers matter a lot in this]. Focus should be on comprehension and proper orientation of details. Training the mind to gather correct information and aligning them should be adopted through sessions of teaching. If not, the student has to spend a little time to organize subject information by personal effort and prepare ‘home-made’ reference material as a preparatory exercise. Personal effort helps long term retention of ideas.


Aligning the information

Any learner knows the sequence by which the content should be placed [from basic to higher details /data]. Simple statements would do. If quotes are used they should be used verbatim as given in the source [ “….” ]. The assembly of such facts should be compact for easy and quick reference. If more details are known add them at the right places. This way a complete lesson can be effectively learnt in quick time. But, it should happen the same day that the lesson is learnt in class [to avoid missing critical points from teacher’s explanation]. By this method, the student assembles the reading material by personal effort. So, the memory does not get taxed, as facts are comprehended. Thus, in small pages lessons are prepared as gist. Use this gist for study and recalling. When needed, try to rewrite the gist for specific components. You would find that effortlessly one can retain information without memorizing. To begin with, there may be temporary hurdles to recall. But, it will ease out, if practised. Since lessons are in a compact gist, they can be repeatedly read [avoid memorizing]. By repeated visits to the pages ‘brushing up’ occurs in intervals and the confidence level improves. It would be ideal, if students cultivate the habit of framing sentences along with other efforts. Over a time, every member can master the nuances of preparing for examinations, as a part of his /her academic endeavour.


Advantages of personal effort

While assembling the ‘reading material’, long stretches of information get registered in our minds without recourse to recitation /memorizing. Since any piece of information is personally assembled, natural comfort gets integrated in the language used. The entire exercise acquires ‘value of exclusiveness’ as each one’s presentation is distinct. Examiners will not be fatigued by reading the same answers all over. Also,  the examiners can witness a gradation in quality and can legitimately evaluate the answers.  While organizing the information, the student would have to look into the text, besides what [s]he had gathered from the classroom deliberation. At times, for clarity, the student will have to use Dictionary to ‘decipher’ the expressions in a text. Since, the student makes use of the text, [s]he is familiar with the textual content as against those trying to survive on ‘predigested notes’. The idea of using the text offers the right advantages of employing punctuations as means of driving a point home

   MORE FOLLOWS                                                                    Prof. K. Raman


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