Friday, December 3, 2021




Before one gets to have a clear idea of the topic, it is useful to recognize the basic reasons behind young minds’ ‘standoff’ to concepts in the ambit of Biology. Children believe that there are no logical derivations or ‘definitions’ prescribing the limits and conditions over which biological functions operate. In plain terms, students tend to assume that enough if ‘a reading of chapters’ is done as a preparatory exercise in equipping self for facing examinations. Unintelligible equations and ‘not-so-plain’ derivations ‘present’ some looks of complexity-induced respect for some subjects. 


Simple presentations in biology are misunderstood -as of “nothing much” to strain over; this approach helps the tendency to postpone studies of those chapters to a later date. In effect, what appeared ‘not worth straining over’ abruptly chills the spine as one wades through the series of diagrams, technical terms truly in Greek and Latin. Descriptive terms are precision-oriented and cannot always be expressed through their meanings. It is essential that the learner understands each term for its meaning, contextual relevance and precision. Unless understood, terms in biology are greater threats than mathematical formulae or equations for chemical reactions.

 Aspirants to medical education must recognize that Human anatomy is among the most complicated and the interactive physiology within a system is confusingly versatile; plain equations and formulae cannot fetter human systems into ‘modules of description’. On the contrary, human systems readily defy the best of logic merely by the play of an ‘internal factor’-the mind.  

Please recognize

Systematic and continual familiarity to the themes in biology is the lone safe course left to learners who wish to specialize in medicine, biochemistry, biotechnology, applied genetics, drug-derivation, targeting pathogens and ‘personalized therapy’ for patients and in precise choice of herbal medicines.


It is pertinent to reiterate here that plant systems cannot be dubbed as mute performers in Nature. They are dynamic enough to survive the onslaught of microbes and interference from humans through a variety of secondary metabolites- ‘perfected’ to thwart biochemical threats /drought. So, the approach to learn Biology should be one of continual, concerted effort to learn terms [not to memorize] in the context of their relevance and also apply all Bio-physical/ Bio-chemical concepts significant to the physiology of organisms. The most successful Physicians and Surgeons build their reputation on comprehension and never on confusion. In a way, it may be summarized that ‘biological’ responses are far more dynamic and are not straight forward reactions of ‘cause and effect’ -the most common approach to interpret ‘happenings’.      

Basics to remember

Life originated in water

Later had an ‘expansion in form and size’

Despite elaboration, all critical events occur at the cellular level

‘Life’ as such

Two divergent lines of elaboration resulted in Plant life and Animal life as apparent dichotomies. At the functional level [with the exception of reproduction and brain-based reactions] plants and animals share several common biochemical mechanisms.

Progressively, cell level specialization led to tissues, organs and their integration through nervous system in animal forms. Progressively, it resulted in a complex neural ensemble- the brain. The brain is the controlling centre for most of the ‘signal-induced’ responses.   

The vast and varied forms [popularly named ‘Bio-diversity’] led to academic practices of defining the structure [Morphology], classifying them [Taxonomy],function [Physiology], inter-relations in cell types [Anatomy], investigative scrutiny of cells [Cell biology], cellular reactions [Biochemistry], rules of sexual reproduction and inheritance [Genetics] study of diseases [Pathology] study of microscopic life forms [Microbiology], Applications of biological reactions to human welfare [Biotechnology] and understanding of natural co-existence of life forms [Ecology], understanding of the need to maintain the environment [Environmental studies] are just a few branches of biology. Several other domains such as Forestry, Horticulture, Ethno-botanical studies, Pharmacology, sericulture, Poultry, Animal husbandry are too well known.

Application of any knowledge is meaningful only if it serves a positive interest. Such a demand is satisfied if the learners clearly understand the ramifications of interactive responses in biological systems which are served by “alternative pathways”. So, a clear grasp of cellular events is essential.

Our presumptions about responses in biological systems to specific criteria may not be relevant because what we observe from external manifestation cannot satisfactorily suggest the true cellular happenings like adaptive modulations. Besides, chemical substances used to study reactions may not functionally be active, as they may be cleaved or rendered ineffective by coupling them with substances which can block active sites on the molecule. So, elaborate/accurate plans for following the fate of substances applied, may be required. 

Thus, biological subjects offer a wide range of research possibilities; only through multiple replicates it is possible to ascertain the reaction profiles of substances in specific bio-samples.  Taken together, it indicates that to reach the top domains in biology, it is imperative to evolve perfect techniques and assay schedules before one can suggest the closest to the actual. In one word, it is a game of exceptionally keen observation backed by shrewd analysis and flawless correlation.         

So -friends, Biology is not a conglomeration of jargon and diagrams. It is a versatile domain demanding rapid response and also requires sincere efforts of comprehension from critical observation.                                  Prof. K. Raman


  1. I posted twice but does not reach you
    Some problem in my cell

  2. You have very nicely explained in such simple words, the most complex of subjects...Enjoyed reading...



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