Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Continues from L L

Language prowess:

Prowess in any language has interrelated components. These are vocabulary, pronunciation, accent, emphasis and articulation. Vocabulary is a reservoir of words from which the right word is judiciously employed to lay emphasis on. Often improper words are used by a casual attitude and from wrong sources. Mere usage by others need not indicate ‘correctness’ of usage. Bad training in formative stages can ruin the prospect of right learning. Cross-checking the usages learnt is the best option to verify the veracity and suitability of utterances. Getting to know ‘authentic’ versions by using Dictionary / thesaurus is a good habit of grooming. For technical subjects too, dictionaries are available. Language dictionaries suggest usages of conjunctions. Conjunctions ‘link’ the different parts of a sentence and need to be used in proper form. [Co-ordinating conjunctions:- and, but, for, so, yet] Subordinating conjunctions:- although, unless, because, since] Correlative conjunctions are used in pairs:- Either-or, Both X and Y].  Languages are respectable media for communication. Lackadaisical use of expressions is not permissible; such practices fail to suggest respectable quality of the user/usage. Such ill-organized users lack confidence of conviction and try to survive on ‘high-sounding’ terms which are of questionable relevance. Expressions that are simple and authentic convince the listeners readily.

Speaking / Reading loud:

It is essential that things are learnt to perfection; loud reading /speaking helps to rectify errors. While, accent and pronunciation are deeply influenced by our regional dialects, our native tongue tends to influence the way we spell the words in English. It is not correct to succumb to that temptation. This is because by tradition, words in English may be pronounced in a manner different to their spellings. In such instances trying to pronounce them by their constituent letters or deriving the spelling from their pronunciation can prove wrong. So, speakers should inculcate the habit of ‘near correct’ pronunciation and educate wards for correct spelling and also insist on the practice of ‘syllables’ in reading out words. Teachers have a dominant responsibility in training students in such aspects of language.


Syllable is a culture in English language; it prescribes the way each word shall be pronounced. These are largely in the form of ‘time-spacing’ of different segments in a word. These are guidelines for phonetics and for adoption to speech. The training in this aspect helps us to develop skills essential for speaking the language close to its ‘native style’. It is not suggested that one should try ‘affected tones’ merely to copy the native style. Such attempts fail to convince the listener since ‘creeping in’ of native flavour in a speaker’s language cannot be kept off. The syllable is thus a ‘single piece’ within a word. A word may be of monosyllabic [Dog, Cat, Sky, Car], Disyllabic [Ho-tel, Po-em, Chor-us] or polysyllabic [Ox-y-mor-on]. When used as prescribed, it confers value on to the style of speech and also implies seriousness of approach in handling the language.         

Thought- Delivery Convergence:

Learners are put to hardship by inarticulate speakers /writers. The poor articulation is traceable to a functional defect during delivery. The learners require just the essential minimum time to grasp an idea. Any delay beyond this average threshold distracts the faculty of reception. Invariably, the delay is due to non-alignment of thought and delivery. Thought should precede delivery and not vice-versa. Whenever, delivery overtakes the rate of thinking [on the part of the speaker], words do not align well; also, good speaking is characterized by clear play of words which sustains the rapport between the audience and the speaker. With writing, it is a better off position, as the writer has time at his command to reorganize the words to make the correct suggestion to the reader; Speaker-listener ensemble is quite demanding and rewarding if done well. The state of excellent rapport comes about only when minds of the donor and the recipients come to the focal point and keep travelling together in an act of convergence. Best performers draw the listeners by adopting strategies of effective communication. Speakers and listeners converge mentally to a point, if the former make the idea clear at the very beginning of a session. Therefore, learners must stay alert and focused right from the start. It is impossible to re-enter a stream of thought whose basic frame work has not been clearly perceived from the beginning.        

What is ‘your effort’ to learn?

Since learning is a process of equipping the mind, listeners have responsibility in developing skills and in practices of learning. Please avoid the statement “teacher has not taught well”.  How often you have learnt when the teacher has really taught well? Any introspection about the preceding question can reveal that only a low % strives to ‘grasp’ what the teacher presents in his/her sessions of teaching. Often students sit through classes without ‘participating’ in the process. Participation is an exercise of ‘travelling’ with the teacher. Receive the message in all its totality. Avoid digression while listening. Also students must stop craving for ‘pre- synthesized’ notes. Instead, each student can completely grasp the idea and ‘assemble’ material for reading /presentation in examination. This is the correct approach to better learning and personally equipping the mind in confidence-building. With well-earned confidence, it is possible to face assessments of competence in any form.

Clarity, competence and Confidence:

The three ‘C’s suggested above are hallmarks of true education. Only those who develop these essential qualities can manage to consider themselves ‘educated’. There are different levels of acquisition among the ‘graduates’. All are ‘qualified’; some are ‘educated; only a few are ‘equipped’. Unless one attains the status of ‘equipped’, [s]he would only be nervous and bewildered. Such candidates can never face demanding situations of critical questioning. Therefore, they would choose to settle for lower rewards/positions. All these maladies are not products of education; these are derivatives of improper learning. Learning is not ‘passing’ examinations. It is an exercise of thought refining and character building through knowledge acquisition. Possessing a degree /degrees does not mean much to the employers. They look for men and women who can handle situations, plan and carryout work in the firm at short notice. These are possible for those who have systematically updated their knowledge base and skills of communication. Knowledge acquisition has to keep pace with skillful communication; either of them alone, cannot keep the candidates in good stead.

Strengthened profile confers competitive edge; avoid rote learning

Competitive edge is the ‘overall’ package of knowledge, communication, recognizing contrary views, group coordination, ability to predict or forecast prospects and co-exist in an ambience of mixed culture. Competitive edge has to be developed by strengthening the components of mental equipment. None of these qualities can be achieved by rote learning. Rote learning is a mechanical exercise of memorizing a sequence of statements ‘organized’ as notes for facing examinations. With rote learning, memory gets taxed and information is not understood. Without understanding, long term memory cannot be developed. In higher levels of learning and execution of work, there are no notes to go by; one has to put right efforts based on facts of the situation and perform work.  So, it is necessary that in our formative days, we acquire the skills of learning by understanding.

Clarity, Understanding, Comprehension, Competence and Confidence:

These are the critical elements that youngsters have to acquire through education. The range of components listed is logically interrelated. Every step is important to reach the next higher step. Together they account for the ‘Personality’ of the individual. Persons without confidence do not command respect. Respect is earned from the efficiency of work. To be efficient, the person has to be self-sufficient in mental equipment. Mental equipment is something of competitive value and it cannot be acquired in later life. Therefore student days are the best for skill acquisition; powerful communication is a part of your equipment. Without appropriate communication, it is impossible to convince anyone of our abilities. Devote time to develop fine skills of writing and speaking. Never imagine that languages are unimportant. Without effective language, knowledge stays relegated if not hidden.     So, language is the tool for delivery; it should be kept sharp to convince the listeners. Precision of expressions demands choice vocabulary and articulate presentation. These are learnt as a part of one’s studies. Language prowess renders confidence to the possessor and be a proud possessor by right grooming.

It is never too late to learn /refine language skills of persons. Let us shed any inhibition in getting doubts cleared. Receptive approach can help picking up ideas and in bringing about correctives required for improving the skills of communication. Listening to good speakers and following the works of good writers can hasten our efforts of improvement. Popular expressions by friends and neighbours need not be correct. Using standard dictionaries is a better way of learning authentic spelling, meaning and usage. Also, it is ideal to remember that the English language versions –British and the American differ in usage and spelling. On matters of English, U K version is better for Indians as our basic training for English is modeled on the lines of the British. Learning many languages is an asset to the learner.  To master any language one has to be a fanatic of phonetics.                               

                                                  GOOD LUCK                                         Prof. K. Raman


  1. Only now I come across with the words like Homonym, Homograph and Homophone.

  2. My mother , though she has studied upto sixth std. she uses to say how her teacher gave stress on phonetics
    But nowadays I doubt whether students are taught phonetics

  3. "Fanatic of phonetics"... hahaha excellent!!! Very well written!!!



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