Thursday, December 30, 2021


The computer -- IV

The system would keep playing them one after the other. That such a system based on mere electro-mechanical operation served with fidelity prompts me to reckon it as a computer in its own right. The relevant reference is to suggest the value of human brain as an unparalleled equipment. At all stages of evolution of science and technology, brain has held the centre stage. Quite a few ideas run parallel between computer and human brain; but it is a disrespect shown to human brain to regard computer and  human brain as comparables.

The superiority of brain:

Perhaps, the lone item that confers value on to human forms of life is the brain itself. All the achievements of mankind can be traced to the efficacy of the human brain. After some early training, brain picks up all nuances –told and untold. From this plane one may have to consider computer in the light of human brain’s profile. Human brain is the best processor that one can conceive. A processor sequences the input to ‘derive’ the picture or the inference thereof. So far as a computer processor is concerned, it may receive a large volume of data and appropriately codify it for a final statistical position. Provided that the right software has already been installed, the extent to which data can be processed can vary. So long as the system does not come under any ‘snag’, a computer can offer the best services devoid of human errors arising from fatigue or digression. Also, high quality scribing, page after page is possible from computers. These are domains of ‘perfection’ that computers can sustain over the years. But, it has to be borne in mind that any computer can ‘handle’ jobs for which it is ‘informed’ by virtue of the software installed. Besides, a computer can condense data into compact modular information for further application. There are certain domains like ‘manipulation’ of genetic products to derive the ‘most ideal’ proteins by combining precise amino acid sequences for bio-remediation of disease. To manually attempt all the permutations and combinations, it would be tiring and time-consuming with the prospects of human error. A ‘pre-informed’ computer can do the job with greater precision to arrive at ‘molecular modeling’ of proteins. The real advantage lies in the rapidity with which a large number of hypothetical designs can be derived and their efficacy under defined conditions can be ascertained using ‘pre-informed’ computer systems. Like a trained Sniffer dog, computer can identify a product or process, if the necessary data input and their processing schedules have already been ‘installed’ in the system. Obviously, all such inputs have to arise from the human brains of Scientists while the soft ware thereof has to be developed by technocrats to evolve a fool-proof sequence of ‘proceeding’ with the work. All the same the electronic gadgetry in the processor should match the job profiles like memory, storage, retrieval and security aspects of accessibility limited to lawful users and sharing in networks through appropriate safeguards and so on. These do involve human brains from hardware engineers who systematically strive for increasing the ‘capacity’ while downsizing the equipment size for comfortable portability. Devices like the ‘pen drive’ have absolutely revolutionized the concept of ‘passing on’ of information, as the gadget can be carried in a pocket much like a nail cutting device. Certainly it is the human brain that has designed, developed and amplified the omnipresence of computers. But, now let us look at this.

Analysis: No computer can right way indulge in analysis unless it has already been provided for such a facility. Besides, the extent to which it can ‘analyse’ is also constrained by the limits of the software used for the purpose. On the contrary, human brain is not constrained, as it can ‘derive’ inferentially by analyzing the utterances on an occasion. Unlike a computer that goes by the input, the brain tries the veracity of the input, quickly assesses the prospects of any motive behind, and side by side stays watchful for any falsehood from the eyes of the communicator, without letting the opposite person know of the instant scrutiny ‘on’ with in. Besides, the brain automatically throws open all the ‘files’ of the opposite person for all the antecedents and history of deeds and misdeeds. All these happen without any obvious effort on the part of the recipient while maintaining the looks of cordiality. All minds generally begin with suspicion and only later try to analyze thoroughly all the claims made. No statement from any stranger is taken up for process until the recipient is convinced of the safety of handling or at least the support that one can bank on, in the event of a crisis. Unlike a computer, the human brain has limitless potentials for ‘reading’, ‘retrieving’, remembering and analyzing the whole range of things familiar or strange. Effortlessly, the human brain can recall things of the distant past and associate it with persons and events. Problem-solving generally happens with human brains by a clear perception of the criteria involved     To continue      Prof. K.Raman 

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