Sunday, January 23, 2022




Once again the title is less- leading though not misleading. This time, the reference is to the traditional Engine Driver in Indian Railways. Just to confer a level of dignity on to the cadre, the Railways have named the position as Pilot and the deputy – the co-pilot. Obviously, men on those cadres, feel higher of selves. Of late, women also serve on those positions. Earlier it was an exclusive domain of men for apt reasons. Engine versions earlier were heavy duty machines requiring muscle power to turn certain levers and themselves to keep standing all through the journey. It was meant to be so to discourage tendency of sleep while on work. In fact, steam engines are devoid of seats; yet, the drivers would manage to perch on the window sill, to relax a bit from the tedium of standing on a rhythmically jolting travel. Round the clock vigil is a basic requirement for safe handling of engine for any exigency on the track, signal reading and obeying of caution en route.

Technology a blessing indeed

Formerly engines were steam locos fuelled by carbon-rich coal; they would bale out huge columns of soot-ridden smoke and were of low efficiency. Those days, persons from train journey appeared a bit dark from the engine soot. Engines were classified –M, YP and YG; Y Grades were used for long trains or goods respectively [YP =Passenger hauling], [YG = hauling Goods], M= Short distance passenger trains. Each of them needed 3 persons, Driver, Assistant and a Fireman. Within the engine, Driver was the boss and the other two should just do what the boss says. Railways are very rigid about function protocols and violation of any kind is dealt with in all seriousness. All the 3 have to co-exist and cannot sustain hatred. Fireman used to load raw coal to the running engine whenever temperature / steam pressure dropped and the driver used to alert him. Loading coal is a demanding task , as the hot furnace is opened [offensive heat would spread into the engine] and directly the fireman faced the heat as he had to load 3 or 4 shovels from the rear half and had to quickly shut the furnace door. This operation used to go on every now and then through the travel.   In fact it was the fireman who initiated the ignition schedule for steam engine about 5 hours before the scheduled departure on a journey. The drivers used to take charge of the initiated engines. The advent of Diesel loco eliminated the preparatory schedules and the need for a fireman at all. So, the hierarchy witnessed a shrink and 2 personnel are needed as Pilot and co-pilot. Further, these engines are far more efficient in hauling heavy load and in sustaining speed, rendering comfort of travel free of soot and smoke.Travel times have been reduced considerably.


Pilot or Driver does not drive the train [in sharp contrast to the automobile drivers of cars / buses/ lorries]. The rails offer the surface on which the wheels glide and move. But then, what do the drivers do? They keep vigil of signals; watch if the train is on the right track as per the signal; if not they would refuse the move the train as the error of signal operation must be fixed on signal staff. Later it may be shifted on to the pilot as of disobeying the signal. Even for stations where the train does not stop, signal clearance is of paramount importance and no driver on the Indian Railways would take anything for granted. Signal violation by a driver can result in his demotion or dismissal irrespective of experience. Also, the driver and co- driver cross check signal information by standing at a gate one on either side and calling out ‘Signal open road no 6 ‘ and the other also calls out ‘signal open road no. 6 ‘ provided the two read the same . If they do not concur, as viewed by them, the driver would slow down the engine until reaching the pre-signal limit. Still if signal is not clear the engine is halted at a safe POINT before the deadline. Observance of caution is a day to day requirement for drivers. Any station Superintendent can pass on caution message, much like an ECG RECORDING STRIP, which carries caution note/ speed limit at KMs with reference to a railway station. Irrespective of day or night, drivers implicitly follow these guidelines issued on a daily basis.

To continue          Prof. K. Raman

1 comment:

  1. I remember that the oldest class of engine is F . This engine was used only within the station for shunting purposes.I have also seen M, YG, YP engines. In Thirunelveli a special engine known as ST was running in Thiruchendur line
    Now the Rly. Guard is designated as Train Manager..During a long trip in train those days we avoid white shirt and invariably if you peep through window there is every possibility that you receive carbon particles on your eyes and hairs



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