Saturday, April 9, 2022



Brassinosteroids’ are a class of plant hormones, originally known in Brassica napus [the rape or mustard plants; mustard seeds [kadugu in tamil, Sasve in kannada , ‘kaduk’ in Malayalam, Sarson in Hindi, ‘Avaalu’ in Telugu]. Until about the beginning of the present millennium, very little was known of these plant hormones –‘Brassinosteroids’. Now, they engage intense research, trying to decipher the varied ramifications of these plant steroids. In plants, they influence a range of functions of growth, development and senescence. 

Brassinosteroids [BRs for short] occur in different plant groups like fresh water algae, Brown algae and nearly every segment of plant kingdom. This in itself testifies to the long evolutionary history of these plant steroids. In the last decade + plant BRs have triggered interest in Bio-medical application in alleviating human suffering. In animal test systems, BRs have shown promise to positively regulate cellular functions leading to Anti-cancerous, Anti bacterial, Antiviral, Anti fungal functions in cells including Anti-angiogenic , Anti- genotoxic potential. These plant hormones [BRs] display effective role in regulating disorders in animal systems. Varying levels of plant sterols [Phytosterols] occur in plants of our interest.   

A broad list of common vegetables and their sterol content [ in milligrams per Fresh weight of 100grams]

Onion =7.4, Garlic = 11.2, Cauliflower=42.8, Broccoli= 40.9, Cabbage= 13.6, Mustard seeds= 10.2 and Coriander leaves= 18.7.

Total sterols

Cucumber = 7.3, Carrot =19.4, Sweet potato= 9.9,

 Pea = 53.7, Potato= 3.6, Tomato =   6.1, Ginger = 15.0 [Ref: Han et al., Biomed. Env.sci. 2008]

It is not my interest to baffle readers with higher order technical terms. But, quantification is an accepted norm to substantiate the merits of a contention.  Besides it may help the culinary effort in rotating different vegetables in sequence to promote the general well being of the family.

After all, every session of eating has to satisfy health needs instead of mere tongue- satiation. This ‘wisdom’ will dawn as one ages. But before age catches us up, let us keep it at bay. Incidentally what strikes my senses is the Indian Wisdom in formulation of recipes which revolve round the items listed, besides of course, the cereals as staple food for energy. Even there a preference for Rice or Wheat  [in some places ‘Ragi’], in consonance with the climate of the area is an expression of native wisdom. It speaks volumes of our heritage in grand vegetarianism.

Prof. K.Raman


1 comment:

  1. Steroids as such play a very important role in animals. Reproductive hormones are steroids .Endocrinologists find it difficult to deal with steroid hormones but not with protein hormones. Many doctors avoid prescribing steroid tablets or injections. For quick relief steroids are very effective but the cumulative effect will result in the effect of a hormone.
    Nobody dares to deal with the steroids. There are some Ayurvedic medicines that are steroids. The respiratory inhalers contain steroids and within seconds they give relief from asthma or related problems.



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