Monday, April 11, 2022



If humanity has held something important across cultures, it is Coriander [Koththamalli]. This tiny herb, a native of Mediterranean has physically conquered human palate by its sheer aroma and ‘no waste structure’ perhaps with the exception of roots. Any South Indian would unhesitatingly declare “there can be no ‘Rasam’ sans the leaves of coriander. It is easily the most endorsed ‘SPICE’ by all lovers of food. The leaves and seeds of coriander form an indispensable component in most vegetarian recipes and after years of ‘familiarity’ none ever feels it stale. The adage ‘Familiarity breeds contempt’ does not fit coriander even by a remote possibility.

A variety of health benefits accrues from coriander leaves / seeds. These health benefits are from minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants in coriander. Vitamin –K is suggested to be derived from coriander. It helps in the property of blood clot. Another benefit from Vitamin- K is its ability to strengthen bones and saving of bones from Osteoporosis [A state of weak and porous bones].  Yet another silent help from Vitamin K is its ability to prevent or lower the risk of heart disorders.

A major feature of Coriander is its rich Anti oxidant activity in human systems.  Oxidation is promoted indiscriminately by free radicals. Coriander can suppress the origin of free radicals and thus serve an Antioxidant function.

Coriander is a diuretic.  It promotes improved urination, leading to removal of Sodium from the human system and thus helps to lower the blood pressure. Also, coriander has the ability to minimize low density lipids or ‘bad cholesterol’ and prevent narrowing of arteries and helps heart health. Coriander seeds are known to lower the blood glucose level in diabetics.


Coriander, also has Vitamins –A and C

Vitamin –A helps vision and Vitamin –C promotes to build immunity and ability to fight against infections by improving White blood corpuscles and also assists wound- healing. Coriander is a good source of Iron and Calcium.

Providential indeed it is that Coriander leaves and seeds have won wide acceptance among  all global races.

Prof. K. Raman


  1. For the preparation of sambarand rasampwoder coriander seeds are veryessential.Like wise for rasamgreen coriander leaves and curry leaves are added. to give more flavour.In general coriander leaves area Vit.C rich.Juice of these leaves are taken to reduce body weight
    I relish Kothamalli Chatni as side dish fori idli

  2. The last six articles, from Cotton to Coriander, contain very valuable information. Thanks very much for sharing them.



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