Thursday, April 28, 2022




Cambridge dictionary of English language suggests that ‘garnish’ means decorate food with a small amount of some other food. It is quite an appealing explanation instead of just suggesting ‘decorating’ food [might be mistaken for using pieces colour paper- the worst ill-treatment to food before the same to a guest]. Interestingly all the three items are from ‘cash crops’ meticulously cultivated and cared for. The three are standard ingredients in mogul preparations.

CARDAMOM       ஏலக்காய்,  Hindi= इलायची, Tel= ఏలకులు, Mal=ഏലാം  Kan=ಏಲಕ್ಕಿ.

Cardamon is the fruit with its seeds, derived from the plant –Eletaria

Cardamom is cultivated in special elevated lands and the best yield is from lands above 2000 ft MSL. Crops grown at lower altitudes generally fail to yield quality fruits/ seeds. Hailed as the “Queen of Spices”- the best fruits are greenish or whitish green, with tightly packed clusters of seeds inside the chamber of the fruit [Pod]. Fruits are allowed to dry in shade so as to preserve the aroma of the product that fetches high price for cardamom.  The value for cardamom is for its rich aroma that elevates the value of the ‘dish’ garnished with it

Curiously, the tiny black seeds of this spice are rich in oil content whose biochemical composition is quite baffling. Always the product aroma is due to the essential oils within. So, the oil content has to be carefully maintained by ‘discouraging’ the scope for evaporation of the essential oil which accounts for a total quantum of 80%. The components include approximately,  45%  α-terpenol .27% Myrcene, 8% Limonene , 6%Menthone , 3%  β-phellandrene, 2% 1, 8- Cineol, 2% each of Sabinene and Heptane.

Even more important it is to realize that before a crop turns productive it may be between 5-and 7 years,  depending on several factors -  soil, climate, incidence of diseases etc,.

Besides its captivating flavor from garnishing, cardamom offers advantages as medicine through food. Seeds help to de-odorize the mouth, cure teeth /gum disorders and   heal mouth ulcers. Oil in cardamom triggers digestive juices and can soothe gastric ulcers and help them to heal.         Cardamom can help to improve ‘breathing difficulties’ in Asthma and improve blood circulation. So much of value for those tiny black seeds of cardamom!

CINNAMON   லவங்கப்பட்டை Hindi= ढालचीनी Tel =దలచిన సిక్కా Kan= ದಾಲ್ಚಿನ್ನಿ

Cinnamon is derived from the inner bark of the tree Cinnamomum .

Use of Cinnamon bark in food, dates back to ancient Egyptian civilizations. The gentle fragrance of cinnamon is due to the oil –containing cinnamaldehyde .  Cinnamaldehyde is suggested to be a major influence on health and metabolism in humans.  It is known to have antibacterial/ anti-fungal activity. Cinnamon has anti oxidant property due to polyphenols . Among the varied spices, Cinnamon is a top winner for Antioxidant property. Because of this, Cinnamon can be a natural food preservative in its own right. Indications are that cinnamon can help to fight against HIV 

Anti-inflammatory property in Cinnamon reduces the risk of health disorders.

It regulates LDL [LOW DENSITY LIPIDS]and Tri-glycerides without interfering with HDL. It Can lower Blood pressure.

Cinnamon can elevate sensitivity to Insulin and help in Type 2 Diabetes.  In experiments, lowering of Fasting glucose in blood by 10-29% is known.

Antioxidant role can be an Anti cancer role also.

CLOVE    Tam= கிராம்பு, Hindi=लौंग  Tel= లవంగం Mal= ഗ്രാമ്പു Kan= ಲವಂಗ

Clove is the ‘un-open flower buds of Eugenia or Syzygium . Clove enjoys a royal  acceptance as a spice anywhere  as in food/ beverages/ candies/ biscuits etc. It has the fine quality of upkeep of liver health, blood sugar in humans.  Clove has minor carbohydrate content; but is a rich source of Manganese,  which is essential for brain health and healthy bones.  One of the vital components in clove is its oil – Eugenol. Eugenol can be a powerful anti oxidant which can neutralize trends of cancer in cells. Besides,  it is a well known home remedy for disorders in teeth / mouth as the popular ‘clove oil’.

Clove upkeeps our health by toning up the liver and by its anti microbial role maintains oral health

Blood sugar regulation is another function ascribed to clove asd it promotes Insulin secretion and helps insulin activity in transfer of sugar to cells. Clove extract can also reduce stomach ulcers by its oil content. Cloves help bone strength by Manganese supply. But young children should not be fed with clove much, as it can damage liver in such children.

Prof. K. Raman


  1. Another important ingredient is poppy seeds ( kasakasa) which helps digestion . It also induces sleep as it contains opium to some extent.

  2. As usual, a very informative article.



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