Friday, June 24, 2022



Aloe vera –a long ignored succulent weed has shot into global fame and respect in the last 20 years or so. It seems to hold a place of pride as a panacea for several human ailments and disorders. Interestingly, even the die-hard adherents to Western medical system concede    the value / significance of Aloe in medication.

Tamil= கற்றாழை, Hindi= MUSABBAR, Tel, Kan= = kalabanda, Mal= കറ്റവാഴ

As is the usual tendency in our country, only when the West began publishing the value of Aloe vera, did our society realize our ignorance for the ignored succulent. For quite a time lasting over decades, the plant was suspended in verandahs / corridors as a mosquito repellent. Its value as a medicine has assumed the value of industrial products for the range of human disorders that this plant can tackle effectively. Shamefully, we were too ignorant and equally shamelessly, we adore it as a ‘fair skin redeemer’. Industry is always smart to cash in on any finding and how can Aloe vera be any different? A variety of ‘beauty cream and conditioners of skin, based on Aloe are being sold like hot cakes. Not mere surface beautification, even internal disorders like digestion and related set backs are redressed by the potential of the complex chemistry of Aloe. Mind you, the plant is fighting for its living in dry land impoverished for water. Under the harsh state of living, the plant has acquired substantial adaptive methods of gel-like mucilage rich in biochemically active principles which drive off grazing cattle. The self defender comes to the rescue of humans facing health disorders. 

One important feature to take note of about plants in general  is that they arm themselves with defensive tools like latex, Gums, Resins, oils and Antioxidants –Polyphenols. Such compounds dissuade grazing animals through offensive taste and not-easy- to digest type of pungent smell etc., they defend themselves from being grazed, because the land does not provide ample water. Whatever quantum of water is gathered is under a potent threat by grazing; so, deterrent chemical assembly of bitter alkaloids, pungent fluids, sting hairs and coagulant matter like ‘gel’ are useful to store water even as grazing animals face harsh chemical defence from plant. 

Such finely formulated chemicals have anti-biotic potential besides different other molecules that serve as medicines against human disorders. That is why and how dry land species serve mankind in different ways. At least 9 different medicinal values are ascribed to Aloe vera products.   May be, later we can consider them in detail. As I had earlier contended, tropical climate makes the plants develop unique properties. None can ever assume that Humans are supreme. Painfully, they are supreme in assuming of possessing the power to subjugate others until something like CoVid- 19 strikes a blow. Then we run for life-saving medicines from the non-entities –plants, animals, bacteria or any other Nature’s Gift.

Prof. K.Raman

1 comment:

  1. Aloe Vera is commonly found on the sides of railway track. But this species is said to be poisonous whereas the other species called சோற்றுக்கற்றாழை is mainly used for skin and facial purposes. That too the inner gel is used and not the outer skin. My uncle who was an Ayurvedic practitioner in Kerala used to collect the gel and convert it into a powder.
    In US all facial and skin creams contain Aloe Vera .
    It is also used as mosquito repellent.
    The other species is converted into fibers and in the market they are sold as dusters.



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