Friday, June 3, 2022



A too-well known term is ‘Dictionary’, though many tend to ignore the etymology of the term. The term seems to have had its origin during early 16th century from the Latin Dictionarium’ which means ‘manual’ or ‘book of words’. Incidentally, ‘dictionary’ relates to ‘DICTION’- the manner of use of words that emphasize the sense of a statement and make it eminently effective for the occasion. As students, we used to look with awe some of our Professors and exclaim ‘Look at ‘his diction’. ‘Diction’ is a noun and it also relates to the ‘pronunciation’ of words, besides the cohesive assembly thereof. Generally it is suggested that ‘it is useful for a language teacher to have a good diction’. Personally, I am of the firm conviction that a ‘good diction’ is an asset for anyone who wishes to be an impressive teacher. Any good dictionary is an asset in that it presents the right meaning, the different usage forms like verbs, adverbs, adjectives and the appropriate [recognized] styles of usage of terms as practiced by monolingual natives of that language.

A dictionary is authentic as a source of reference for spelling, meaning and grammar of words in that language. It helps to appropriately use a term for a specific context. Several meanings of significance can be gathered from an authentic dictionary. Some elaboration may help us to recognize the utility of such  dictionaries.


Unlike in Indian languages, English language has the custom of emphatic pronunciation of words. Pronunciation of many English words requires that the word be clearly spoken by spacing the different  segments of the word. These ‘segments’ are [syllables] slightly separated from one another by a fraction of time, besides heavy emphasis on different segments of the word. For instance ‘magnificent’ has 4 syllables and is expressed as mag’-nif –i- cent [adjective] and mag - nif-i-cence [noun]; immaculate  as im’-mac-u-late [4 syllables]. When used as per the directives prescribed for pronunciation, words appear grand and ‘Diction’ receives attention of listeners. Those desirous of achieving cognizance among listeners must acquire the skill of using prescribed syllables. Needless to say “Dictionaries are the best educators” –especially of the nuances typical for that language.


Dictionaries provide information on how to pronounce each word based on the parameters- syllable and stress. Stress of a spot in a word is marked by ‘ and space to signify the separation and emphasis. Certain words are presented for pronunciation by use of spellings which simulate the sound in native utterance. Further the ‘grammar’ of the word for its status-- noun or verb or any other are also specified. By sticking to those norms it is easy for speech or writing, as dictionaries specify typical pronouns, conjunctions, their usage, rules and the due changes needed for apt indication of tenses. Most inconveniences in handling English-the authentic way can be addressed and rectified by a systematic adherence to abiding by the dictionary. Persons who experience problems of usage invariably present ideas in a somewhat clumsy usage, complicated by grammar errors and need to repeat statements , as they themselves feel “my statement is not convincing nor convenient“;  so, they are through discomfort zone whenever they have to deliver speeches through formal presentations.

Despite being aware of the advantages of using a dictionary, many stay contended with what they presume to be correct. When they face ticklish situations of addressing high profile audience, they find the going rather tough and ‘avoid’ undertaking the very assignment. Sheer negligence of healthy approaches of availing of the most elegant words, renders a very perfunctory image for such persons. Once we cultivate the right strategies of acquisition, adoption and application of vocabulary, speech / writing turns a rewarding exercise by the sheer authenticity.


Thesaurus is a kind of dictionary in which several words with similar meaning are provided in a cluster and helps our effort in looking for words of like meanings[Synonym].  It boils down to the idea that several synonyms can be had from thesaurus.

Technical dictionaries

Practically every field of knowledge has its own Dictionaries and they are Technical dictionaries addressing a variety of requirements for VARIED SUBJECTS and fields like engineering, Medicine, Biology, Chemistry and an array of other subjects. It is more dignified to use all Dictionaries than seek opinion from others and receive un-authentic [in authentic] suggestions.

Prof. K. Raman









  1. When I was doing degree course I use to carry a small pocket dictionary to the class. My English professor called me as Dictionary man. I discontinued that practice in the third year. I use to know two new words each day through the dictionary and tried to use those words in my writings.During my postgraduate course I discontinued this practice.
    Vocabulary is essential in any language

  2. Thanks for the very useful and interesting article.



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