Sunday, June 12, 2022



Punct [noun] and it means a point or a dot. Interestingly, punct is the root word for several other derivatives in English language. It is quite a revelation that a variety of usages appear to have emerged from this word. Let us try to recall some of them.

Punct means ‘point’ which means a critical issue in a discussion.

Punctal refers to any item relating to a ‘point’.

Punctuate [Verb] which implies the writing custom of marking pauses, separation of clauses or ending of statement.

Punctuation [noun] which suggests or refers to the act or process of punctuating.

Punctuative [adjective]-which refers to the relationship to the process of ‘punctuaion’.

Punctuator[ noun]  refers to a person who takes care of appropriately ‘punctuating’ the book.

Punctiform [adjective] -a reference to the appearance like a ‘dot’ or ‘point’.

Punctilio [noun] Exactness or precision in form

Punctilious [adj] refers to the habit or tendency of being precise

Punctographic [ adj]- relates to the act of printing for  blind [ braile]

Punctual [ adj] the act of sticking to time schedule

Punctuality/ Punctualness  [noun] the habit of adhering to time.

Punctum [noun] a dot or point

Punctate [adj]  - ending in a point.

Puncture [verb] to pierce with a sharp instrument.

Thus, the root-word ‘PUNCT’ serves to formulate several derivatives, each of which may have a precision to a context. It is profitable to get armed of such usages and their utility thereof. Quite an array of terms is based on ‘Punct’. Use them to advantage and make a mark in your sphere of activity. Good luck.

Prof. K.Raman  



  1. Punctuation marks are very important . If the mark is not done, the sentence will give different meaning.
    A woman, without her man is nothing.
    A woman; without her, man is nothing
    In Tamil for punctuation marks , this sentence is quoted often.
    சுக்குமுளகுதிப்பிலி without commas
    சுக்கு, மிளகு, திப்பிலி with commas



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