Saturday, July 23, 2022



Tam:Kothavarai,  al: Kothamara, Tel: Goruchikkudu,                                                          Kan: Gori kayi,  Hindi: Gaur

Cluster bean  is a vegetable crop of the legume variety.  Botanically- it is named Cyamopsis tetragonoloba. The plant is well known across India. In semi-arid regions, farmers avail of this crop for its capacity to improve soil nitrogen through its symbiosis with nitrogen fixing bacteria. .The plant may grow to 5 feet or more; but, for reasons of comfortable harvesting shorter ones are preferred. Basically, the plant is a dry land crop and does not require cold conditions.

A variety of feeds for cattle, fish and poultry are made from cluster beans.

Several important characteristics are known for the seeds. The seeds are rich in protein and  have a gummy material used in different  industries. Besides, Galactomannana –a group of polysaccharides made of Mannose and Galactose occurs in the seeds; these are hydrophilic and can improve the viscosity of the liquid when dissolved.

Whole plants are ploughed back into soil for green manure.


Among its major values, the glyconutrients of the fruits are known for low Glycimic index:  so they do not cause fluctuation of blood glucose levels of humans,

The Calcium-phosphorous association in the fruits helps to strengthen the bones.

Cluster bean helps to lower the low density lipids[LDL] and helps to regulate cardio-vascular complications. The presence of Potassium, Folate is useful as fiber in diet. Iron and calcium, Vitamin K of these fruits are of value to expectant mothers –particularly for the fetus during development

The fibre content of the fruits helps to improve digestion.

Due to its hypoglycemic capacity, nerves are protected and brain is not seriously disturbed [maintains calm].

Despite the variety of advantages from the sheer composition, cluster beans are not among the delicacies for many persons. This vegetable is among the low cost items and therefore also, it deserves attention for our own favour/ advantage.

Prof. K. Raman



1 comment:

  1. The most favourite vegetable of mine is the cluster beans. I very much like Paruppu usili prepared out of this beans. I also relish cluster beans preparation with pepper , jeeragam and coconut .
    I also taste the raw form of this beans. When I went to my father in law’s house for the first time they asked me which vegetable I like very much. When I mentioned this beans , they laughed . This vegetable is not given importance
    like that of potato carrot etc.
    I also like dried , salted cluster beans that is fried in oil.
    Even in star hotels the first item given is the fried cluster beans.
    Without knowing the medicinal value the present generation neglect this vegetable.



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