Friday, July 15, 2022



Though I have started this item –it storms in me as to whether this should be discussed at all. For reasons of trying to get over such occurrences in life, I deem it necessary to ‘understand’ what it is all about. Is it that with advancing age, we tend to find too many incongruities around or is what meets the eye  real?  A hard to answer poser it is. Still, let us try to explore the undercurrents there in.

Practically, everywhere I recognize disharmony, for, what we relish and what we get to have are far removed from each other. If so, how to be at peace within and without? Honestly, it looks a hard task to live through such unforgiving men and matters. The most probable element causing these ripples ‘develop’ from a definite craving for importance for self [including our own dispositions-I mean].

The idea presented may be perceived better from our own places of work, be it office or construction sites, hospitals, Court rooms, Class rooms and to an extent even our own homes.   Most of these places do not offer ‘peace’ on a platter, in the sense that one has to fight for peace [Quite ironical indeed!]. Evidently, there is a paucity or paralysis of faith on those in our immediate vicinity. Everyone doubts the other as of being nearly un-reliable; there is deafening silence between persons though each of them nurtures a cauldron of hatred about most members around with a lurking fear that [s]he is all out to ruin my prospects in my office career; is it possible? Officially looks impossible but given the idiosyncrasies of persons who matter in these episodes, nothing can be ruled out as most administrations run on ‘grapevine’ than on facts per se. 

The issue turns worse or complex as the ‘higher ups’ never have an open dialogue on items of relevance, even with the members concerned. Their idiosyncrasies are shaped and trimmed by ‘irrelevant’ considerations. Only very few [negligibly small] who have had high quality grooming in homes, schools, Colleges read the state of affairs and draw the most accurate inferences; all others are guided by ‘interferences’ and not by inferences from sound logic. Reasons for such lopsided attitudes are not far to seek. Most of them [ the ‘higher-ups’] have themselves ascended thrones by crook than by hook and have a natural delight to entertain lesser mortals fearing that more intelligent minds around can spell ‘doom to my prospects’ by immaculate spade work. Such spade works never form the tools of the competent, for, they trust only straightforward attack or deal and not clandestine ‘behind the scene gimmicks’ of the incompetent. The incompetent can never understand this because dispassionate judgment alone can unravel truth, while misguided, fabricated narratives unfailingly land the system in a mess. Living in the marsh of a mess is the delight of the incompetent persons –as they are averse to face both truth and competence. Therefore, they breed disharmony in the system assuming that in peaceful settings, the incompetent cannot survive for long.

On the contrary, if we critically watch truly competent personnel in an  outfit, there is greater harmony, co-ordination and a sense of belonging bordering on pride of their genuine contribution to the system.

Quite a few political realities have helped, nurtured and bred incompetence as a helpful virtue and have stood by the incompetent for too long. It has taken the form of a vicious circle that the competent deem it fit to seek better places for peaceful life. Long hours of dealing with ‘disharmonious/ incompetent’ minds has shattered hopes of peace and men and women under duress [pressure] from such places of work practice ‘reticence’ even at home and the home too looks less harmonious though not disharmonious outright. Till such time that humans get to understand the value and merits of the competent, disharmony would stay large to the point of total collapse.

Prof. K. Raman



  1. We find disharmony in all walks of life. As we have come up through honest and obedient walk of life , we are unable to tolerate the behaviour of the present generation. Compared to the political life of the past , the present political life could not be tolerated by many.
    In my early days I use to see and enjoy Tamil films which had good stories and songs. Now as I become aged I am not able to tolerate the songs and stories of the present days. But the present generation enjoys and find harmony in their life. Our age and our mind set may be the reason for the disharmony.

  2. A well written article, which brings out the true picture of this sad reality of this aspect of Organizational culture. I have experienced these situations many times in my career. Most of the time we have no control of such situations and have to bear with it. As you have rightly broughtout the higher ups who have climed the ladder with dishonesty, create and nurture disharmonious culture.



  Director : AC THRILOKCHANDHER இயக்குனர்ஏ சி திருலோக சந்தர் தமிழ்த்திரையின் முக்கிய இயக்குனர்களுள்   நன்கு அறியப்பட்டவர் , கல்வ...