Thursday, July 28, 2022



Certainly, it is not an attempt to pooh-pooh something by naming it JUJUBE. It is the well known item across our country, by vernacular names ILANDHAI [Tamil], YELCHI [Kannada], ELANTHA PAZHAM [Malayalam], BER [Hindi]. Botanically named ZIZIPHUS JUJUBA / ZIZYPHUS JUJUBA [FAMILY RHAMNACEAE]

The plant is fairly tall, thorny shrub growing 8- 10 ft mostly in dry arid lands. Despite its sparse presence, the fruits are popular among school children aged below 10 -12. Adults also eat the fruits that are not particularly any delicacy for anyone. My calling its association with school children is based on the marketing of these fruits in small clusters in front of schools. There are some preparations like Jujube cakes made of fruit pulp cast in small discs named ‘Ilandhai vadai’ in Tamil Nadu.

The product tastes sweet and sour which further tempts the children by its affordable price. This is an’ easy to break’ item and does not call for ‘crow bite’ a popular practice among children to share eatables in small pieces by biting a stuff covered by cloth –with a belief of ‘hygienic segregation’ of pieces. Well, my narration hitherto might sound a nostalgic narrative; but, it will throw up an astonishing value for this nearly ‘disrespected’ fruit, if we consider details thereof.

The stuff is certainly a longing for NRIs belonging to S. India. More than that, the fruits of jujube have much to offer for humans.

Value to humans

Interestingly, the fruits are consumed world over as a food and medicine.  In herbal medicine system, jujube fruits are known to help brain functions, inducing good sleep and Neuro-protective activity by suppressing neurotoxins.

 Cyclic AMP, Flavonoids in the fruit are believed to strengthen such biological controls over neural health. Now, the drug makers are eyeing on jujube products to help patients in need of such therapy [and fill their coffers too].

Certain polysaccharides, Flavonoids [anti-oxidants] and Tri-terpenic acids in jujube fruits may promote good sleep.

Helping digestion and combating constipation are also suggested for jujube fruits.

Nutritive values of the fruits [for 100 gm] are said to yield about 78-80 calories, 1gm Protein, Fat- nil, Fibre=10gms Carbs: about 20 gms, and daily values of 77% of Vitamin- C, and 5% of Potassium, the average need of humans

The fibre content coupled with low calorie yield of jujube fruits make them excellent health snack. Also, this fruit is a poor man’s answer to handle brain health.  Such nature’s gifts are any day superior to junk food we may stumble upon often by their sheer omnipresence, next only to God!

Prof. K. Raman


1 comment:

  1. During my school days we have to go along the railway track to go to our school . One side of the track you may find Ilandhai plants and Aloe Vera plants. If we find red coloured fruits in ilandhai plants we pluck it out and eat it.The taste will be sweet and sour. We were careful in plucking this fruit since the plant bears thorns.Nowadays this fruits come to the market in certain season. Without knowing the value of it we were taking this fruits.
    We also find Kodukkapuli in a school compound .The ripe one we select and eat.Only students who know these come and pluck.



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