Thursday, July 21, 2022



The item goes by a variety of  names –Devil’s fig, Pea Eggplant plate brush, or Susumber [susumba]- a bushy shrub growing to about 7 feet or more bearing many  clusters  of  green, round berries –The Sundaikkaai [சுண்டைக்காய்]a name  which breaks ground from the less known names.[ Kannada= sundakkayi, Telugu-Kothuvashu, Hindi= Bhankatiya] The plant is a native of Florida, Alabama, South America and South Asia.

The seemingly insignificant tiny globose berries offer a range of health benefits to humans. Indeed its medicinal value is wide-ranging from setting right intestinal/ abdominal disorders, heart conditions and Diabetes.

Berries taste like Iron, as these fruits are rich in Iron. The less shiny varieties are used as vegetable and cooked in different ways for use as curry. Highly shiny green fruits are used for ‘dry pickle’ and could be roasted for making it edible and to escape its bitter taste.


Turkey berry has a chemistry rich in pharmacologically active compounds such as Sapogenin and Chlorogenin.

Water-extracts of Turkey berry can kill mice by weakening the blood constitution of them.

Fruit extracts of Solanum torvum  reveal Methyl caffeate activity lowering the diabetic characteristics in Rats.

Several disorders like pimples, skin disorders, Leprosy , cold , cough and hyperactivity in humans can be controlled by Turkey berry.

Other values include elevating the immunity. Can regulate Anaemia, Fever .

The berries help to promote kidney functions;  Manages Diabetes and heart activity.

The berries show insecticidal and repellent activity especially against some coleopteran  insects in grain storing facilities.

Anti-microbial activity against Staphylococci is shown by extracts from Solanum torvum leaves.

Thus, several benefits are known for Solanum torvum or Turkey berry

Prof. K. Raman

1 comment:

  1. Sundaikai is my favourite item either in the form of pickle or as Vattha Kuzhambu .Though it is bitter in taste it has high medicinal value. For diabetic patients it is supposed to reduce blood sugar.
    My mother used to fry them in oil and add the fried item in top of dosai.In the market sundaikai podi is available. To hot rice add a spoon of ghee and a spoon of sundaikaipodi and it is good for health. Raw sundaikai is added to sambar and that will taste good



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