Tuesday, August 16, 2022



A time-tested methodology for teaching has been ‘chalk-talk’. From time immemorial, quite a number of people have been shaped by ‘c-t’ as an effective tool. A couple of decades ago, this method was criticized as of being un-refined. Even now I am at a loss to know what is ‘un-refined’ about the working of it. In my reckoning, if refinement has to be looked for it should study the impact on learner instead of trying to dismiss something for being old. If any modern method drastically improves the process of learning, it can be thought of. Coming to the much professed ‘modern’ method, the advocacy has been in favour of using OHP / Printed Charts and subsequently power point slides. Each of them is a clear improvement over its predecessor. Persons in favour of these modern methods are unable to raise convincing arguments to disband the Chalk-Talk’ method. Instead of dubbing it old, why not we accept that it has been a time-tested tool to have successfully ‘educated ‘ multitudes of millions of  students over several generations. Has any modern method generated intellectually superior students? Intellect is a product of mental exercise and not one of physical facility. Besides, at higher levels of learning like graduation or above, several     advanced domains of biology like cell structures, division cycles, developmental changes/ embryology, plant anatomy and a few other topics require physical depiction, even as learners are observing. A final picture as in a chart or power point slide may look neat; but never can help the learner to learn how to ‘develop’ a diagram or ‘where to begin’ and ‘how to proceed’. Learning the functional methodology behind depicting diagrams is equally important especially for aspirants desirous of becoming teachers. Also, learning by observing progressive changes is the right approach for imparting knowledge. If teachers do not take upon themselves ‘duty’ of educating the wards for all components, what else is their job? Hanging a wall diagram or chart can be easily done by peons/ attendants. Therefore, that much significance is integral to ‘Chalk-Talk’ method. I request all modern teachers, to kindly accord due value to a process, like ‘Chalk-Talk’, instead of looking down upon it as an ‘old method’.

Prof. K. Raman


1 comment:

  1. Chalk-Talk method is the best- is my conclusion. Is it because that I am trained in this method , I am supporting? No.
    Online classes held during COVID period have proved an utter failure.
    Using OHP if classes are held , the teacher need not prepare lessons in advance and already prepared slides can be read even the teacher himself does not understand what is written . Showing a ready made Atlas will not suffice unless the teacher draw the outline of a country and show where the different cities are located..To make the students understand what is a bay or gulf only chalk and a board method is the best.
    While drawing alimentary canal of human or any animal , the student should know the starting point and the end. By showing a ready made diagram students may start from stomach, baccal cavity, anus and intestine and finish the work.
    While writing on board students also know the spelling of certain words and which letter is silent for certain words like know , knife knowledge etc.
    Even many scientists while using modern methods to explain , in between they go to the black board and write to clarify certain things.
    There is nothing to replace Chalk-Talk method.



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