Friday, October 8, 2021


                      INTERVIEW DETAILS - III

                       Another domain that needs humble approach is the presentation of documents for scrutiny. Do not try to point out to records that suggest your excellence, by arching over the desk. Candidates desire that the selectors “see” the best aspects. If you are afraid that the limited time available may not help your cause, follow a simpler strategy. Hand over a set of photocopies of your documents for a leisurely study by the committee.. The marginal cost incurred can transform the situation to your advantage. So, do not hurriedly pull out your file. By leaving a copy with proper intimation, you can impress the selectors as a worthy candidate. Never create the impression that you would grab the job. 


                        On some occasions, you may have to inform of your experience in specific organizations.  Never hesitate to recall the names of personnel from whom you gained. It reflects your loyalty and  memory. If you have had to leave the earlier employment, do not accuse the then employer, but politely suggest the inconvenience in continuing with them. Every utterance carries more meaning than what we try to convey. While facing questions, pay full attention to the member raising the question. You reply to that person –as if in a one to –one conversation. Kindly ensure that you stick to formal expressions.

                      Body language:

                      Conveying an opinion without saying is body language. The most effective impressions can conveniently be done by eye / eyebrows, lip and facial expressions. Like-wise contorted looks imply confusion. All movements – hands, shoulders, nods of approval / disapproval have to be gentle and soft. Violent movements [even for disagreement] suggest impolite approach. While speaking, be clear in voice, pronunciation and intonation. Raising the voice has to be only if required and to lay emphasis on a point. After conveying an idea, look up to that member in anticipation of further question[s]. It implies comfort. After you have completed an answer express your thanks.

                      Ticklish situations:          An interview can offer occasions of discomfort. Sometimes, we may not know the answer. The best approach is an honest submission-“I do not know”. It is not a crime if you are unable to answer. Impulsive outbursts should be avoided. For instance, I have seen people saying “they are asking questions from school level information”. Often they fail to answer these questions. It indicates poor grasp of the subject.                                                                                                     


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