Friday, October 8, 2021




    Sometimes as a part of the selection process, Group discussions are held. It is a strategy to assess your ability to interact among equals, cogently co-ordinate with others and in office manners. All your attainments come under a scan by a well organized interview.                                                                           

     Interviews for Lectureship

    Aspirants for lectureship are on the rise every year despite the rigid recruitment policies of various state governments, the UGC and Universities. Indeed it makes a sad reading if we analyze the employment potential of the job seekers to this category.  I may have to dwell at length on some of the crucial requirements for the position of a lecturer.  

     By the very conceptual nomenclature recruitments are for positions of lecturers. They are believed [expected] to have a wholesome command over the entire gamut of subject domains entrusted to them for teaching. Even by the wildest stretch of imagination, a lecturer is not a person intended to dictate ‘notes’ in a class room. Honestly, dictating notes is a betrayal of lectureship. All the recruiting agencies fervently hope to locate some ideal candidates and call for applications. One thing that may be advanced in favour of a majority of aspirants is that, they may not have themselves come under the penumbra of real lectures / lecturers. Having been in the care of mediocrity, they feel that they have the equipment to be lecturers. My humble submission is being qualified is not equal to being equipped. Equipping one’s self is a long and endless process. It should be a part of every one’s learning. It is a vital component for acquiring competence. An interview tries to locate persons who show attitudes of equipping. So, a selection for lectureship demands a few essential qualities.

                                                                                                                                                                            These are:    excellent communication skills, clear voice, clarity in thought and an ability to make others comprehend. Systematic approaches alone can hone these faculties. But one should at least have these promising qualities to convince the selectors. A quick assessment is done by requesting the candidate to deliver a lecture to the members of the committee. A selection committee is generally mixed / heterogeneous with experts from different fields. They can understand your abilities, if not your technical subject. Several aspects of your personality reveal themselves when you try a lecture. “Face” the people and say what you wish to. Enact the type of lecture you would like to sit through and listen. All humans like a good stuff. Call in to play all your skills and be a composed person, polite and pleasant-mannered.                                                                                                      GOOD LUCK.                                  Prof. K. Raman




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