Thursday, November 18, 2021




Of the human faculties, the ‘hard to locate’ reservoir of limitless information is the mind. Yes, it can hold finite ideas of infinite volume. At no point, it gets saturated. It appeals to be an entity of expansive potential, storing ideas in the faculty called memory. Biologically, what territory of the human body constitutes the mind is elusive to say the least. Despite our inability to locate the mind, mind locates and recalls information that we may have gathered in some distant past. Ironically, we need not exert ourselves to cull out information that had already gone into our ‘heads’. Since brain holds control over our mind, items are believed to be ‘stored’ in brain. Be that as it may, the mind power is different from that of brain power! 

Mind is an ever-acting system that can work independent of the body. Indeed it is a marvel unparalleled.  It is a marvel, by virtue of its ability to assess even as it stores information in a codified form. The component of assessment relates to identifying the element of facts from those of fiction or fabrication if any. In doing so, the mind recalls silently, all experience of the past in determining the veracity or otherwise of the utterance. Fallibility of judgment arises either from poor discrimination or from taking statements for granted. Yet, the value of mind is supreme, as it relates to conscience-the guiding spirit. On occasions, persons overrule the conscience in a bid to achieve what they perceive as important. Such overruling moments are perhaps the items of conflict between right and wrong, driving the individual to take a position. 

Often, on such intricate moments, materialistic considerations drive the judgment in favour of this or that. Also, it is unfair to suggest that all decisions are materialistic, since a number of decisions do emerge from moralistic considerations. But, without mind nothing can work. However, an inexplicable factor coming in the way of decision-making relates to grooming from childhood, as ‘taking positions’ is based on the value system to which the individual adheres.     

Prof.K. Raman

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