Saturday, November 27, 2021





Having looked at so many facets of human life, it is logical to consider the issue of human mental complex. Generally complex is considered more a notion of self than of its being true or real. As two extremes of the phenomenon, we come across persons of inferiority complex or of superiority complex. To some extent, it is debatable if the notion is imaginary at all. To strengthen my observation, I have to draw the attention of readers to the ground reality that most such persons entertain the idea based on what they feel of themselves. Therefore it need not be an outright imagination. It could rather be more an amplified assessment. At a later point we may consider the issue from a different plane. Let us evaluate the outcome, as it tends to disturb the people around as much as it does to the individual. The mental complex is a nasty item, as the sufferers behave more like introverts and seldom discuss a matter in all entirety. On the contrary, their assertions in public and in private are contradictory. It makes our life that much difficult to bank on their honest stand on an issue. Letting down others is the outcome of this nasty trait. Of the two forms of complex, the one from the feeling of inferiority is more widespread and harder to handle.

In most situations, a feeling of inferiority develops when persons try to interact with others without appropriately organizing themselves in concept / content / context. Another dimension to this feeling comes from a general inadequacy in the ability to communicate / convince others of any contention. Inevitably time and again one has to recognize the need to communicate. Even in informal situations, the trait for effective communication takes a lead role in determining the level of social acceptance of any person.

 Organizing the process of thought is a vital component of any communication irrespective of the language employed. Invariably, it proves a hurdle if one tries concealing his / her inadequacy in this front. The actual disorder in a person afflicted by this feeling is he /she primarily believes that “I am at par with everyone else”. It is justified only in terms of biological growth and not based on mental prowess. Obviously such people are oblivious of the range of spread of information and the vast expanse over which a person can acquire grip and authority. The malady can be traced to their pattern of upbringing in their early childhood. Such persons who have sustained themselves in the company of lesser mortals assume “equality” that is truly non existent. When they come to a different situation of competent competitors, they feel miserable: but put up a brave disposition and try to preempt. How can an inadequate person preempt others? Truly, they can not accomplish this even in their remote dreams. They resort to maligning others with whom they can never compete.


Once such a feeling of inferiority enters one’s mind he / she does not attempt to mend the mechanics of knowledge acquisition. For them it is easy to denigrate others. Soon they locate their ideal foils of inadequacy and form a conglomerate of incompetence. This incompetent bunch tries to spread the notion that “X” is bad and that he /she should not be trusted upon. Such persons initially taste ‘victory’ since for them life’s mission is to see that no one enjoys greater acceptance. They keep on sustaining enormous vigil trying to highlight the follies of better people. They would not hesitate to fabricate items to portray better people as bad ones. Such tendencies are rampant among people who would stand comparison in public esteem. Instead of raising the level of competence in their work, they stoop low and resort to substandard missions of character assassination of people of higher quality. Desire being an insatiable entity, persons of such desire try to project themselves as saviours of humanity from the clutches of people whom they consider “bad”. In this effort, their judgement of people forms the basis for portrayal.


All aspects of life- good or bad have providential blessings. The bad efforts of such incompetent persons soon bring the perpetrators under the silent scan of public analysis. 

In due course, the very members of the incompetent circle start suspecting the credentials of one another as they suffer from the mental block of intolerance. All the bad remarks that they employed to describe their “chosen targets”, boomerang to themselves with greater vigour. Slowly, they lose credibility and value as respectable individuals. They are left discarded. Over the years they have lost the ability for neutral assessment and feel neglected. The imaginary castle they built of ruining the image of more competent persons stands in ruins. Still they do not deem it fit to get out of the feeling of inferiority.

Instead they try to look for new groups of people with whom they can start “denigrating” interpretations. The most damaging impact of the feeling of inferiority is its effect of murking the ability to see the obvious. Besides, it systematically erodes the peace of mind as every attempt of denigration lands the person in a greater mess of failure. Only the brave accept the failure while the incompetent live in a ‘make believe’ world and look for other means of ‘carrying on’ the mission. They would never learn their lessons. To Continue                          Prof. K .Raman  

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