Friday, January 28, 2022




Change of format has been an unchanged mode of functioning in any industry and cine industry cannot be an exception. It would be bordering on folly, if we conclude that the change is envisaged or executed by cine industry itself. In fact, cine industry entrusts certain category of operation to allied functionaries. One such activity is audio recording that takes care of recording cine songs for marketing. Honestly, the present system of operation in this segment is not too clear to me. But, nothing wrong in our trying to recall the broad changes that have come about in this domain.


An early format on which audio products of songs from celebrated singers of classical art and other instrumentalists of classical /carnatic version and songs from movies were presented on graphite discs called “gramophone records”. These records could ‘reproduce’ the song in human voice or in instrumental play. But, to replay the item, the disc had to be played through a device named gramophone. In the beginning it was a mechanical device, with a coil, mechanically wound by a lever from outside. The spring load of the coil when permitted to relax, rotates a horizontal platform on which the record is placed. The rotating record has a groove from periphery to centre. A special needle held on a mini speaker running on the groove [due to rotation] can regenerate the recorded sound that can be amplified suitably. Being a horizontal disc, each record can store 2 songs or one single long song. Graphite [ also shellac]discs were heavy and prone to break to pieces.

 So, vinyl records were developed to help transport and to avoid breakage.  But, vinyl versions were not long lasting since the ‘groove’ used to get shallow by repeated use [unlike the graphite version].Heavier vinyl records were marketed to help the ‘life’ of the record. Another critical feature has been the RPM [revolutions per minute] which were 33, 45 and 78. Depending on the time span over which a record could play, they were designated EP or LP respectively –extended play or long play record as against the standard play time. Despite the popularity of the records, the primary store of songs composed by Music directors were stored [documented ] on SPOOLS 6” which had magnetic tapes that could re-recorded after erasure.  

There are many benefits in the use of magnetic tapes compared to other storage media. Especially  for  durability. Unlike other data storing media, tapes have a much longer useful life and are less prone to the risks known of modern drives. Magnetic tapes can be read even after 30 years, while the average hard drive scarcely lasts five years. Physical problems such as damaged disks, or software failures or interrupted software updates can lead to loss of saved data. Data on magnetic tapes, on the other hand, can be read even after decades, if have been stored appropriately. [courtesy Wikipedia].

Later cassettes of magnetic tapes of variable play time like 30 minutes or 45 minutes were brought out for popular entertainment and tape player / recorders were common in most household.

In due course with SW industry witnessing an upsurge tilted balance in favour of computer-based recording cum storage facilities like CD, Pen drive and so on . Miniaturization has been the guideline for all user–friendly gadgetry.

Prof .K. Raman 

1 comment:

  1. The author has gone through the evolution of audio format.Of late everything can be brought into pen drive .Well done.



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