Saturday, January 29, 2022



Human civilizations across continents have had a culture of domesticating certain animal breeds as pets in household. Despite a range of animal pets, perhaps the most preferred has been the Dog. Of them, mastiff seems to have at least 5000 year old history. From then on humans have taken comfort in keeping dogs, cats, horses, birds and in certain instances even elephants as pets. Needless to state that a sense of ‘mutual tolerance’ is the basis of domesticating the pets;  even if the economy of the family has not been all that sound, keeping pets has never been viewed a burden. It gives us the opportunity to recognize how many different categories or breeds of dogs have won approval for being pets with humans. Having given a place of pride at the title, let us begin with ‘Mastiff’.

Mastiffs are among some of the oldest breeds known to humans. They feature in legend, as well as recorded history, and were among the first canines to accompany humans on their migrations across the globe. The mastiff family is full of powerful breeds, each with its own unique personality. European and Asian records dating back 3,000 years show dogs of the mastiff type. Most versions of mastiff are preferred as “Guard dogs” which protect areas and handlers from obtrusive men.

Several other breeds of dog have gained value as pets among humans.

Labrador retriever has earned the top spot on their annual survey of the most popular dog breeds in USA

French bull dogs are also regarded important in US.  Another breed of global acclaim is the German Shepherd.  Golden retriever is another popular breed of mastiff category. The English bull dog with its compressed face is an instant frightener.

Standard Poodles seemingly dressed up in warm clothing is yet another popular breed among guard dogs.

Beagle and Rottweiler are smaller in physique; of them the latter has jetting eyeballs and does not frighten the observer.

German pointer with its slender frame implies agile movements and poses an instant threat of hot chase.

Dacshsund is literally a horizontal dog and about 10 inches high from ground.   In India,it reminds us of the earlier Binaca tooth brush container capped by a dog’s face and forelimbs at the front end and capped by hind limbs and a small tail at the rear. The dog swings the hip [like a duck] as it walks.

Doberman:  One of the most loyal dog servants to its master. Can turn ferocious if need be, especially at intruders. It can be a good foil to children if both are grown from infancy. These are alert guards of home or garden.

Popular South Indian breeds

The Chippiparai or Sippiparai is a south Indian breed of dog. It is a strong and single-coloured breed. It is also called Kanni which comes in colours like black and tan, black and sand variants. It is primarily used for hunting wild boar, deer and hare. It is also used to guard the house. Originally these dogs were bred by royal families of southern Tamil nadu. Now-a-days they are trained as police dogs. Their ability to sniff is used to advantage in crime detection.



As the name goes, it is a local breed from Rajapalayam. Breeders suggest that this breed is the most ideal for domestic security and is a quick responder to situations.  


Though small, they are athletic, agile, intelligent and quick for hunting. They can also be of value in home security.

In addition to the traditional uses, these canines are reliable in tracking land mines in war zones, detection of explosives, and precise pinning down of men carrying Narcotics in person or in cargo. They have the innate intelligence to take instructions only from the handlers  and obey them even in adversities.

Thus, humans have learned the art of using animals to advantage by training them.

Prof. K. Raman

1 comment:

  1. Having a dog with our family will be enjoyable but if it dies we will be feeling that one of our family members is no more.Years will take to restore .



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