Saturday, April 16, 2022



So far a number of items, though disparate have been presented –at least 1 per day. Honestly, I have myself no idea as to the relevance for these topics. Still, I have been trying to present varied themes/ subjects to the advantage of readers drawn from varied avocations. Still, it remains to be ascertained as to the utility of these. Being a blog piece, each of them has to cater to ‘general reading’ without making ‘too- academic ‘an appearance. In al,l it is a game of ‘thus far and no farther’ limits and it is an act of balancing to stay fresh without confrontationist app[e] al , nor can  look too naïve to invite bitterness of readers. It is a hard exercise of something on something and just not nothing of anything.  A tricky deal at that is the intricacy behind blog posting. 

On a number of occasions, I have experienced a state of ‘blank feeling’ trying to locate the topic for the next day. On most occasions, my choice of topic has been one of ‘impulsive flash’ than of any studied selection. Sometimes, the previous day’s posting may tempt us look for a contiguous topic, and SUCCEED in choice of topic, though the topic may not succeed as a readable material.

In any case, before we can embark on a topic, it is necessary to satisfy ourselves of the material for its content in terms of value or relevance to a situation. Items of medical importance or food value generally enjoy wide acceptability almost through the year. Certain items like Vaccines or specific drugs may need timely presentation, lest should suffer being neglected by any reader.

So, it is now important to look for ‘ideal’ topic to keep the work going on. It would be nice if our readers offer some topics that can mean something new for us to understand in all their dimensions. You may suggest – a topic or two either under ‘comments‘ or through WA link between us. Thank you

Prof. K. Raman




  1. I would request you to continue the blog whatever May be topic. Only the you and I will be busy. Of course you will take more time for preparation .
    Comedians of the past and present
    Life style in 1960s and 2020
    Examination pattern -Open book or closed book
    Health tips for the youngsters

  2. Your blogs are very informative, entertaining and educative. You are sharing your valuable ideas and experience and presenting it with excellent language, which I always lookforward to read. So far you have chosen very interesting topics. Please continue. I may suggest the following topics:
    "Life Science for common people."
    "Outlook and attitudes in life in this busy world."
    "Photography as it has evolved."



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