Saturday, April 23, 2022





Plant nutrition relates to the method of acquiring energy by plants for themselves. But, we humans harvest these plant structures like stems [Sugarcane], Roots [ Radish, Carrot BEET ROOT, Sweet potato, Turnip] , underground stems [Potato, Ginger, Turmeric, tubers  ], Leaves[ Cabbage, Greens, Coriander, Betel and Onion, Garlic ] Flowers – [Cauliflower, Broccoli ]Fruits [Tomato, Gooseberry, Aubergine, Ladies Finger ,Pepper and Guava etc] and seeds [ SPICES ]. Strictly, we exploit plant products for our welfare. Why? Most plant products have value as medicines/ immune builders and substances which help digestion.

The feature to understand is the same taste for each plant product wherever the plant grows. This fidelity of plant chemistry is largely due to the minerals and salts acquired by plants from the soil. It means that every plant species ‘absorbs’ from the soil only typical salts / minerals and assembles its  physical STRUCTURE/ architecture. So, the plant species gives the same aroma and taste typical of that plant. Such a ‘steady composition’ indicates that plants ‘use’ what they require to form the plant structures. The mineral from soil assembly and the physiological processing of them within the plant results in ‘aroma’ / taste typical of the species. So, with    certainty we are able to gather what we need by choosing the plant.

Though plants synthesize the carbohydrates, they cannot procure Nitrogen from the soil. They utilize nitrate fertilizers or support from agriculture operations or with the help of soil bacteria which fix nitrogen in the soil. But there are plants which are in aquatic bodies and need special facility to gather Nitrogen. Such members trap insects in their special box like chambers and digest them for nitrogen. [In to- day’s response Dr. K. Venkataraman has made an observation on this] So, they are Insectivorous plants. They have facilities to attract and destroy insects. [பூச்சி உண்ணும் தாவரங்கள்].

They have colourful shiny surfaces with sticky fluids. Drawn by such fascinating surface looks, insects land on and get trapped [Honey trap]. Once trapped they are unable to fly off; they are immersed in digestive juices rapidly secreted by the leaf. Their body tissues deliver the nitrogen needed for plants. It would be better if one day we devote a detailed episode for such animal –feeding plants. As has been pointed out by Dr. K. V, there are fine quality medicines from plant secretions like gums, resins, phenols and latex for self-defence against grazing animals.

 More would follow soon

Prof. K. Raman



  1. Tribal people know more about plants and their products. In Chathuragiri forest the tribals are wearing a Rasamani chain in their neck. It is nothing but solid mercury. They take the mercury and place it in a hole of a particular tree and seal it. After few months they take out the solid mercury. Once the tribal took the mercury on his palm and rubbed with the rasamani. In a few minutes the whole mercury was absorbed by the Rasamani. We could not identify the tree as it has only few small leaves without flower.
    Forests are Nature’s gifts.
    K. Venkataraman

  2. Plants are incredible wonders of Nature. Very very interesting as we discover more.



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