Monday, May 9, 2022

BRINJAL, EGG PLANT, AUBERGINE [Botanically Solanum melongena ]

 BRINJAL, EGG PLANT, AUBERGINE [Botanically Solanum melongena]

How many names for a single item?  Brinjal in India, Singapore, Malaysia;  Egg plant in US/ Canada/ Australia and Aubergine in UK and Ireland. Used as a vegetable world over. The plant seems to have had its origin in Asia and Africa. This is a stuff of mixed reception among varied vegetables. Some like it, some aver it, some tolerate it and very few hail it. There is a restriction over the use of this vegetable by expectant mothers. There is an unfounded suggestion that Brinjal may affect the well being of fetus. Since, a lot of sentiments go with food prescriptions in our society, precious little can be achieved in dispelling notions.

Brinjal shares kinship with Tomato, Potato and Tobacco – all members of the same family[Solanaceae]. Curiously, Brinjal varieties differ in size, shape, colour and sheen of the fruit colour. Young fruits of brinjal are shiny and brilliant –especially the deep pink varieties. Though, a cousin of Tomato/ Potato, the fruit skin of brinjal cannot be peeled off except by steam cooking.

Fruits of brinjal are quite mealy with soft pulp studded with innumerable tiny seeds. There is no way of removing the seeds from the pulp and the total fruit is edible,including the green cap like vest [Calyx] atop the fruit. In fact, in several homes, the stub-like stalk alone is chopped off and the entire fruit with its cap is sliced and cooked.

Some varieties have fruits with pure white skin. These fruits hang like eggs in the plant. Thus the plant is called Egg plant; the fruits are also suggested to be ‘egg plants’ as discarding the suffix ‘plant’ would refer to hen’s egg .

From human health point of view, fruits of Brinjal / Egg plant offer a variety advantages through elements, fibres,   Antioxidants like Polyphenols, Lutein, Zeaxanthin and so on. Several ions as under are replenished by these fruits in our diet. About 100 grams of fruit can yield [ in milli grams]

Calcium= 9.0, Copper =0.08, Iron= 0.25 , Magnesium= 12-14 , Potassium= 117, Phosphorous= 14

The fruits do not yield high calories but are rich in Soluble fibre to about 9% Egg plants are suggested to control high blood cholesterol; also, the fruits do not enhance blood sugar . So, persons of all age can consume this vegetable.

Prof. K. Raman 

1 comment:

  1. In Madurai one variety of brinjal is referred to as Kamma Kai that will be blue coloured.This also tastes good.Though it has many good nutritional values for some it causes allergic reaction. Doctors generally refer fish in non vegetarian item and brinjal in vegetarian as allergic food.
    I have heard ladies while selecting sarees ask for katthrippu colour.
    In marriages oil fried brinjal is considered as special in meal menu.



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