Wednesday, May 11, 2022

CASHEW [Bot : Anacardium occidentale]

 CASHEW  [Bot :  Anacardium occidentale]

Cashew has two tree forms – Tall [45 ft] dwarf [20 ft ]. T he dwarf is preferred for ease of harvest and also for its higher yield over that of the tall variety. Seemingly, there are no special efforts to maintain these evergreen trees and they do not show fastidious requirements of nutrition  or soil supplements ; often these crops occur in semi-arid landscape overlarge stretches of land.

There are two major products directly derived from these trees – the Cashew apple [fleshy pink yellow part] and the highly valued ‘seed containing’ nut. The nut is the actual fruit and the fleshy fruit-like part subtending the nut is just the stalk  tamil ‘ Kaambu= காம்பு  ]. When fully ripe, the stalk is fleshy and has a typical fruity aroma and can be eaten fresh. If not fully ripe, the fluid from the pulp can cause blisters and burn like injuries to lips and corners of the mouth.

The externally ‘unattractive ‘curved shell holds a curved seed – the actual delicacy and pride of cashew nut . The seeds could be eaten raw or fried or as additive to a variety of sweet s- solids/ semi solids or fluids along with the mesmerizing gentle aroma of ‘saffron shreds’. In view of its place of pride in all rich preparations, somehow cashew nuts have acquired a status of aristocracy while the fruit-like part is treated as one of penury.


It is customary to brand any ‘coming forward’ to do something quite ahead of others as ‘ Mundhirikkottai’ , purely based on a wrong understanding that in cashew , the fruit stays behind while the seed is jutting out [far ahead of the fruit itself]. Actually, what is considered a fruit is not the fruit [it being the stalk [ காம்பு]] of the fruit and the seed is actually the fruit itself by all scientific considerations. ஆகவே, முந்திரிக்கொட்டை தான் பழம் , பழம் போல தோன்றுவது காம்புப்பகுதி என்பதை அறிவோம்.]

Three major trades revolve around cashew products.

1 These are the fruit pulp trade using cashew apple.

2 The crushed fruit pulp can be put through a fermentation cycle to derive an alcoholic beverage ‘Feni” or “Fenny” quite popular in and around Goa.

3 Cashew seeds an international delicacy by its sheer taste and aroma.

There are a number of nutritional advantages from cashew. These are as under [per 100 grams of cashew nut]

Energy = 553 cal, Carbs= 30.0 g, Protein= 18.0 grams.   Saturated fat =7.7 g, Poly unsaturated fat= 7.8 g, Poly monosaturated fat= 23.8 g, Cholesterol = 0.0 mg,  Sodium = 12 mg , Dietary fibre= 3.3 g,Sugar =5.9 g

Calcium = 37.0 mg,  Iron = 6.6 mg, Potassium =680 mg,  Vitamin- C = 0.5 mg

Roasted cashew is considered very good  for health as it provides rich fibre and supplies HDL or favorable lipid and does not elevate cholesterol level.

Prof. K. Raman 



  1. In my school days I use to visit my uncle’s house in Kerala and I use to have either red banana or jack fruit with honey. I use to climb the cashew tree and pluck the ripe cashew , suck the juice and throw the remaining. If you chew the fruit , it will irritate your mouth and you will forget to eat the fruit thereafter .
    I collect the seeds,burn them and break open to get the cashew. I have enjoyed the aroma of cashew after breaking open the seed.
    In many hotels the covers of cashew seeds are burnt in kitchen for food preparation.
    பருப்பில்லா கல்யாணமா என்பது போல முந்திரி இல்லா பாயசமா



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