Friday, May 13, 2022



What does it refer to?   It is an ability to forecast in advance, the probable events that may happen later. We have heard of ‘premonition’ as an expression relating to items of occurrence in the near future. A far higher ambit and range seem to go with clairvoyance.  

Most of us are aware of Nostradamus –a well known French forecaster [a Clairvoyant] 1503- 1566 ]Later stages in his life brought out skills of ‘occultism’ in him. His published work LES PROPHETIES [1555] drew mixed responses from readers. But, slowly his image of a prophetic grew and till date he and his works are held in esteem. He has the distinct credit of having predicted many major events in the world. As is true of any ‘stunning skill’, academics dismissed Nostradamus –as of being vague in predictions and that any inference could be made from his work. Leaving aside the controversies thereof, it stands to reason to recognize that Nostradamus was a rather unique person in this ability. He was practicing medicine as ‘healer’ and was quite well known in many places.

After one of his visits to Italy, he deviated from medicine and entered the domain of ‘forecasting’. In 1550 Nostradamus brought out in print the first Almanac [something like ‘Panchangam’]; it turned out so popular that he, decided to make it an annual effort compiling his skills of ‘reading into future’.  From his works some 6336 predictions are said to have been made by Nostradamus. Based on the seeming accuracy of forecasts he received requests for reading into personal profiles / future of leading members of the then society from across the world.

He used to make two or three annual publications – Almanac [detailed predictions], Prognostications or Pressages [more generalized predictions].  Nostradamus is said to have claimed of his applying Judicious Astrology.           Whether or not he practiced any exclusive strategy to interpret or suggest predictions, an array of items credited to Nostradamus is indeed stunning.  A broad list shows a grand perception, considering the events credited to his occultism

The great fire of London, The French revolution,  The rise and fall of both Adolph Hitler and Napoleon,

The two world wars   and The nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Apollo moon landing 1969,   The Space shuttle Challenger disaster 1986

The death of Princess of Whales –Diana in 1997

World trade centre Twin Tower attacks on September 11- 2001

His detractors –especially the academics seriously doubt of the veracity of claims ascribed to Nostradamus as mere statements not backed up by any indisputable evidence to show ‘how the prediction was evolved or derived at all. However there are those who do earnestly admire the precision in his works one of which predicts WWIII in 2247 in a raging fight between religions.

 A real astonishment to learn of the powers of human brain, at least among such iconic minds as those of Nostradamus.

Prof. K. Raman

1 comment:

  1. Does this term also refers to ECP?Whatever be the term all basically maths oriented.Our Panchangam also predicts the future . There are persons who can predict the future but the science behind it nobody knows
    K. Venkataraman



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