Wednesday, May 4, 2022



Having understood the problems that erode confidence, it is logical to review the necessary correctives which may help us to retrieve some ‘lost ground’ if not to raise us sky high in no time. First of all, let us realize that we are recuperating our confidence level by appropriate amends to the earlier inadequacy that was nurtured by ‘assumptions’ of accomplishments that were just non-existent. So, it begins with a reorganizing phase of ‘giving up’ all wrong learning by re-checking every item which we imagined to have learnt. We need to put every idea to ’validity’ assessment; if invalid let us throw it off and regroup our information to reorient the idea to its correct value by amending  our understanding.  

While the subject matter of our profession must be updated, we also need to strengthen the profile of our delivery module. It begins with the apt technical jargon presented through a legitimate lexicon. We can ill afford to be lax, poorly organized especially in diction and phonetics.  Too often regional whiff dominates even our expressions in English. These are best corrected by a strenuous and systematic  approach, utilizing the right / accepted norms of pronunciation. Never listen to parochial critics who have no value for anything. They neither laud nor applaud any effort to acquire lingual prowess. But, if you manage to hit headlines one day, the very same detractors would shamelessly rush to display kinship with you on flimsy criteria like your place of birth or your mother tongue or similar points to justify their claims of proximity to you!

Never look back if progress is what you desire.  I do not suggest that you disown your land or language; be alert enough to keep such ‘new found allegiance claimants’ off your territory.  After all, such ill- conceived ideas in [y]our early phase had knocked off the spirit of learning in youth. It must dawn on everyone, even if late, that there is nothing of any collective wisdom on matters of learning. Learning and success are items of personal effort and reward. There are no shareholders in either of these.

There could be joint ventures between Governments or agencies of distinct identities in projects; not in processes of learning and equipping self. Collective efforts in a way impede the drive for acquiring skills. In every aspect of life, like eating, sleeping, facing examinations etc., the individual matters the most. How can ‘learning’ be any different when it is an item of equipping the individual? 

Unless, everyone realizes the need to be ’equipped’, possessing degrees or titles would turn mere rituals of long schedules. None of those claims of ranks / scores can win a job for you. Your prowess to convince the employers would matter the most, especially if your aim is to win high placements. Right from middle-school stages, students must devote time and effort to learn as many languages and work skills, so as to stand an edge among fellow competitors. Competence is a determinant of scope to success. Confidence blossoms in minds enriched by correct information and ability to express ideas fluently.

GOOD LUCK.                           Prof. K. Raman



  1. Positive thinking, practical thinking,removal of negative thinking, regular practice and training are basic requirements for confidence building.

  2. Self confidence is the most essential component of the soft skills one should possess. Thanks for the nice article on confidence building.



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