Monday, July 25, 2022



[Also- Spear mint]

Like ‘thulsi’ / ‘thulasi’ the plant ‘mint’ enjoys nearly the same vernacular name across India ‘PUDHINA’ or ‘PODHINA’ and nearly enjoys a like patronage among all cultures that differ in several other characteristics.

Botanically Mint is : Mentha viridis and placed in the family ‘Lamiaceae’. Mint is a herb growing to less than 2 feet high and can spread over large areas to the point of being called a menace. The leaves of Mentha are its pride being quite fragrant, inviting universal acceptance for the aroma from the fresh green leaves. Like all members of the mint family [Lamiaceae], mint has minute hairs which give off the captivating olfactory trigger-the aroma.

There are several mint varieties and most of them can be used fresh or brewed as tea or its oil may be used as concentrate.

Mint is traditionally used in treating problems in digestion, IBS [irritable bowel syndrome] and related issues.

Though not well founded, a perception that mint can be useful in upkeep of memory and good heal illness.  Mint is a low calorie food additive that does not enhance blood sugar levels protein or fat and just helps to deliver fibrous component in food. Vitamins A and C are found in fresh mint leaves. Manganese and Folate  in mint account for 8% and 4% respectively. Vit-A helps eye care and night vision

Mint is said to have ‘anti-oxidant value’ ideal for preventing stressful oxidation in human system.

Irritable bowel syndrome –[ I B S] a digestion dependent state of improper bowel movements in elder persons can be relieved by consuming Mint oilin small quantity.

Indigestion resulting from sluggish passing of food through digestive tract can be improved by consuming Mint oil with meal.  It can help to alleviate pain from indigestion.

Memory improvement in humans has been shown to occur from smelling of Peppermint oil for 5 minutes. Also, lowering of anxiety fatigue and moods of depression are said to be eased by smelling mint oil.

Application of mint to feeding points in nursing mothers is said to relieve feeding pain in them.

Persons sensitive to menthol experience relief from nasal block on inhaling Menthol –a derivative from mint oil.

Due to fresh breath, mint helps to drive off mouth odour.

Mint in creams is said to help skin care in humans.

Thus, the simple and common mint leaves offer a range of health benefits to humans.

Prof. K .Raman



1 comment:

  1. Though mint was not used in our house till our parents were alive, now we buy and prepare chutney and also pudhina rice at times. Mint contains menthol and menthol suppresses the activity of the nervous system. We use menthol to narcotise the live animals we collected during our marine collection. Menthol is also included in some shaving creams.



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