Tuesday, July 26, 2022



Melons are among the most popular summer fruits, for their rich watery tissues that can be eaten raw without the need to cook them.

Botanically named- Citrullus lanatus  is a frail climber/ trailing plant of the family: CUCURBITACEAE –the gourd family of Pumpkins, Ash gourd, Bitter gourd, Snake gourd and a range of them --popular as vegetables. Most of them are watery but need being cooked for consumption.

Among these, watermelon stands a place of pride in that it is a much-liked summer fruit by humans of all age from children to the aged.  Curiously, at least 1000 varieties are known for watermelon. Disease-resistant watermelons have been generated by breeding trials –the world over. Many cultivars capable of yielding fruits within 100 days of planting have been developed.

A high water content [about 90%] and low sugar [approximately 6%] is common among these melon fruits. About 10% of Vit-C of daily value is available in them. The red pulp of melons has pigmented antioxidants-the carotenoids including Lycopenes. The fruit rind [the thick outer skin] has an Aminoacid- Citrulline.


The natural fruiting season for melon coincides with summer. As one keeps moving through towns/ cities, exposure to summer heat is inevitable. Humans tend to lose body fluid levels and body salts by evaporation under sweltering heat at those times dehydration in human body can occur. To avoid dehydration and retrieval through hospitalization, consuming watery fruits [with their ions /solutes] readily restores fluid balance in human system. Water melon helps to escape dehydration.

Supports health through nutrients and beneficial plant compounds                   Besides the already suggested ingredients, melon can supplement our health with about 1 gm –protein, about 0.2 gm fat and daily values of 5%- Vitamin- A, 14% Vit-C, about 4% Potassium, 4% Magnesium, on an average intake of melon slices.

 Anti-Cancer potential of Melon is suggested for the pigments there in   

The pink Lycopene helps to lower of insulin-like growth factor [IGF] essential for rapid cell division [cancerous activity]. Besides, Cucurbitacin –E suppresses tumour by promoting ‘Autophagy’ [self destruction] of cancer cells.

Healthy heart                                                                                                        Citruline- an aminoacid in melon can elevate nitric oxide levels in the system. It can cause expansion of blood vessels helping easy flow of blood. It can lower the blood pressure.

Melons can relieve oxidative stress                                                                            Lycopene,  being an anti-oxidant, can delay and suppress the onset of Alzeimer’s disease in ageing.

Helps in relieving muscle stress in humans.


Restoration of skin health and reversing or slowing down of skin-ageing can be helped by the contents- Vitamin- A and Vitamin-C in melons.

Promotes Digestion

The rich water content and a small quantity of fibre in Melons can promote the ease of digestion.

Prof. K. Raman

1 comment:

  1. During 60s or even 70s I have not seen Water melon on the road sides. But on the onset of summer on both sides of the road you can see heaps of water melon.
    It contains a non essential amino acid known as citruline that takes part in urea cycle in the liver of our body. The proteins we consume are digested into amino acids and in turn by deamination to urea and arginine. This arginine by enzymatic reaction is converted into nitric oxide that enlarges the arteries. That is how heart related diseases are cured by nitrates.
    Watermelon consumption helps people who have blood pressure or heart related problems.



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