Saturday, August 13, 2022



Quite interesting it is to follow the way words in English language are formulated. For now, let us begin with ‘TRIBUTE’ as the base word and try to correlate how several other words are formed using ‘TRIBUTE’ as the hind-part of the word. Though not an exercise of sharing new information, the very effort may kindle the spirit of ‘exploration’ for similar other opportunities in tracking words with similar suffixes or prefixes. If it looks unimpressive, just do not dismiss it off as a futile attempt; instead consider it as a means of refreshing our memory in recalling the words lying dormant in our repertoire. However, the words listed may or may not have logical link in formulation or use.

First let us try to recognize the utility of the word itself

Tribute [noun] = Topay encomium or words of appreciation about specific abilities or talent or fine qualities of someone or something.

7 letter word=      TRIBUTE     

 Tribute can be used as verb The president tributed [paid tributes to]the martyrs.               

Several words can be used as adjectives to fortify the ‘value’ of tribute like GENUINE, SPECIAL, PLAIN, SPLENDID, SPONTANEOUS,  ELOQUENT  and so on. 

Some other situations

12 letter word

REDISTRIBUTE = [verb] To change the earlier distribution pattern for a better or fairer way of supply of an item

MISATTRIBUTE [verb]= To wrongly credit someone for some deed or achievement

11 letter word

REATTRIBUTE= To revise opinion to suggest that someone else or event is the actual reason and not the one earlier believed to be behind the work.

DEATTRIBUTE= To cease or discontinue the practice of attributing credit for some work of art or literature to someone [due to the ‘uncertain evidence relied on hitherto]

MISATTRIBUTE = [verb] = wrongly crediting someone for some deed while the real contributor is unknown so far


CONTRIBUTE =To be one of the causes or reasons for something.

[VERB] Commonly used to writers saying ‘he contributes to xxxx magazine frequently. Also persons who give support or pay money are ‘contributors’.

DISTRIBUTE [verb] = To divide or spread something to many people or places

9 letter words

ATTRIBUTE [NOUN] =  A quality or character of something or someone As a verb ATTRIBUTE = Confer something onto someone- Eg: We can attribute his success to real hard work.

TRIBUTARY is an adjective form for tribute. Commonly, tributary is a stream that joins a larger body of water like river or lake.

RETRIBUTE [verb]= To give in return or pay back for something.

Certainly, the effort would keep us engaged in pursuit of some new approaches.

Prof. K. Raman

1 comment:

  1. Your contribution on the topic “Evince some interest” is splendid.
    This article should be distributed to all English teachers , they in turn should find words with prefixes and suffixes.



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