Thursday, August 11, 2022



Hoping that whoever sought to know of genes, do[es] not regret the opening of the topic -possibly not aware of the length of the data; whatever be the reaction/ repulsion/ rejection by the dejected readers, as one who initiated the topic, it is binding on me to share all relevant information, though not to the finest of intricacies thereof.

Having suggested the significance of ‘triplet code’ as a convenient pack for structures and functions among biological systems in sustaining fidelity [evolved through exhaustive permutations and combinations [in a series of parallel experiments] for millions of years, it is essential to draw attention to the game of gene transfer through generations.  The true link between generations is provided by Egg in the female parent and Sperms from the male parent. However, just one sperm is all that is needed to make the egg develop into a young one. This’ union’ between egg and sperm causes coming together of genes from the female / male sources. Yet, the volume of genetic material or DNA or the number of Chromosomes cannot exceed the number typical for the species. For humans= 46 chromosomes in the adult [or 23 each in Egg and sperm resulting in 46 by union]. Likewise the number is held constant for each plant or animal. So, there are two opposed processes in the life of these biological systems; eg: 46/2=23 at the time of formation of Egg / Sperm. Restoration of number occurs by23+23= 46 at the time of union of egg and 1 sperm. It would be simply meaningless if the same genes are transferred through generations. Had it really happened, the wide range of variations seen among all animals/ plants would have simply narrowed down to a predictable list of variations. Nature is a silent experimenter in attempting the most plausible combinations and has provided for gene exchanges within each individual before the derivation of egg or sperm.

Just before the formation of sperm or egg, the DNA fractions from mother / father undergo ‘mixing’ or exchange of ‘Genes’. Logically some genes of mother and father of a female come into the egg with 23 chromosomes. The same event occurs in a male before making sperms each with 23 chromosomes with a blend of his parental genes. When an of spring emerges, it has genes from mother, father, containing genes from maternal Grand Mother, m- Grand Father, paternal Grand Father and P-Grand Mother in a  confusion -free blend of the correct volume of DNA or Genes.  During this event of ‘intermixing’ of genes, poor or recessive genes coding for bad proteins manage to come together in to one Egg and rarely into one sperm. Such offspring reveal congenital defects, impaired metabolism and susceptibility to disorders/ diseases.

Why is it that we try to suggest Egg for its poor gene contribution than to sperms in this case? Some detailed explanation would make things clear. You need to tolerate the onslaught from biologists because if they choose to open up, the going would be rather tough to grasp why so many complications emerge from seemingly peaceful biological organizations. Friends who assume that Biology has nothing worthwhile to offer would do well to cast away such notions because which other domain of knowledge helps understanding our own systems better? Every knowledge has a relevance second to none else is my humble understanding and submission. 


Prof. K. Raman

1 comment:

  1. It is better to know about genes even for common people.
    Diseases occur due to one gene mutation or two or more genes mutation.
    There are diseases cases by chromosomal change.
    Down syndrome is common every where. It is due to the presence of one more 21st chromosome(Trisomy)People with Down syndrome will have less IQ.
    Turner’s syndrome in which the female will have only one X chromosome instead of two.
    The affected person will be short and slow growth.
    Klinefelter syndrome in which the male have one extra X chromosome. They will be very tall and have weak musculature
    There are number of syndromes like this which can not be cured.
    We know that pregnant ladies
    reside in dark rooms to avoid lunar eclipse rays. It is believed that this ray may affect the chromosome and this will turn into a syndrome



  A BHIMSINGH -4 A - பீம்சிங்-4 கொடி அசைந்ததும் [ பார்த்தால் பசி தீரும் -1963] கண்ணதாசன் , விஸ்வநாதன் ராமமூர்த்தி ,       குரல்க...