Saturday, August 6, 2022



Having said something about ‘suicide’, it is a logical corollary to evaluate issues pertaining to human life. Despite one’s age /experience, there is a tendency to ignore certain critical features that determine our ability to ‘face’ life. Several predecessors to us have offered a variety of statements that fit nearly ‘life situations’ no matter in which era  we are. So, these are ‘abiding’ truths that have been time-tested and fructified as statements; several of them are brilliantly crafted, looking simple but carrying a complex idea. Therefore, “Quotes” and proverbs are wealth inherited by all humans independent of nationality, religion, region, caste, language and even era that they[quotes] sustain immaculate purity of sincere suggestion –free of cost.

Using to them figure out predicaments is perhaps the wisest step to tide over mental blocks/ inhibitions in our attempts to surmount hurdles in day-to-day life. Again these are presented with in ‘quote’ marks and my little understanding of them is presented as a subsequent statement.

‘Remember failure is an event and not a person’. Zig Zagler

Failures are to be understood for their errors in approach and not to be  ascribed to persons.

‘If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.’ Milton Berle

Suggests that we make right conditions for opportunity to emerge or put the right pieces together.

‘We do not see things as they are; we see them as we are’- Anais Nin

Our perceptions are not free of bias, is the suggestion to explain our failure to understand.

‘If you wait, all that you get is older’-Larry Mc Murtry

Please do not wait hoping for better times; you may end up fatigued without any positive happening.

‘How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives’ - Annie Dillard 

The fruits of one’s life are products of planned living.      

‘Success consists of going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm-‘ Winston Churchill .

Failures are not ends in themselves as Success can be achieved.

‘The past has no power over the present moment’- Ekhart Tolle 

Old glories cannot make the present any better.

‘It is better to learn than to know- Dr. Suess

Knowing is peripheral, learning is deep and co-ordinated.

‘There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you’-Maya Angelou

Anything shared is more joyous than being held within.

‘Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new’- Albert Einstein

Mistakes do occur with most attempts.

Several quotes presented merely suggest that reality has to be accepted with humility and imaginary assertions lead us nowhere.            Prof. K. Raman


1 comment:

  1. One of the reasons for failure in life is pessimism.
    Never dream for success but work for it.
    Hard work will always earn success
    Believing in yourself is the secret of success
    Positive thinking combined with positive action results in success



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