Friday, August 5, 2022



As the day dawns, if we open the news paper, gloom grips us; teen children holding pride and prospects in their eyes , jump to death from 2nd floor –to shatter their person and also shatter the entire mental edifice the parents had painstakingly erected with dreams of rosy life ahead. The clear signal is ‘pampered minds, devoid of WILL for ‘fighting’ choose to wind up’ when they ought to warm up for real battle. Earlier, children of 1950s, 60s and 70s were groomed through eternal fight for survival and even for basic needs. Too much luxury, undeserving scores in exams bring children to the brim, and keep them there-- really to stay in balance or fall.  Low marks in one paper of an insignificant exam spell doom. They know innumerable ways of ending their life, but do not recognize just one reason to continue living.

Where from ‘end your life’ command is served on them? Considering the incalculable damage inflicted to their friends/family, it stands to reason to draw attention to what the great minds have spoken on the subject. Some of those “quotes” are recalled herein as a timely suggestion for all youth to consider these ideas as from those who have not had any easy life for themselves; yet they fought their way to turn respectable by genuine sustenance of goal.


All quotes are given in quotation marks [‘ ‘]. The essence of the quote is given –the way I understand them. If wrong, please pardon me and correct me. If corrected, I would not rush to the extreme,  like these teen agers.

‘Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem’- Phil Donahue 

Problems are bound to fade out, if patience is adopted

‘Suicide is not an answer, but it is destruction’-Al Green.

Before finding answer, a life is nipped off – a cruel destruction.

‘The person who completes suicide, dies once, but those left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to re-live those terrible moments and understand ------ why?’- Clark.

The act has brought in more misery to all than the one suffered.

‘But in the end one needs more courage to live than to kill [him] self ‘–Albert Camus

Suicide implies lack of courage is the suggestion.

‘All things are difficult before they are easy’- Thomas Fuller

A fine pointer to the idea that someday the difficulty becomes easy [so do not be in a hurry to die].

‘No one ever committed suicide, while reading a good book, but many have tried while trying to write one’- Robert Byrne

While in pleasant work the thought of suicide does not arise

No thinker has said a thing positive about suicide. All good thinkers cannot be wrong. The thought of suicide originates from fear; fear is not insurmountable. Timely strengthening of mind can retrieve hope from despair. Never give up should be the watch word for all. The world is too large to deny anyone a place of pride. Only those willing to fight snatch it. Keeping our minds strong is manageable by staunch faith on humanity.

Prof. K. Raman

1 comment:

  1. Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise
    When the sun goes down the stars come out
    Be like the lotus, we too must rise from the mud
    These are quotes for those who lose hope
    உன்னால் முடியும் தம்பி



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