Thursday, September 8, 2022



Recent happenings of children dying by suicide or by nefarious designs of some greedy elders points to substantial social decadence; the second category is in a bid to eliminate competition by resorting  to heinous acts of killing innocent children. There is a blind race of being numero uno in every facet of life. Before choosing to perform by legal, accepted means, some people resort to ill-founded strategies of achieving the end by taking recourse to inhuman methods. Reasons are not far to seek, as they believe that [a] ‘MEANS JUSTIFY THE END’ as against [b] ‘THE END JUSTIFYING THE MEANS’.

Moral fabric has run into ruins, seeking the best for self at the cost of some others. Human minds readily invent reasons to support their stand on steps taken for personal ascension. It is a clear pointer to their ‘understanding’ that the child cannot make it to a position of strength, except by some ‘back-door’ appeasement of ‘deciding authorities’.  With many others sharing the same perception, such ‘wrong-doers’ feel of their pursuing a norm and that there is nothing odd or illegal about such backdoor measures. Advancing some arguments supporting unlawful doings emboldens ‘like- minded persons’ to evolve strategies of succeeding through appeasement. There is a grand ‘Snowballing effect’ caused by ‘like-minded people ’who desire ‘success without lawful effort’.

 From where to begin

Staying lawful or at least law abiding is rooted in ‘values’ that one respects or cherishes. These cannot get enshrined overnight. Home is the best educator and children observe parents and inculcate practices typical of the family. This is what is widely spoken of as ‘Heritage’. Parents guilty of ‘deviant’ practices cannot inculcate moralistic / upright practices in day to day life. Children under such settings observe ‘inflow of money’ rather liberally and do not ever recognize the dignity of hard work or the pride that goes with such upright conduct in life. This is also true of the language they pick up from their domestic ambience.

Academic profile of the child has to be groomed on healthy lines of appropriate learning by effort. As far as possible, learning should be made comfortable and building up a good foundation in the early stages would strengthen the framework, on which higher stages of learning can turn easier for children.

Desist  comparison

True ‘development’ involves skill building by providing opportunities to learn from every possible source and not necessarily from classrooms. Avoidance of score comparison among class mates can readily help developing a healthy circle of friends ‘free of hatred or ill will among children’.   Elders need to recognize the fact that potential is latent and to make it reveal as ‘talent’ may take time and it largely rests on ‘natural opening up’ and not by efforts of conscious pampering.

Encourage healthy habits

If ever the boy/girl chooses to talk ill of others, kindly rectify the habit to one of    recognizing any good in others. It would foist a happy association among class mates. Allow the child to partake in competitions, oratory, Acting, Essay writing and so on, such that fear of competition is rooted out and indirectly the child keeps learning several things as a matter of routine.

Failures need not be discussed

On occasions, in some competitions it may not be easy to achieve distinction; such hard issues should not be used to ‘make fun’ of the boy/girl. Brief them that more effort can bring off success.

Restrict the flow of money in child’s hands

On account of affection, some parents liberally shell out ‘pocket money’ to children. Excess money is always a temptation to ‘experimentation’. Easily, the child picks up bad circle of friends leading to ‘curiosity experiments’ with Drugs, Liquor and far beyond. Such temptations keep amplifying taking the child to a point of ‘no return’. Another wrong doing by parents relates to providing Gadgets like Android phones, Two-wheelers to school children. Inadvertently, parents hasten the thrill of adventurous riding and mental pollution by sensuous visuals.

Cumulative effect of all precautions can help the child to perceive good and bad and the value and dignity of genuine labour, making a responsible citizen of self.


Prof. K. Raman     









1 comment:

  1. Committing suicide by youngsters is a recent practice. Forcing their children to study, inability to cope up in studies by some students, and above all failure in their love affairs i are the major reasons for committing suicide. Continuous assessment in classes without final examination may reduce the tension on students.
    Preferring male child during delivery in a section of people is also a reason , not for suicide but for the death of the child. Immediately after birth of a female child , the young one is fed with husk. The child is choked to death.No government action can stop this activity.



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