Thursday, November 24, 2022



The remedy to the on-going perpetuation of inadequacy in learning is not far to seek. All that one needs to do is to change the strategy of learning and develop the skills of comprehension. Comprehension is a natural ability vested with all humans. To bring it to life, understanding must be encouraged. It begins from understanding of words, terms, meaning, construction and related processes of memory. Remembering the related items keeps the memory intact. Forced learning [learning by heart] can fade away or bring about confusions due to lack of clarity. On every session of learning, the student has to apply the mind to clearly understand the spelling, the phonetic component, the usage by way of word- assembly as a part of primary learning. Mere repeating of a sequence of words [bereft of their significance] may at best help clearing of examinations. It will never substitute the authenticity of true learning. Therefore, formative days in schools are the critical ones in pruning the skills of language / communication.  It is the duty of elders to oversee the progress in language skills appropriate for that level of learning. The best bet is to cultivate the habit of learning from the text [not from the poorly drafted ‘notes’], accompanied by academic support from Dictionaries, Thesaurus, Atlas and such educative aids. Once groomed on those lines, young minds explore the explosive possibilities of ‘knowledge acquisition’ in place of the present scenario of ‘laboured study’ for the sake of examinations. Because they are unable to grasp the message, boys and girls take to memorizing- a path leading to endless doom.  Before long, the priority for correct expressions must be emphasized and enforced. All other abilities need to vent themselves through the elegance in expression. Learning as many languages is a right approach to build confidence- essential for competitive edge.

                                             6      COMPETITIVE EDGE                                                    

Competitive edge is not how much one knows. It is how well one makes others recognize the capabilities of self.  So, it is a complex ensemble of grasp, analysis, associating cause-effect relations, offering solutions to problems and so on. All these are, concurrent influences centering round perception. Perception is not an emotional response; it is a logical derivative from assessing facts relevant to an idea. Competitive edge does not arise overnight. It is a product of ‘intellectual grooming’ for analysis. Analysis owes itself to ‘dispassionate evaluation’ and derives from logical deduction. Dispassionate disposition helps to keep off preferences and bias. Preferences and bias disturb the process of objective assessment. Objectivity is the most essential condition to ensure the best package of advice while seeking remedy to a problem. These many ‘influences’ get associated with competitive edge in any discussion. Discussion iterates the ‘weight’ for pros and cons.

Though stated in several terms, it brings us to the essence of ‘perfect comprehension’. Perfect comprehension rallies round the ability to ‘decipher’ information to the last of details. Therefore, the much-needed comprehension has to be acquired from lower classes of study as a part of learning. It can never be added in later life by any ‘new’ training. Comprehension is the foundation for competitive edge. In a functional group, persons with competitive edge stand taller and get to enter the realms of decision-making for their quick grasp and unbiased attitude of evaluation. Education must lead to intellectual refinement and confidence borne out of conviction.

1 comment:

  1. You have appropriately used the sequence of stemming & comprehension, meaning growing by understanding the significance of vocabulary used. Though Technology has substituted words to codes, the usage of appropriate words in writing or communication can never be undermined.
    When writing, it is very important to use language that fits your audience and matches purpose. Inappropriate language uses can damage your credibility, undermine your argument, or alienate your audience.



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