Wednesday, December 14, 2022



31       ANALYSIS

Life has to ensure safety of the person and his or her belongings. Safety requires trusting only the right persons. So, judgment holds the key to ‘decision-making’ relevant for safety. Decision-making should not be a gamble; it should be preceded by appropriate analysis. Analysis is a natural ability available to living systems, though variable by the degree and depth of the process. Analytic skill and the extent of its success rest on the right perception of ideas, suggestions and the prospect of  deciphering the ‘designs’ of persons promoting an idea. All these determinants together strengthen the analytic skill of the person. On occasions, one may succeed without being analytic.  Non-analytic assessment cannot be construed a reliable approach to making decisions. The relevance for analysis is indeed significant for assessment of men and matters.

The major determinant of successful analysis is the objective approach, avoiding any scope for bias. To keep off the prospect of error, it is vital to collect as much information as possible, so that slant perceptions are avoided. Viewing an item from different planes is another method of reaching holistic view. Unless thoroughly objective, chances of leanings can ruin the purpose of assessment.  Analytic approach holds the key for reliable assessment. Lest, one should rely on ‘hear-say’ items pinning hopes on the objectivity of others. Therefore, it is sensible to develop the habit of analysis as a part of one’s daily routine to draw inferences based on logical deduction. Being a mind game, the process of analysis must be assiduously adopted to dispel the scope of chancing errors. Analytic ability is a part of personality. Personality-development approaches improve the profiles of those who are objective and analytic. Also, leadership qualities get strengthened by analytic approaches.


  1. Analyse and take a decision. That is the right way .

  2. Objective analysis is easier said than done.

  3. Decision Making is an art & better decision making comes with experience. A good decision maker chooses actions that gives the best outcome for themselves and others. On a lighter note, sometimes it is said not taking an immediate decision itself is a decision.



  P MADHAVAN இயக்குனர் பி மாதவன்   பெருமை மிக்க   தமிழ் சினிமா இயக்குனர்களில் இவருக்கு ஒரு உன்னத இடம் உண்டு .. அந்த நாட்கள...