Thursday, December 22, 2022



To learn the real nuances in making appropriate decisions for the best perspective for a picture, sessions of PORTRAITURE offer the best advantage in training.


Portraits are pictures of persons. So, the person[s] in a picture deserve[s] being recognized. There is no point in making a picture that distotrts the known features of persons.  A portrait survives whether or not the person therein survives. So, the best plane to picturize a person’s  features must be used to make a ‘true to life’ presentation. Portraits generally limit their picture area to include areas around the head, the shoulders and descend to the upper abdomen. Nothing more is needed. In doing so, the person is presented in a relaxed mode , either  straight-faced or face slightly tilted to right or left , witharms resting or one of the fists gently abutting the chin on the corresponding side. Depending on the gender , suitable attire is used without unduly drawing the viewer’s attention.


A PORTRAIT IS A PICTURE OF RECORD RICH IN FIDELITY. But it does not mean that all facial incongruities like warts, mole , surface irregularities should be vividly displayed. Instead, the general plan of the person’s face, shape of head, typical curvature of the lower jaw and sharp looking eye are essential.

Which is the best point to aim and shoot a portrait?

Generally the nose tip of the person is kept near the approximate centre of the picture; but precise focus should be for the 2 eyes.  Guide the person to stay relaxed while looking to the centre of the picture [lens of the camera]. The nosetip need not be well focussed. Such a portait picks up life on its own making every viewer feel happy that [s]he is looking at me.

In all such pictures image has to be rather soft instead of being very sharp indetails except for the eyeball.

These are rudimentary thumb rules to good portraiture work.

To continue

 Prof. K.Raman


  1. In taking Portraits if a girl or boy, they can be modified to some extent to look good . This will help while looking for marriage alliance.
    The person may not be as good as the portrait.

  2. Portrait photography captures the look & personality of a person. Many times the physical look of the person largely differs from the photo since the photographer gives face lifting final touches to the print to get his price. Portrait photography best suits the proverb, " it is not possible to judge a person's character from the outward appearance ", so is the genuineness of beauty of the face appearing in the Portrait.



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