Thursday, December 22, 2022




There has been a repeated sugestion from Prof. N S Rengarajan  to bring out episodes on photography. True, I  have some idea about the subject; what doesn’t encourage the  thought is the onset of DIGITAL SYSTEM OF IMAGE REGISTERING AND RECOVERY followed by editing including post-production modification.

Still, the basic concept being common to a;ll modes let me try to put together some essential components that determine the ‘appeal element’ in the visual presentation.


It is the most important element in image presentation  as a function of object –camera  positioning before a picture is made.  For instance one can stand under a coconut tree and place the camera to view the entire trunk from near to far end of the tree . now, the tree looks extremely big as if it is an endless object ; it is enhanced by a broad lower end which tapers along ending in leaves at the far end. Such a picture may cause a feeling of the photographer’s technique of image presentation.  Actually the impresion is just an imagination of the viewer  as the camera has captured the object from an unusual plane. But making images in unusual angles / planes can cause momentary impact which would turn less appealing after a few such ‘picturisation efforts’.

Perhaps the success of a picture rests on its ‘appeal for fidelity’. This is spoken of as ‘life-like’ presentation. It simply means that the image looks what weknow commonly of a scene . Say a temple with its imposing tower as viewed from  several meters away brings off the effect of ‘recognition’. As for instance, one can make a picture of Sri Meenaakshi temple that does not appeal to be the item. Then the photo fails to evoke the recognition element calling foran explanatory note as to what the picture represents.

So, perspectives are so chosen as to reflect the most common view point for recognizing the place or object.

Well, perspective shifts can cause emotional disturbances to the viewer. As for examples close shots of human face using a wide angle lens  can distort facial features to cause disorientation of feaures  to make the person totally different in appearance and make it appear cruel or scheming by the very looks. So, success of a picture requires  being presened in the right perspective.

To continue             Prof. K.Raman.


  1. A topic to be written by an expert
    like Prof.Raman

  2. This topic brings to my memory, your lessons in the Photography club, Madura College during 1975-77, where I was initiated into this
    interesting hobby.

  3. The para reference to the perspective about " Appeal to fidelity " and " Sri Meenakshi Temple " has been rightly mentioned. The existence of Camera has been made redundant with extensive mobile usage / utility.

    Image fidelity, often referred to as the ability to discriminate between two images or how closely the image represents the real source distribution. If we cannot detect the difference between a photograph and a digitally printed image, we might conclude that the digital print has photographic image quality, which is not a right judgement.

    The thrill/ excitement on first sight even when travelling in train, seeing the Temple tower of Sri Meenakshi Temple Tower / Gopuram - Madurai, Temple Tower of Tanjore or Srirangam is an experience which gives goosebumps always.

    Thanks for the discussion on the referred topic.

  4. Very nicely written piece on perspective



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