Thursday, October 21, 2021




Are such people of competence, comfortable in their places of work?

This question needs being clearly looked into for certain finer components that determine comfort. Comfort as implied here should not be treated as a physical entity. It is rather a mental satisfaction derived from meaningful participation in work through appropriate efforts of mental equipment. The rigours through which they equip to take on any “opposition” are phenomenal even by modest assessments.                                                                           

They feel absolutely comfortable at work; they keep on exploring finer techniques that help the beneficiaries early or easy. Being surrounded by the incompetent and the not -so- inclined to work, is not a happy situation. But, instead of succumbing to the common trend, why these people choose to be different? The entire crux for motivation lies here.  Successful people have only long term considerations.  They set their goals not for “now” but for ever.  They prefer to perform than to preach. Such persons are clearly convinced that they should always be rated the best by any standards. They do not compromise on quality. They are fully aware of the inconveniences they have to undergo. Yet, they prefer to strive than to shirk. It is a matter of conviction than of convenience. Literally they subject themselves to strenuous schedules for a single cause of being relevant and useful to the society. They are aware of the lackadaisical attitudes around. That does not bother, as for them, being distinct is both a pleasure and a pride. Even the bitterest of their critics cannot undermine their efforts.  Unmindful of the limitations, they keep their aspirations alive and burning. Their target in any endeavour is perfection and clinical precision.

 They never settle for less. They perpetually evaluate their own performance and look for scope of betterment. In this process, they quickly realize the value of updating and learn the strategies of updating.

How does this fire in them sustain itself?

If we carefully study their ascendancy right from their childhood days, at some stage especially in their teens they would have been enormously inspired. It is the inspiration that drives the soul into motivation. The degree of motivation owes itself to the scale of inspiration. Who inspires whom and how, are matters of providential schedule.                                                                               

To ignite this fire in an individual is what is popularly known as striking the wavelength. This process is highly infectious [to the susceptible recipient]. It blossoms into a soul- stirring experience to the recipient but not to the donor. The donor too sustains this reciprocity in relationship, because [s]he realizes that such inspired recipients are few and far between. I do not imply that a motivated worker looks for such a recipient. The event of inspiring someone is only incidental and not intentional. This is so because, among the many, who interact only a few are inspired. The number of the inspired to that of the interacted with is a measure of success. Mental infections do have a place of respect in human life. Inspiration, language skills, desire for perfection and the motivation for all these, come from person to person, who have occasions of interactive proximity. So, I call it infection, though the English language may have a better term. My background in Biology prompts me to stay with this usage which appeals for its contextual vividity. If we were to look for logical links in this human behaviour, a set of complex relationships emerge.        To continue                                                               Prof. K. Raman

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