Wednesday, October 20, 2021





An important derivative of inspiration is motivation. Rarely motivation may get triggered in a person by a sense of personal desire for excellence from observing some skillful performers. Among most people inspiration promotes motivation.


Motivation is an all-important requirement for every sphere of activity. Frequently, people ask the question, how to motivate those who are less motivated? It is difficult to pitch on a single method or strategy that can work with every one. Instead, we may  recognize those parameters that have helped the less-motivated person to be relaxed and indifferent to requirements. One of the reasons for this trend in people is that the relaxed constitute a numerical majority. The enforcement authority is ineffective since they too lack motivation. The ineffective work culture turns infective and nurtures the syndrome to a point of no return. The above pattern of behaviour is quite common and is blamed on our “times”. While the malady appears social, the corrective is with the individual. A sense of willingness to analyze the efficacy of each individual to the system holds the answer or at least the prospect for motivation. Often people analyze the inadequacy of the next person and advance reasons in self defence of the contention that “I am better”. For them my suggestion is, ask self the question --‘better than whom?’  If you feel satisfied, you can never be motivated, since you look only for excuses or ‘escapes’. Such persons without the desire to get motivated have the ignominy of ‘receiving comments’ from lesser mortals and rather in disproportion.

The underlying feeling of ignominy is only for those who value their self respect.

For every situation, self respect holds the key. Consider all those known to you and study to assess who among them are really successful. Please do not assume that some one is successful. Rather, try to find from others as to whether they also reckon that person as a successful individual.  

Select a few such persons who are commonly rated “successful”. Carefully watch such persons for their day to day approaches to work; they adopt specific methods to work. Invariably, their approach is different. How? Often I have noticed that they leave nothing to chance.                                                                           

Instead, they attend to fine details. The time spent on these preparatory steps saves “functional time”. They do not grope while on the job. At the actual hour and place of work, they can show niceties and elegance. When they work, there is authenticity and perfection that blend together like a flower and fragrance. With due passage of time, they acquire the level of mastery ideal for the work.

What do they gain by these extra efforts?

Honestly, it is difficult to judge the outcome for these people. They may not achieve material comforts for selves. They may even prove a nuisance to their less-competent colleagues. Such honest efforts are viewed with contempt only by the colleagues but the beneficiaries look forward to greater such efforts and from others too. Are such persons not aware of the bitter review they are put to by their colleagues? Certainly they are aware. Knowing the credentials of their critics, they are enthused to strive more. How they approach these issues is interesting. Prima facie, they desire being respected by everyone including their colleagues and beneficiaries. Soon they locate the wise and the otherwise in the environment. For pruning up skills they turn to the wise. With caution they deal with the incompetent lot. But, they keep this lot at bay when it comes to functional supremacy.

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