Tuesday, January 25, 2022



Madurai eateries

Madurai is a special type of setting –especially for its varied tastes, facilities and peculiarities. As such  it stands distinct by its innumerable options for any given stuff-say beverages, tiffin  centres, varieties and small time hubs operating for about 3 + hours daily, and at select spots. The sellers and buyers know when and where to buy a stuff, either for taking home or for ‘on the spot’ consumption, fresh from the oven. Interestingly, options for both tastes [vegetarians and non-vegetarians] are numerous and widely distributed across the city and its suburbs. For any on-looker Maduraites appeal to be voracious , tireless eaters who have an eye for variety in every type of eatable. They appear to be ardent admirers of fried stuff ranging from tiny items to some ‘mega bites’, which are curiously confined to Madurai. For a Madurai consumer, taste is first concern and cost ought to be reasonable, lest they should settle for some munch always available through the day [day also includes night].

To cite evidence of my conviction, let me throw a poser. Does any other city’ boast of MILLET PORRIDGE, RAGI PORRIDGE, COTTON SEED Extract AS ‘TIMEPASS’ drinks?  Or for that matter the mind-boggling ‘JIGARTHANDA’. [In certain towns I have the experience of tasting ‘mind boiling’ stuff, but never in Madurai].Mind you, these are evening items, besides any number of items as wayside feeds before supper. Even big metropolis like Chennai does not offer tasty snacks ‘on your path’. It means one needs to go in search; But, Madurai is different, things encounter you on the way. All you need is the right sense of perception- visual, nasal and readiness to enjoy variety. Abruptly you would notice palm tree crown, laid on a cart and sold as thin slice. It is the tender bud of coconut tree not felled but fallen by accident.  Unhesitatingly people buy such stuff and enjoy it then and there. People do not feel inhibited to eat in roadside stalls any item fresh /salivating. Simply no fuss about it, after all, any life time effort has its basis in ‘eating’.

 Many of these preparations happen before your eyes and no need to fear that these could be old or stale by hours. You can see them being prepared and they vanish in like speed. The buss begins by 4.00 -4.30 pm in mobile cart mounted on 4 wheels of cycle with a roof and a bottom  partition holding the raw dough, other additives, a stove, frying pan, a large plate to dump the prepared items , 2 or 3 of them as distinct groups, +a couple of containers holding side dishes. All these jump to the upper partition with passage of time. Of late, these stalls are illuminated by bright light powered by storage batteries. Illuminated stalls draw more people, as things are in bright light. Each person selling the items has dishes which enjoy distinct popularity among buyers.

Some buyers also take the stuff for inmates back home and one should see these eateries receiving a bee-line of patrons who relish the delightful delicacies. It is not as if they visit for ‘knowing’ rather they have known them and are drawn to the place by the typical formulation. Even more curious is the relentless pursuit of Maduraites, who keep unearthing more such outlets both for locating opportunities and for treating them as potential alternatives. Even more intriguing is the interest evinced by women of Madurai for these stalls – a fact that could be ascertained by the groups of women who brief their associates as to what could be had from where. In short, eateries thrive in Madurai largely because, the people patronize snacks of quality priced nominally to suit every purse. 

Where these stalls are? is a nagging question and would receive a vague reply. The honest answer is they are everywhere through the inner town on all streets. To have the experience of these around 6.00pm or later is the most ideal to have the opportunity to ascertain facts.

To continue      Prof. K. Raman  



1 comment:

  1. To see varieties of eatables one should go through bypass road from PRC to Kalavasal . Chappathi stall Biriyani both v and Nv, Kambangh coozh , pani poori stall and hot idli dosai with sambar and chatni are all available.
    What else you need.Oh you need Idiappam. Varieties of idiappam are also you can get.
    Alas …. All are available in unhygienic places.
    People do not bother but bother about their stomach.
    K. Venkataraman



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