Tuesday, March 22, 2022



Suddenly, it sparked in me to choose this item. There is a standard expression in English which is phrased ‘sooner or later’ as a typical reference to anything unavoidable or inevitable. Spectacles seem to obey the phrase ‘sooner or later’ in one’s life. Yes, none can declare with any certainty that ‘I shall not wear spectacles’. If such an exigency does not emerge to compel wearing spectacles, it would be a spectacular ‘gift’ for us to celebrate. Without spectacles if one can manage well into 40+ or 50+ age, that looks a feat these days. A friend of mine used to brush aside the suggestion that wearing specs at a young age is unwelcome saying that ‘people are afraid of spectacled snakes’ [a suggestion of Cobra].

The word ‘spectacle’ has a grand value as it is used to describe events of grandeur as ‘grand spectacle’. As a school boy, I used to imagine how a spectacle could be grand. Would it be big or made of precious metal like silver or gold? It took several years before I could relate the words ‘spectacular’ and ‘grand’ spectacle.

People use terms like ‘glasses’ to refer to specs. Ironically, technology has ruined the utility of the term ‘glasses’ for specs, since there are unbreakable items made of transparent material with glass-like refractive index. So, ‘glasses’ are not relevant always. Spectacles have undergone spectacular changes. Times were when ‘glass’ was held in metal rim and hung on to the ear lobes [Gandhi style]. Later versions appeared with synthetic rims of plastic.

Shapes of glasses too have witnessed changes. The earliest versions were circular and a wee bit larger practically covering the eyebrows too. There were man-made [rather home-made] frugal versions with one or both ‘legs‘ broken and substituted by a thick thread with a loop to arch around the ear lobe.

Subsequently, glasses were somewhat square like with heavier frames and elegant-looking. Later ones were more of rectangular shape, also with heavy frames which were partly in metal [the lower arch supporting the glass] while the upper edge was in plastic or synthetic material.

Slowly, glasses for exclusive use for reading / near vision and for general vision were used as two different entities. With forgetfulness gripping persons, one of the two spectacles used to be left behind at home or office.

To overcome issues of memory impairing the use of glasses, special chain-like links were used to connect both the legs of the spectacles and left hanging at the back of the neck; when removed, the spectacles would stay suspended from the neck.

Innovations keep on emerging. Variable focus was brought in by progressively shifting the focus from the upper to the lower end of the glass, so that long range and short range [reading] are accomplished by the same spectacles without having to carry two different items.

So-called rimless glasses are around, presenting sophisticated looks to the wearer whether or not the person is sophisticated.

Spectacles keep holding a spectacle of sorts.

Prof. K. Raman


  1. Spectacles are in fashion now. We have zero-power specs that are popular among college going kids (for the 'nerd' looks)
    A very good write up on spectacles

  2. "presenting sophisticated looks to the wearer whether or not the person is sophisticated" Hahaha....



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