Friday, April 29, 2022



BLACK PEPPER [Milagu (Tamil), Kari Menasu (Kannada), Kuru Mulagu (Malayalam), Miriyam (Telugu), and Kali Mirch (Hindi).

If Cardamom is ‘queen of spices’, black pepper is ‘King of Spices’. May be the harsh sweep of ‘hot’ impact upon a tasting of a grain of the spice has invited the nomenclature –if my guess is not off target. Black pepper is a native of Southern India and a regular item on the list of groceries procured every month. Botanically referred to as Piper nigrum ;  is a climber WHICH PREFERS SHADY locales of hilly slopes  for lush growth and profuse flowering / fruiting. A pet and favourite of the traditional Grandma recipe are these fruits of black pepper in a variety of preparations like ‘Rasam’, Pongal , items like ‘Rava dosa’ and not to speak of the Madurai delicacy the ‘MEDHU VADA’ . My naming it Madurai delicacy is borne out of the abundant patronage that this stuff enjoys across the social spectrum of Madurai citizens. Rather the day dawns with this item and the evening is marked by its dominance across eateries- big and small which register a prolific ‘take off’ putting to shame the proverbial Hot Cake’.

Other than culinary significance, black pepper enjoys application in the preparation of insecticides,  preservatives, perfumery and traditional medicine. Medicinal values of B.PEP[ black pepper ] include its utility in setting right gastrointestinal disorder, cough, fever abatement , anti-helminthic profile [antidote for worms]

The aroma and pungent ‘feel’ from B.PEP are ascribed to volatile oils and Piperine –the alkaloid in pepper. About 2-7% of both White and black pepper  contains Piperine. According to some observations, Piperine helps to enhance the therapeutic value of drugs and vaccines  by inhibiting certain digestive enzymes which degrade the effect of medicine.

Also piperine promotes Pancreatic activity and intestinal digestive juices useful for digestion. Rheumatism, cold and fever are controlled by essential oils in pepper which may constitute 0.5 -7%of the dry weight of the fruit.

Volatile oils in Pepper are nerolidol and piperamides which have insecticidal activity. These are used in perfumes using piperine and essential oils by blending.

Not without reason the culinary schedules across India incorporate black pepper in preparations. Our compulsion to use the term Black pepper arises from two counts . 1 there is white variety besides the American usage ‘pepper ‘ for what goes as Chillies in our country.  Practical wisdom advises that prefer Pepper to chillies as the former is more beneficial to health instead mere ‘heating up’ the tongue. Small items like pepper and Mustard are indeed great items by their value.

Prof. K. Raman  

Thursday, April 28, 2022




Cambridge dictionary of English language suggests that ‘garnish’ means decorate food with a small amount of some other food. It is quite an appealing explanation instead of just suggesting ‘decorating’ food [might be mistaken for using pieces colour paper- the worst ill-treatment to food before the same to a guest]. Interestingly all the three items are from ‘cash crops’ meticulously cultivated and cared for. The three are standard ingredients in mogul preparations.

CARDAMOM       ஏலக்காய்,  Hindi= इलायची, Tel= ఏలకులు, Mal=ഏലാം  Kan=ಏಲಕ್ಕಿ.

Cardamon is the fruit with its seeds, derived from the plant –Eletaria

Cardamom is cultivated in special elevated lands and the best yield is from lands above 2000 ft MSL. Crops grown at lower altitudes generally fail to yield quality fruits/ seeds. Hailed as the “Queen of Spices”- the best fruits are greenish or whitish green, with tightly packed clusters of seeds inside the chamber of the fruit [Pod]. Fruits are allowed to dry in shade so as to preserve the aroma of the product that fetches high price for cardamom.  The value for cardamom is for its rich aroma that elevates the value of the ‘dish’ garnished with it

Curiously, the tiny black seeds of this spice are rich in oil content whose biochemical composition is quite baffling. Always the product aroma is due to the essential oils within. So, the oil content has to be carefully maintained by ‘discouraging’ the scope for evaporation of the essential oil which accounts for a total quantum of 80%. The components include approximately,  45%  α-terpenol .27% Myrcene, 8% Limonene , 6%Menthone , 3%  β-phellandrene, 2% 1, 8- Cineol, 2% each of Sabinene and Heptane.

Even more important it is to realize that before a crop turns productive it may be between 5-and 7 years,  depending on several factors -  soil, climate, incidence of diseases etc,.

Besides its captivating flavor from garnishing, cardamom offers advantages as medicine through food. Seeds help to de-odorize the mouth, cure teeth /gum disorders and   heal mouth ulcers. Oil in cardamom triggers digestive juices and can soothe gastric ulcers and help them to heal.         Cardamom can help to improve ‘breathing difficulties’ in Asthma and improve blood circulation. So much of value for those tiny black seeds of cardamom!

CINNAMON   லவங்கப்பட்டை Hindi= ढालचीनी Tel =దలచిన సిక్కా Kan= ದಾಲ್ಚಿನ್ನಿ

Cinnamon is derived from the inner bark of the tree Cinnamomum .

Use of Cinnamon bark in food, dates back to ancient Egyptian civilizations. The gentle fragrance of cinnamon is due to the oil –containing cinnamaldehyde .  Cinnamaldehyde is suggested to be a major influence on health and metabolism in humans.  It is known to have antibacterial/ anti-fungal activity. Cinnamon has anti oxidant property due to polyphenols . Among the varied spices, Cinnamon is a top winner for Antioxidant property. Because of this, Cinnamon can be a natural food preservative in its own right. Indications are that cinnamon can help to fight against HIV 

Anti-inflammatory property in Cinnamon reduces the risk of health disorders.

It regulates LDL [LOW DENSITY LIPIDS]and Tri-glycerides without interfering with HDL. It Can lower Blood pressure.

Cinnamon can elevate sensitivity to Insulin and help in Type 2 Diabetes.  In experiments, lowering of Fasting glucose in blood by 10-29% is known.

Antioxidant role can be an Anti cancer role also.

CLOVE    Tam= கிராம்பு, Hindi=लौंग  Tel= లవంగం Mal= ഗ്രാമ്പു Kan= ಲವಂಗ

Clove is the ‘un-open flower buds of Eugenia or Syzygium . Clove enjoys a royal  acceptance as a spice anywhere  as in food/ beverages/ candies/ biscuits etc. It has the fine quality of upkeep of liver health, blood sugar in humans.  Clove has minor carbohydrate content; but is a rich source of Manganese,  which is essential for brain health and healthy bones.  One of the vital components in clove is its oil – Eugenol. Eugenol can be a powerful anti oxidant which can neutralize trends of cancer in cells. Besides,  it is a well known home remedy for disorders in teeth / mouth as the popular ‘clove oil’.

Clove upkeeps our health by toning up the liver and by its anti microbial role maintains oral health

Blood sugar regulation is another function ascribed to clove asd it promotes Insulin secretion and helps insulin activity in transfer of sugar to cells. Clove extract can also reduce stomach ulcers by its oil content. Cloves help bone strength by Manganese supply. But young children should not be fed with clove much, as it can damage liver in such children.

Prof. K. Raman

Wednesday, April 27, 2022





ASAFOETIDA=TAMIL-பெருங்காயம்,  HINDI=HING, MALAYALAM=പെരുങ്കായം, TELUGU= ఇంగువ,,   KANNADA= ಇಂಗು

In our dietary prescription [at least in Tamil Nadu, many do not employ asafetida and they hold a weird outlook to the commodity, just as some sections are not inclined to accept Onion/ Garlic in diet supplements on grounds of traditional culture. The two distinct groups indicated above find it ‘difficult’ to have a session of peaceful meal if they suspect asafetida in the recipe [ the first group] or Onion/ Garlic in the recipe [ the second group].  Otherwise they are congenial vegetarian friends.

A detailed survey of literature reveals that both contentions are not wrong in the sense that the items [Onion/ Garlic] and [Asafoetida] are functional equivalents by way of their roles as ‘spices’ of near identical value in a dietary prescription. Several other cultures in our country use both the categories [O/ G] as well as [Asa ] and perhaps they gather the best of both worlds. Leaving aside these ‘lighter vein’ perceptions, we would focus on the advantages or benefits of using Asafoetida.

ASAFOETIDA is a gum like exudates derived from the root region of the plant Ferula. By nativity, the plant is suggested to be from Iran / Afghanistan. How our ancestors caught hold of this item for use in food supplement? Probably barter traders inducted the item to our markets which later entered our food culture. Be that as it may – let us consider the key features of significance to our pursuit.

The strong smell of asafetida is ascribed to sulphur content which pervades the kitchen air during cooking.  But upon cooking, the stuff gets to have  a palatable aroma that if in right quantity can elevate the delight of the diner.

Ayurvedic practitioners consider asafetida [AF for convenience] as capable of alleviating effects of kidney stones, even as it can rectify digestive disorders.

A variety of health benefits is ascribed to AF’s role as a spice.


AF can function as an antioxidant warding off the scope of release of free –radicals that can trigger cancerous tendency in cells. Phenolics [Tannins] and flavanoids in AF  confer on to the resin the ability for antioxidant activity.


AF is known to help digestion , especially of fatty substances by promoting the secretion of ‘ bile fluids’.


IBS [IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME] is a disorderly state associated with ageing. IBS may be associated with ‘constipation’ or Diarrhoea’ or both . It is related to improper digestion and consequent erratic  bowel movement. Its rectification requires appropriate control of digestion, supported by useful bacteria [ pre/ pro biotics] in the digestive system. AF can be of good help in such situations.  


Studies have shown that [O/G] contain Fructosans , not easy to digest by those with IBS state. AF offers the sane biochemical advantages of O/G without the problem from fructosans, though AF does help in ways similar to those by O/G.


Several strains of Streptococcus bacteria are inhibited by AF in laboratory studies .


Laboratory studies on AF have shown regulation of BP by relaxing the blood vessels.


In high concentration,  AF  is known to lower fasting sugar levels in blood.

So many advantages can be had from Asafetida.

Prof .K. Raman





Tuesday, April 26, 2022




Spicy food is typically Indian by our culinary protocol. Generally, food in Europe / USA is said to be free of items like Tamarind, Chillies, Curry leaf, Cumin etc. But our recipe for daily consumption includes Turmeric, Tamarind, black pepper, Curry leaves, cumin seeds, Fenu Greek , Salt and other items like Cinnamon or leaf of Smilax [Brinji].

The lavish use of spices is not advisable, as they tend to trigger irritable behavior and is not good in the long run.

What is important for us to recognize is, limited and rationalistic application of spices by appropriate periodic changes in day to day menu. The suggestion is to sustain ‘moderation’ in approach and application of spices to the advantage of health.

As a matter of fact, our dietary practices as obtaining in India are a matter for deeper scientific assessment, just to understand our culinary evolution. Culinary evolution is an indicator of Evolution of humans in a  geographical territory; we [in India] do not consume anything raw or incompletely cooked. We do not pick items from cold store and right away eat them. Cold storing is just to help the product stay ‘free from’ scope of spoilage in warm humid situations. Neither we are happy to keep things ‘ad infinitum’ under the assurance of storing in a refrigerator.

 Even vegetables are held in refrigeration for just 2 days plus and not far beyond. Such practices have helped our society to ‘prepare fresh food’ everyday, instead of relying much on stored food or ‘tinned food’ popular across Western societies. So much for our food habits which keep our people busy –preparing / eating or both and we have a craving for variety. We are never happy with mere ‘salt –pepper smeared’ surface decoration just for the palate.

Consider how many different food preparations in Rice parade on our Dining tables merely for avoidance of oft-repeated ‘feel’ by sheer looks.  We have the traditional 3 step meal [three course meal sounds baffling]; honestly we have come to equanimity in volume while eating. The first two items that go with rice have the rich tradition of spice- dominant composition ensuring digestion / satiation. The third is a ‘calm down man‘  stuff -the butter milk.

Let not any reader hastily jump into bias that the menu has no place for vegetables. There are a variety of them as boiled garnished seasoned or fried –spiced or the congenially mixed / cooked team of vegetables blended with taste and flavor the two inseparable cousins of south Indian vegetarian diet. The terminal candidate –a sharp shooter ‘the pickle/ ‘pickles’ have a history of a hoary past of a tradition that they are the most authentic examples of ‘natural  preservation’ without resorting to  chemical preservatives like benzoates.

My familiarity [leave alone any false claims of knowledge] of other regional culinary schedules preclude my assertion of their evolutionary progression in the field of Culinary history. But, I am confident that across our country several regional practices of cooking have been perfected so well that there are a variety of delicacies in our great country.

Basically all our food habits/ preparatory schedules have been perfected to pitch on the right model to sustain our health suitable to the climate of the region of our living.  Our ‘surviving through Covid-19’ is proof enough of our immunity substantially strengthened by spices in our daily diet.

We may soon try to figure out the advantages that spices provide us with.

Prof .  K.Raman



Monday, April 25, 2022





Most humans survive on plant-derived staple food like Rice/ Wheat or other cereals in all countries. All other eatable items are just additives and supplementary in value. The list of items would be baffling by the number of plant sources which humans make use of.

While energy helps activity, other requirements are not provided by cereals. The basic structure, growth and maintenance are silent day-to-day functions. So, it is essential that for appropriate physiology additional input is needed. Most important of them are ‘PROTEINS’.


Proteins form the basic organization by an innumerable permutation of Amino acid sequences. A subtle difference in the sequence may mean entirely different product. To understand this, the 3 letter word GOD can be rewritten as DOG or PAT /TAP, BIN/ NIB. Positioning of letters is language and its beauty. It boils down to the idea that proteins are formed by different amino-acid assemblies; indispensable and irreplaceable for perfect functioning. So, as humans we need to accord the due importance to protein intake as a dietary plan. I am at a loss to understand why many people [especially in southern India] consume more carbohydrate and very little of proteins. It is a common sight to find ‘pot belly’ due to overload of carbohydrate in food.

Instead, a right combination of cereal + vegetables [bean varieties] + leafy vegetable would do a world of good to our well being.  It is opportune to highlight the value of proteins to streamline our physiology and health.


Proteins function as building blocks by ‘construction’ of our tissues and muscles by formulation of right protein frame work. The process is nearly continual though not continuous. How?


All our cells and tissues suffer ‘ageing’ and related damage. They need to be replaced by adding replacement without our knowing such internal happenings every minute.


Reactions are catalyzed / kinetized by enzymes [All enzymes are proteins though the converse is not true].So, these are functional proteins unlike the structural building blocks.


Hormones are signal providers [are proteins too] and help balanced ratios for steady state activity.


Proteins- collagen, Keratin provide the typical frame work for respectively bones, ligaments and hairs

p H homeostasis

The above is simply upkeep of right pH in right place which is done by a buffering act of some proteins.


Albumin and Globulin are blood proteins which help fluid balancing by correct levels oh hydration.


Antibodies are special proteins designed to combat proteins of invading bacteria / virus and destroy the latter before diseases spread in the body.


It is blood stream that delivers oxygen , cholesterol, Sugar , vitamins through protein carriers .


Protein break down can liberate energy in low efficiency when carbohydrate sources are not in supply during starving.

So, proteins are vital for healthy living. It is enough if we rotate our vegetable intake by accommodating most vegetables without doing a palate-satiation exercise [of eating starchy potato] but serving our heath through protein supplements


Prof .  K. Raman


Sunday, April 24, 2022






Quite an array of defensive features is found among plants. These are Structural, surface coat, Chemical substances, Secondary metabolites and so on.

Structural items

Structurally, thorns, prickles, hooks are strong protectives which defend plants from being plucked or grazed by animals. They injure the invader and frighten any further attempt.

Stinging hairs

These are emergences from stem / leaf surface and have slender sharp pointed tips. They pierce the tissue of the invader and break within to release irritant fluid. It causes profuse itch and causes agony to the invader.

Crystals and spicules

Several plant structures contain different salt crystals and oxalates.   Any  chewing animal can feel prickly pungence and it is a strong disincentive to devour the plant.

Gums and exudates

Several trees have different exudates which ooze from tree barks and clog as crystalline deposit on the stem. [Neem]. They carry several products which are collectively involved in plant protection.

Other secondary metabolites


Latex is a milky thick fluid which drops from cut ends of plants. Some plants have thin yellow semitransparent latex. These are common in dry land plants like cacti, hedge plants like Tirucalli etc. Latex is a powerful deterrent against grazing animals. Some natives use latex as wound healer for human injuries.

Oils, Resins Tannins and phenols of varied chemical composition arise in old plants. They carry a number of organic products which are not easy to digest. So, by sheer perception of odour, animals avoid using such leaves for feeding. All such tannins, phenols, Terpenes and similar derivatives have complex chemistry. Many of them are found to possess potent medicinal value. The medicinal property of such plant parts deters the animal from indiscriminate grazing. Several of them are inherently anti bacterial/ anti-microbial in action. In view of such properties herbal medicines are widely used by hill tribes as antidotes to several disorders, insect bite / snakebites.


Adathoda is a popular herbal drug against cough and throat disorders. The drug is an alkaloid ‘ VASICIN’ which is employed in allopathic syrups as antidote for cough. The bitter alkaloid safeguards the plant from grazing animals.

Knowledge on Secondary metabolites in plants is an expanding area of research involving bio-chemistry, microbiology, Immunology in deciphering the applicability of such drugs or their analogues. Undoubtedly Botanical science is a fascinating area if we are inclined to critically bridge disparate signals which relate to human physiology / Drug science.

Prof. K. Raman 

Saturday, April 23, 2022





Plant nutrition relates to the method of acquiring energy by plants for themselves. But, we humans harvest these plant structures like stems [Sugarcane], Roots [ Radish, Carrot BEET ROOT, Sweet potato, Turnip] , underground stems [Potato, Ginger, Turmeric, tubers  ], Leaves[ Cabbage, Greens, Coriander, Betel and Onion, Garlic ] Flowers – [Cauliflower, Broccoli ]Fruits [Tomato, Gooseberry, Aubergine, Ladies Finger ,Pepper and Guava etc] and seeds [ SPICES ]. Strictly, we exploit plant products for our welfare. Why? Most plant products have value as medicines/ immune builders and substances which help digestion.

The feature to understand is the same taste for each plant product wherever the plant grows. This fidelity of plant chemistry is largely due to the minerals and salts acquired by plants from the soil. It means that every plant species ‘absorbs’ from the soil only typical salts / minerals and assembles its  physical STRUCTURE/ architecture. So, the plant species gives the same aroma and taste typical of that plant. Such a ‘steady composition’ indicates that plants ‘use’ what they require to form the plant structures. The mineral from soil assembly and the physiological processing of them within the plant results in ‘aroma’ / taste typical of the species. So, with    certainty we are able to gather what we need by choosing the plant.

Though plants synthesize the carbohydrates, they cannot procure Nitrogen from the soil. They utilize nitrate fertilizers or support from agriculture operations or with the help of soil bacteria which fix nitrogen in the soil. But there are plants which are in aquatic bodies and need special facility to gather Nitrogen. Such members trap insects in their special box like chambers and digest them for nitrogen. [In to- day’s response Dr. K. Venkataraman has made an observation on this] So, they are Insectivorous plants. They have facilities to attract and destroy insects. [பூச்சி உண்ணும் தாவரங்கள்].

They have colourful shiny surfaces with sticky fluids. Drawn by such fascinating surface looks, insects land on and get trapped [Honey trap]. Once trapped they are unable to fly off; they are immersed in digestive juices rapidly secreted by the leaf. Their body tissues deliver the nitrogen needed for plants. It would be better if one day we devote a detailed episode for such animal –feeding plants. As has been pointed out by Dr. K. V, there are fine quality medicines from plant secretions like gums, resins, phenols and latex for self-defence against grazing animals.

 More would follow soon

Prof. K. Raman


Friday, April 22, 2022





It would be quite astonishing, if we recognize how many different external situations are clearly perceived by plants. These include recognizing ‘light’, gravity, physical obstruction to spreading etc. Most of it may occur by perceiving a stimulus like ‘contact’, temperature, occurrence of ground water in the soil matrix and so on. Any of these can induce plant response and it may be positive [towards the stimulus] or negative [away from the stimulus].


Gravity is an environmental factor. Both stem and root perceive gravity, but respond differently for the same signal. Perception of gravity is named ‘gravi sensing’ to suggest sensing the gravity. Stem moves away from gravity while root moves towards the direction of gravity. This response is typical of these plant-parts. It is the terminal segment which ‘perceives’ the stimulus based on certain ‘grain-like’ particles in the root tip , which exert pressure signifying the factor of gravity. Root responds accordingly.


Plant branches prefer to grow away from interference –human or any other. We can notice that new saplings start making branches only after attaining some height so that the branches away from the easy reach of persons /cattle. To start with branches may arise at lower levels; but once the interference pattern is ‘perceived’ branching is postponed until some height is reached. Note the tree branches in school / college campus where trees are close to the building. In them branches arise and spread away from the corridor so that human interference by plucking branches or leaves is avoided. Sensing signals / danger is essential for survival of plants.


There are any number of tiny plants which grow to a total of 2 feet or below. These are ‘herbs’ which grow, mature and complete the life within a defined period before the arrival of extreme climate like frost or high summer. Their life ‘tenure’ is designed to begin in rain fed soil,  grow, form flowers, fruits, seeds and die before ‘climate extreme’. Only their seeds survive through bad climate; but revive upon better climate from those seeds.

Some plants merely pass the ‘bad climate’ as tiny buds ; these buds later open up and form new structures. This way also, plants manage to exist through ‘unfavourable’ conditions. Very rarely plants get eliminated outright.


Prof. K. RAMAN


Thursday, April 21, 2022




A general belief is that plants have leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. Each one of these components may be missing from some plants. So, generalizations may not always hold good. As for instance, we believe animals run. There are some which cannot. Eg: Sponges. Interestingly there are ‘walking ferns’ though they do not really ‘walk’. To be clear about these living systems, one has to begin with an open mind without ascribing any definite feature for plant or animal.

Plants which partake in ‘sexual’ reproduction, generally make seeds. The seed is a condensed or tiny plant within an enclosure. The enclosure guards the content from drying and helps to keep the ‘tiny plant’ alive for some time. For how long, depends on the plant variety.


The tiny plant is kept in a safe shell which allows for ‘breathing’. The ‘tiny plant’ stays dormant with very low activity, until activated by water. Each tiny plant has a root, a stem and just 1 or 2 leaves all in infancy, but ready to grow and establish. Root and Stem are at opposite ends; they regulate the growth of each other. Stem regulates root and vice versa. This is an arrangement of safety for growth.   If we fell the stem of a plant, the root triggers new stem growth; if roots get damaged, the stem triggers root growth. The two work as polar signals from opposite ends. Nature is a grand designer and ensures the safety of opposed structures by keeping their controls with the other end or terminal.


For living systems, ‘signal-reading’ is a fundamental requirement. Seed grows only if it ‘understands’ that the environment is safe for growth. The most basic signal for life is ‘light’. Light is ‘read‘ for day break or day fall and accordingly functions open up or close down  respectively by day and night. Watch the ‘rain tree’ [தூங்கு மூஞ்சி மரம்]; by late evening, the leaves go to ‘sleep’ by closing upon one another and thus the Tamil name. Who tells the time? Light signal by its wavelength- predominance indicates the ending of the day. The signal reading facility is in the pigments which cause a number of chemical changes within. Nearly the same principle operates in causing‘flowering‘ of seasonal plants like Mango. Each mango variety responds to specific light / shadow [dark] ratio. Any alteration in the ratio can disrupt flowering. Also, flowering time generally coincides with every other support from the environment. You would have noticed a tiny beetle escaping from the ripe mango, as we try to cut the fruit. There is no external indication of any kind of the beetle [வண்டு] within.  When did it get in? Well before the flower could fall off. The beetle egg stays there for the length of time taken for the fruit to turn ripe. Each fruit variety and its beetle are mutually specific and take the same length of time to develop.  How nature has designed co-existence of plants / animal species is something to ponder over.

More to follow

Prof. K. Raman

Wednesday, April 20, 2022




In furtherance of the chosen topic, I am obliged to recall the then NEWS PAPERS held in esteem by citizens in South India. Honestly, I had no idea or opportunity to recognize what was obtaining then of NEWS PAPERS across the rest of the country.


The fact that a segment is set apart for News Papers is itself testimony to the scale of importance accorded to that item of daily life then. The most revered status enjoyed by the then NEWS PAPERS [now spoken of as print media] emanated from their unquestionable / unfathomable adherence to principles of PATROTISM; the concept so dear to Indian society then, now seems to have a cavalier slant in the perception of several houses identifiable as print media components. Obviously, ‘freedom’ unfettered is on display now-a-days. Times were when elders would advise their children to read “THE HINDU” daily to gather the nuances of using ‘English’ for formal writing. Now-a-days English News papers do not seem to sustain the ‘spirit’ of language for ‘construct’ or connotation or for any elegance thereof. To recommend ‘reading of English dailies’ for true aspirants to learn language appears the surest way to destroy or nip in the bud any semblance of command over the language. My request to young ones is ‘please adhere to use of Dictionary –as a standard source to fortify language skills as prescribed by the lexicon. Kindly disband the tendency to take anything for granted especially in handling of languages. Perhaps the ‘utility’ of print media has grown stronger by their ‘pictorial coverage’ of events; pictures are more vivid and quick to emerge these days. Sustaining neutrality in reporting has been replaced by ‘opinionated-writing’ largely driven by political leanings of the ‘bosses’ of such print houses. Media houses of the present [both print and electronicl] seem to stay under the illusion that people buy their narratives; quite a few AMONG THE PUBLIC are more than aware of these gimmicks if social platforms like You tube/ WhatsApp are any indication; in these domains bitter criticism of their ‘postures of convenience’ of the media are stripped naked. Ironically the stage- managers OF SUCH MEDIA seldom realize how people call their bluffs and are ready to inflict heavy damage when things turn conducive.


Someone by way of response to the previous posting has drawn reference to Gold price. Why that much? If you recall the price of hotel meal in 1970 in Madurai it was Re 0.55 with a cup of curd. It was deemed expensive, for in most other like hotels the price was just Re 0.50 per meal. [Incidentally many people use the term ‘MEALS’ while the right form is only ‘Meal’. It is an occasion to utilize the opportunity to set the record straight AND NOTHING MORE]. In my humble opinion the cost of foot wear has sky-rocketed from Rs 5/- a pair to Rs 400/-while during the same span of time the cost of rice per  Kg registered a hike to Rs 50 or 55 from Rs- 1 OR 2/-. How anomalous are these cost rise patterns between essentials and luxuries. Equally worse has been the swing in tailoring charges for stitching pants from a moderate Rs 15/- to a whopping Rs 500 in the next 3 1/2 to 4 decades. This has cultivated a desire to switch over to ‘Ready’ mode [for using ‘Ready-made’ items] though they may not fit every one’s physical dimension in height or measurements. For the mere stitching cost the whole set of dress can be had ‘as a finished product’.


Up to 1970 or so, students, politicians were two different entities without interactive exchanges. The seeds for politicizing institutions were sown during anti- Hindi agitation of 1965. Since then slowly, the line of segregation between students and politics [politicians] was eroded and student union elections in institutions came under political ideologies typical of national / regional political outfits. I am reminded of what happened in 1966 in Annamalai University in the month of March . For an annual celebration of Fine Arts Club, the then student secretary had managed to get Mr. C N Annadurai as the chief guest; the event was presided over by Shri. P. Adhi Narayana-the Vice –Chancellor. The V C sounded a note of caution to Mr. C N A SAYING “Mr CNA, you are an astute politician. Please avoid items of ‘Politics’. We are not interested in politics”. Mr. CNA,   after formal opening of his speech in English said “Mr. Vice Chancellor, you may not have interest in politics. If you are not interested in politics, politics is interested in you and so I shall confine myself to key issues without making a political reference. But, he made a veiled political speech without offending the sentiments of the VC that day.  Where are such refined politicians now? Besides, all institutions -academic or otherwise vie with one another to win over the politician in office. Institutions have themselves succumbed to the temptation of getting to invite political VIPs. Politicians of 1960s were not inclined to meet students and vice-versa. But, now everyone somehow manages to make a livelihood through political blessing. So, life is getting to turn complex besides leaning heavily on political intervention/ blessing. Both sides have axes to grind. Life has turned comfortable in facilities and uncomfortable for those who can ill afford to spend.

Prof. K. Raman

Tuesday, April 19, 2022




Life as witnessed by ourselves in our early days around late 1950s and during our student days in College/ University and later in profession for 35+ years and as at present is progressively witnessing an increasing priority for ‘self’ and a waning enthusiasm towards neighbours, cousins and members of every other description. There is an urgent ‘visible’ materialism about most activities in society. What brought about this shift is a matter for consideration.


Life then was far more simple, families were larger, of joint family type that naturally infused greater bondage among cousins; the general economic poverty was more than compensated by willingness to share most things; these could extend over to dress material descending on to younger cousins, books passing hands between brothers, cousins and at times neighbours.  There was just no urgency of any kind nor were there this many ‘emergency’ wards in hospitals. Doctors and diseases were few and far between.  Even medication was sought only if inevitable. FEVER WAS TREATED with simple liquid formulations like carminative mixtures / simple tablets crushed to powder and dispensed as small units -3-5 for 2day- use. On the third day, invariably, there would be near normal state for the patient and [s]he would resume normal food ,low in fat /oil and boiled to ‘porridge’ like consistency. Bread was viewed as ‘patients’ food and persons in normal health never consumed bread or bun except by physician’s advice.

Scooters/ Two wheelers were unknown. The richer among the poor had a bicycle for domestic use. Domestic use meant fetching fire wood bundles ‘char coal bags’ for fuel. Oils of home use were just three in number – Gingelly or Sesame, Coconut and Ground nut oil. The most widely used was sesame oil for food and body massage on SATURDAYS [Fridays for women] referred to as ‘oil bath’- a by-gone tradition now. Another nightmarish reference to oil use related to purging of children by forcible ‘oral feed of Castor oil’ quite repulsive by taste and odour. It can unleash liberal purge in repeated pulses through the day. It was administered for all children above 5 years of age. After a day’s suffering, the children would feel to have acquired well-oiled machines in the digestive system.


Schools/ Colleges were viewed with awe and respect for the sheer discipline enforced and vigil with which students’ academic progress’ was monitored and correctives offered. Every candidate was critically scrutinized for general discipline and academic orientation. All teachers had first hand information of all the wards under their observation. Teachers were too keen to ensure appropriate approach /methods to learn subjects. The then teachers enjoyed genuine freedom to reprimand any wrong doer –no matter who the student was in terms of parents’ status [Govt. officials, high police officials, children of Doctors or Judges –who ever. Those parents would not intervene in support of their children on the principle that teacher had every right to reprimand and that reprimand alone can mend the boy’s habits and shape his future on healthy lines].Boys /Girls held their teachers in high esteem and would implicitly obey the teacher’s instructions. A disciplined life in the formative days is a powerful tool in developing attitudes to major principles of life.


In 1960s and till 1980s Colleges across T N sustained excellent standards through some quality teaching handed down by brilliant faculty who had established state-wide respect and popularity for their espousing the fantastic skill in presentation of subject matter. It is a life-time blessing to listen to such lectures. They were ‘true Professors’ who could simply electrify any session by raising quality arguments and critical evaluation of subject content. In fact students of such teachers were duly enthused to take to teaching not for its nobility but for the stupendous dominance that one can achieve by ardent effort in teaching. Those teachers did nothing wrong in any domain of academic functions –be it teaching, evaluation or judgment of student skills ; they were thoroughly objective and trained us to be true learners and there by derive the abilities to teach, teach with consummate ease to storm through our classroom efforts. We hope to have lived up to the reputation of our teachers by our honest effort and in-depth discussion of details in all critical sessions.

To continue

Prof. K. Raman

Monday, April 18, 2022




Listening is a demanding exercise; it demands time, demands keen attention, demands eagerness to learn by hearing; above all listening fructifies only if the idea is retained. What makes ‘listening’ a worthwhile effort is, connecting the information gathered to a process or practice or phenomenon.  

A major hurdle to ‘effective listening’ arises from difficulties in understanding the basics  leading to comprehension. Without comprehending the totality of information, any knowledge is fragmentary.  The problem is complex if we try to identify the real issues behind listening. The exercise called ‘listening’ is a variable as a function of age. Students [younger age] have a different disposition to listening as compared to the attitude of elderly persons [beyond 30 years of age].


The student –though less attentive, reconciles to being confined to a place for ‘listening’. An adult cannot stay put in a place for more than 2 hours at a stretch. You can observe ‘dejection lit large’ on faces of men 30+ by age whenever they participate in academic programmes like seminar or special lecture. The sag in their seats like old pillows with head tilted to a side under a soporific influence of ‘lecture. This is because the elder mind indulges in instant assessment of the resource person’s ability to present an idea. From the role of ‘listening’ the elder man turns a judge and tries to pick flaws in the message delivery. He fails to channelize the information to the right storage domain. In the process, the listener gets digressed and loses the occasion to appropriately co-ordinate all ideas; instead, [s]he is interested in the shortfalls of a lecture, only to ultimately feel that ‘nothing was clear’. Without concentrating, no lecture can help the faculty of ‘learning’.


Every malady has a remedy. A common defect in properly receiving an idea pertains to understanding of ‘terms’. It does not relate to English alone; it can happen in one’s mother tongue as well. The underlying reason is careless listening.

Carelessness in listening is from the tendency of looking around instead of sustaining attention to the speaker.  So, one should cultivate the habit of attentive listening. A simple method to turn attentive is to practice ‘noting-down‘ specific points like terms , meaning or reference or the source of information or the place or year etc. It is impossible to be inattentive if we try to mark information in a compact form. Always carry a scribble pad exclusive for the purpose of ‘recording’ information. This habit would readily compel our taking a position, physically the most advantageous for careful listening. It would inculcate the habit of punctuality in us to reach the venue in time to take vantage seat- ideal for attentive listening. Another approach could be to take along a like-minded friend with the same tools on hand so that later on the two can exchange ‘notes’ or opinion on any item of interest from a session of listening.

Listening would soon turn a pleasant exercise because one starts getting ‘clarity’ on intricate points by careful listening. Listening and pleasure thereof are mutually inclusive, each triggering the other in a ‘cause and effect’ relationship. But, please remember that one session of earnest listening can surpass the benefits of hard learning from books. Also, by listening one also gets to have a clear training on ‘how to arrange our thought‘ to plan a straight forward delivery to be a convincing conversationalist. After all, nothing succeeds like success. Try these simple methods and get to enjoy the opportunities of listening.

GOOD LUCK                   Prof. K. Raman



Sunday, April 17, 2022



With the advent of Computer as a major DEVICE to handle a variety of ‘Socio-economic’ operations, some degree of conflict is felt between traditional usage of words in English and the same words implying something else, not known to the traditional user.

Also, there is a perceptible ‘poverty’ in expressions, especially among the computer-trained personnel as against the old timers who have had an impeccable training in ‘handling’ of English as a medium of communication. The latter revel in the prescribed purity of terms while the former are both casual and causal about slipshod usages. Computer –literacy / proficiency seems to confer on those youth a sense of supremacy- more as an ego-inflating tool than defusing such notions. Right from the term ‘LANGUAGE,’ a semantic confusion pervades the minds of both categories of personnel of the old world and those of the new world. The ‘new world’ is a reference to computer-dominated world order while the ‘old world’ is a passive reference to the earlier mode of life punctuated by human effort in all day-to-day transactions.  


When a traditional term like ‘language’ is used it refers to a specific structured presentation of details in grammatically organized and paraphrased statement. If someone says I know 4 languages, it amounts to his / her being familiar with different formats of presentation typical to 4 different tongues or  Languages. These languages need not be related to one another.

If a computer-trained person claims to know 4 languages, it merely implies his/her familiarity of employing different modes of ‘feeding’ data for programming computer[s].


Traditional English refers to the act of ‘moving around’ without any defined purpose. As such it is a somewhat unpleasant activity of aimlessly moving around.

But in computer-based systems like cell phones, Roaming means being away from  a normal place [town or City or country] where the phone is generally operated from. 


Basic English term ‘boot’ is noun referring to ‘The shoe WHICH COVERS THE FOOT AND THE LEG UP TO THE KNEE.    As a verb ‘boot’ refers to the act of kicking. In colloquial use, ‘got the boot’ means ‘kicked out’ of the job.

Boot in computer application refers to the system being ready to take inputs for work. Fails to BOOT implies system fails to open up.


Default in traditional English is an aberration or failure to abide by prescribed norm. [S]He is a defaulter means [s]he is a habitual wrong-doer or does not follow the general practice.

In computer terminology, ‘By Default’ suggests that ‘automatically’ it happens. The monitor goes blank by default, if the system is not used for more than a few minutes.

Ironically, members of the old world and those of the new world do not subscribe the opinion of the other group and merely rate each other as ill informed personnel. The computer skilled person can rapidly execute work on a computer except that of ‘Drafting’ a decent communication to some other agency and invariably leans heavily on the ‘old world'  person to carve out a powerful draft.

Necessarily the ‘old’ and the ‘new’ have to co-exist and be mutually inclusive and can never be mutually inclusive.

Prof. K. Raman





Saturday, April 16, 2022



So far a number of items, though disparate have been presented –at least 1 per day. Honestly, I have myself no idea as to the relevance for these topics. Still, I have been trying to present varied themes/ subjects to the advantage of readers drawn from varied avocations. Still, it remains to be ascertained as to the utility of these. Being a blog piece, each of them has to cater to ‘general reading’ without making ‘too- academic ‘an appearance. In al,l it is a game of ‘thus far and no farther’ limits and it is an act of balancing to stay fresh without confrontationist app[e] al , nor can  look too naïve to invite bitterness of readers. It is a hard exercise of something on something and just not nothing of anything.  A tricky deal at that is the intricacy behind blog posting. 

On a number of occasions, I have experienced a state of ‘blank feeling’ trying to locate the topic for the next day. On most occasions, my choice of topic has been one of ‘impulsive flash’ than of any studied selection. Sometimes, the previous day’s posting may tempt us look for a contiguous topic, and SUCCEED in choice of topic, though the topic may not succeed as a readable material.

In any case, before we can embark on a topic, it is necessary to satisfy ourselves of the material for its content in terms of value or relevance to a situation. Items of medical importance or food value generally enjoy wide acceptability almost through the year. Certain items like Vaccines or specific drugs may need timely presentation, lest should suffer being neglected by any reader.

So, it is now important to look for ‘ideal’ topic to keep the work going on. It would be nice if our readers offer some topics that can mean something new for us to understand in all their dimensions. You may suggest – a topic or two either under ‘comments‘ or through WA link between us. Thank you

Prof. K. Raman



Friday, April 15, 2022



Guruvayur is a noted town in Trissur district of Kerala. It is a small but serene town with several small temples in a radius of a few kilometers from this temple town. However, the place is a heartthrob of Devotees of Lord Krishna, in view of the temple for Krishna whose deity is tiny but held in esteem for the deity’s radiance as a powerful ‘healer’ and people throng the place just for a glimpse of the child Krishna.  Honestly, I called it a glimpse because one has to move through narrow corridor in front of the ‘sanctum sanctorum’, in a steadily moving queue with very little scope to stand for over 30 seconds. If one desires a longer glimpse, [s] he may have to repeat the exercise of moving in a queue from the start again. A brief glimpse of Krishna in Guruvayur is a scintillating experience by a feeling of ‘satisfaction’ typical by a ‘dharshan’ of the most sought after.

The importance that ‘Guruvayur’ has gained over the years can be visibly felt by its connectivity by road /rail and the facilities for stay and food. An express train- ‘Chennai Guruvayur’Express connects most places of Tamilnadu to Guruvayur and vice-versa.  Another option could be to take to travel by road along western districts of Tamil nadu – Say Pollachi/ Coimbatore- Palakkad- Trissur- Guruvayur.

There are a large number of hotels for stay and food, besides the ones organized by Guruvayur Dewaswam board. Also, the temple has created facilities for ‘free’ supply of food to devotees in specifically organized ‘Dining halls‘ in the vicinity of temple. It is a matter of preference for us to choose a facility convenient to us. Access to the precincts of the temple can be had by availing of roads defined as Nadas’ –East, West, South based on the location of the road with reference to the direction relative to temple. I have not had the occasion to know of the ‘north nada’ to the temple. The most popular of course is the Eat Nada that connects key locales as Bus stand, and the road connecting with Railway station. There are connecting roads to the other nadas from ‘East’.  Being the main thoroughfare, the East Nada has a straight lay out facilitating a distant vision of the Temple from across a kilometer or so. It is quite an imposing view from that point- the main entry. A statue of the Divine bird ‘Garuda’ welcomes us as we enter the East nada. On either side along East nada several business establishments like hotels, Eateries and shops are located.

Legend has it that, Lord Krishna after the ‘Kurukshetra’ battle wanted to relax in some calm place rich in vegetation. In an effort to locate a place of such description, the two Divine personalities, ‘Guru’ and ‘Vaayu’ were surveying the area. In that mission, when they came to this place they found ‘Lord Shiva’. The Lord who was  here then suggested ‘Let Lord Krishna’ relax here ; I shall move to a nearby locale’. So, Lord Shiva is in ‘Mammiyur’ just about 1 km Westward from Guruvayur. In honour of the two persons –Guru and Vayu – the place is named Guruvayur. Also, legend has it that any visit to Guruvayur’ can be complete only if the devotee visits ‘Mammiyur’.                                                                                                   An announcement to thius effect is placed in the outer ‘praakaara’ exterior to ‘Bagvathi’ sanctum sanctorum’ just North of Guruvayurappan ‘sannadhi’.

There are a few temples within or near the limits of Guruvayur. These include Mammiyur [ Shiva temple], Chamundeeswari [Shakthi temple], Parthasarathy temple , Lord Venkatachalapathi temple. Dharshan can be had in all these temples in about 2 hours. A night and 2 day time stay at Guruvayur would suffice for the nearby visits including ‘AAnaikkottaaram’ about 5 KM where all temple elephants of Guruvayur are maintained in natural surroundings. Some 64 elephants are kept. Except the very old ones, others are released for temple duty in pairs for a month in turns.

The legendary elephant ‘Kesavan’ of Guruvayur, after serving Lord for about 65 years , despite failing health carried the Deity in procession and rushed out of the temple and breathed his last just outside the temple on an ‘EKADHASI’ day and dropped dead. In honour of this elephant a life-like statue of KESAVAN is erected in on a platform, south of the temple. Guruvayur temple offers Dharshan during most hours except for a brief 2- 2 1/2                hours between 3-15 am and 5-30 am or so, just after ‘Nirmalyam’  dharshan around 2.40 am to 3.15 am. On most days ‘Sree veli’ dharshan is available--one each in the morning [6-30am] and evening [4-45pm,] when Lord Guruvayurappan [Uthsava moorthy] is taken on a 3 round procession within the temple premises. On special occasions, only 2 0r 5 rounds are also performed. During ‘Sree veli’, Lord is taken on a decorated elephant. Most temple elephants in Kerala are tuskers, unlike in Tamil nadu. Just prior to ‘Sree veli’ senior citizens are permitted entry through a separate queue [6.00 AM and 4.00 PM]. A trip to ‘Guruvayur’ is more than a rewarding experience always by the sheer variety of ‘Alankaras’   presented on sessions of Dharshan. Besides, the celebrated ‘NARAYANEEYAM’ WAS RENDERED in the hall opposite the deity by Sri. Narayana Bhattathiri [of Melapaththur]- a staunch devotee of Sri. Guruvayurappan.  A divine place so close to us.

Prof. K. Raman

Thursday, April 14, 2022



If the term appears uncomfortable take it as the grand pa. But, ‘grand pa’ would create the impression of relationship, though the present endevour does not refer to specific individual. The information presented is to be more generic and so ‘old man’ fits the description better. To appropriately understand the details or features, one should travel 65-70 years back into the times, since such personalities are not around for us to infer how those  old men were.

The old man being referred to was able-bodied but suffered hindered vision. So, he was fond of ‘commanding’ errands from young boys –not necessarily his grand children. Like the proverbial crane watching for ‘prey’ the O M [OLD MAN] was invariably seated in big platform in the frontage of house. If he spots a boy [ 8- 10 in age] he would signal him to come near ; then he would in a low whisper tell the boy ‘please buy PATTANAM SNUFF’ from ‘Murugan shop’ on the bazaar street; so saying the OM would pass on a 4 Anna coin [=25 paise]and further tell him ‘come bag quick , without walking in the hot Sun’. When the boy returns with the material, he would critically examine the label for ‘pattanam stuff’; if he was not convinced, the OM would not hesitate to send the boy back with a firm directive to gather only ‘pattanam stuff’.  Now the boy is more alert lest he should again go in search of ‘pattanam snuff’. Once done, the OM would not fail to say ‘thanks’. This- the OMs practised almost daily.

Again the OM WOULD REAPPEAR on the platform by 11.00 am and await for a passer b[o]y. This time OM sendts another boy to a particular house by naming the inmate of that house and tells,  ‘please fetch ‘HINDU’ Paper [of that day], by telling him that Railway maamaa wants. Again he would express ‘thanks’. This boy may say ‘no much sir’. OM with wide open eyes further magnified by the spectacle he wore would be frightening and say ‘what did you say? ’no much’. It is wrong, say ‘don’t mention please’. OM would turn a tutor to anyone without hesitation.

By 3.00 pm the OM takes ‘mesmerizing’ filter coffee- pretty hot, delivered into his mouth from a silver tumbler with a definite capacity for 400 ml. The ‘delivery ‘would be from a height of 3 inches from his mouth.  The hot stuff reminds something to OM; Yes, to procure Coffee seeds from India Coffee Depot. OM is saddened that it is already 3.20 pm; India Coffee Depot shuts by 2.30 pm.

The next day the OM , deputes his grandson to buy coffee seeds [Plantation A] and strongly warns the boy not to buy the flat seeds[ Plantation B] But, the OM does not trust the boy’s arithmetic ability and insists on ‘purchase bill from I C D’ counter. It will be easier to tally the cost with the bill and the balance returned. Those OMs were meticulous about every paisa spent and that it should be accounted for.

Most OMs were excellent with their English- diction, usage, grammar and spelling. Most girls would seek help from such OM for doubt clearing. OMs were very sensible too; they would not send any girl to any work , besides would ensure that girls reach their homes safe and in time. Most OMs were genuine prides of their locality. Quite organized were those OMs of 1960s , 1970s and earlier.

Prof. K. Raman

Wednesday, April 13, 2022



Growing pets at home must have been a product of Western influence, especially from the British who had established their presence on the Indian soil. It is a common sight in England, where elderly women move around in London streets with their Pets as healthy as the masters themselves. To our surprise at times the Pet is more cared for than even the members of the family. Till late 1970s or so, Indian household by and large had no ‘Pet culture’. 

Gradually, it got social acceptance and it slowly has attained the stature of ‘STATUS SYMBOL’ to keep pets at home. How does it bother us? It does, since the pet is so big a pet that the masters behave petty even when they drop in as our guests. Those masters do not leave the pet back home even when they visit weddings in another town. When their car moves out from the garage, it is pet that jumps into the vehicle and hangs his head out through the window, casting a menacing look on any passer-by. That is ‘their’ head ache. But when they call on us on the premise of attending some wedding or interview, the pet makes a Royal entry and chooses to bark at us. 

We are worried as our boys liberally target [pelt stones] barking dogs. The masters pacify us telling that Oh- he is just greeting … but, these visitors never greet us, as they are interested in the upkeep of their pet than of any concern for the hosts. Perhaps hosts look like ghosts for them and in response to the masters’ moods, the pet barks at only the host and servants of the host household. There is lot of fuss about feeding the pet. Being naïve, our children throw items like ‘appalam’ before him. He sniffs and starts sneezing. 

The masters are panicky that the animal has picked up cold; the elder son of that family catches the snout of the animal, and plants himself on the neck of the animal and ‘force opens’ the jaws of the pet and sprays some medicine into the throat of the pet and gets up triumphantly, looking around in gusto of his act of dare devilry of opening the dog’s mouth.  The whole morning turns irritating for the hosts as the pet menacingly sniffs every member of the host family. The owners of the pet merely enjoy our plight and do precious little to confine the animal by chain. They preach ‘pets should not be chained if they should be loyal to us’. 

Our mother murmurs within herself ‘who wants this saturn’s  [sani’s] loyalty’. Even more menacing is the cruel demand for a special gruel to be made for the pet to be ‘slow-cooked‘ in mineral water. The orthodox host asks ‘give us the cooking vessel to make the gruel’. The pet owner jetting the lower lip in disapproval says ‘use your utensil and make the broth’. The alert host retrieves an old vessel from a gunny bag and makes the gruel for the animal. The host asks’ What would you have for breakfast?’ The guest ‘we take just coffee and after bath go to the wedding hall; after wedding we visit temple; from the wedding hall itself we return to Chennai by early morning tomorrow in our car. A huge sigh of relief pervades the air and all children of the host family eagerly await the guests moving off to the wedding destination. Soon after they leave, the younger boy is caught hold of and his ear twitched firmly with a question “why did you throw the ‘appalam’ to that Saturn. None can eat it as the ‘pet has sniffed it’. Don’t be stupid to waste any food”.

What is a pet to someone may not delight everyone else, especially, when the pet owners take it to such host destinations. For those who have no pets, such animals as grown-up dogs cause anxious moments of disturbing experience. Pet keepers would do well to leave their pets in their home under someone’s care instead of making others uncomfortable.

Prof. K. Raman 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022



Certainly the opening word in caps is no reference to World Health Organization; it is a question trying to figure out the names or identities of persons behind the very formulation. Of what value has this formulation been is a matter for deeper assessment and appreciation. Yes, I am presenting the real concept of a balanced food preparation that takes care of essential dietary needs of humans. I deem it ‘balanced‘because the ingredients thereof serve defined purposes in the item – ‘PONGAL’. Across best part of the country, the name ‘Pongal’ is widely used and understood.

The very nomenclature of the item refers to its preparatory method of ‘boiling’ [pongudhal in Tamil] the ingredients to derive the hot amalgam of healthy assemblage. Look at its constituents and evaluate their individual value as a food or medicine or both. That is why my ‘awe’ as to who formulated it.       It must have been a product of lengthy evolution of food, food culture, recipe science or recipe art , native wisdom to associate or incorporate herbal medicines with [or into] food. By common sense, several points appear vivid.


Any staple cereal is a carbohydrate source as the basic donor of energy. No other plant product can deliver so much energy as do the carbohydrates. [Rice/ Wheat/ other Cereals serve our energy needs]   In ‘Pongal’ the main ingredient is Rice – a Carbohydrate.

PROTEINS [For well-being]

Proteins are essential for healthy organization of tissues / muscles and several functional enzymes are also proteins by organization. The common proteins are different pulses or grams. They are from plants of the ‘Bean’ family. In ‘Pongal’ the protein is green gram [Vigna radiata] [Payaththam paruppu or Pasi paruppuTamil] / Pesarat bele [Kannada]. It is low in Fat, rich in vitamin –B, Calcium, Potassium, fibre and  it readily promotes digestion.

SPICES [For health /Immunity]

‘Pongal’ commands a wide appeal largely due to a set of spices which go into its making. Often, the flavour that accrues to this amalgam is a legitimate taste besides the satiation of palate when the stuff is steaming hot. Quite a few items line-up in decorating the stuff by appearance of looks and appeal to olfactory tickle.

PEPPER [Piper nigrum]

The ‘black pearls’ liberally strewn in the stuff are pepper a stimulant spice that triggers copious salivary output if pepper is half chewed. The hot feel of pepper is a positive addition more as a medicine than as any irritant. There are a range of biochemical constituents in pepper. In addition ‘Piperine’ –an alkaloid in pepper is known to handle a variety of dysfunctions and restore health in humans. Pepper promotes ‘absorption’ of nutrients. Vitamin-C , tannins, flavonoids , carotenoids occur in pepper adding to its value.

CUMIN SEEDS [Cuminum cyminum]

The tiny sharp ‘arrow-like’ brown seeds of Cumin [ jeerakam or jeera or jeerige] are nature’s gift to human welfare. It improves taste and digestive ability. It is a carminative and can control fever. Cumin in the preparation adds to aroma and draws attention. 

MILK [A balanced diet in itself]

At least on the occasion of ‘Pongal festival’, ‘Pongal‘ is prepared in ‘boiling’ cow’s milk as the cooking liquid to which soaked rice is added . On other occasions water is the cooking medium.

CASHEW NUT KERNELS [A Sensational additive]

Cashew kernels contain Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Calcium and Proteins. They have soft texture and mesmerizing ‘taste’. Vitamin –B, C and proteins also add to taste.

MAGIC INGREDIENT [For supplementation]

What makes ‘pongal’ a palate –enslaving item is the optimum content of fresh ghee ; it serves to render the amalgam soft , non sticky and pleasant to taste. Too little or too high Ghee is not helpful.                               

Ghee there- in, serves to provide some PLEASANT flavor and a little healthy fat. 


‘Pongal’ has total food value with all vital supplements to human health and its holistic formulation is in principle –a working concept of ‘balanced diet’ through a single item. No wonder, all South Indian hotels have pongal as a break-fast item. Who formulated it? It is a product of ‘evolved civilization’.

Prof. K .Raman




  P B SRINIVAS   3 பி பி ஸ்ரீனிவாஸ் -3 வாழ்க்கை படகு படம் பலருக்கு ஒரு வகையில் முதல் படம் , விஸ்வநாதன் - ராமமூர்த்தி முதலில்...